Sunday 28 July 2013


Agathiyar reveals to his student Pulastyar that the Siddhas are in the form of Jyothi, in the Jyothi and as the Jyothi and that, that Jyothi is Shivan.

Swami Saravanananda who had witnessed balls of fire while he was keeping night vigils in the Pothigai hills writes in his transliteration of ARUTPERUNJHOTI AGAVAL, “The body of such a person (Siddha) appears to be a ball of fire or a pillar of fire.”

Swami Saravanananda mentions the personal experience of Lama Anagarika Govinda in Bhutan,
“The swift moving lights which I had seen gliding over the range have no human origin. They move about the most difficult ground with an ease and speed that no human being can attain apparently floating in air. I have seen them moving right through the palace grounds towards the site where now the temple stands.”
Swami Saravanananda mentions John Blofeld’s experience too with the phenomenon of floating lights from his book THE WHEEL OF LIFE.
“John had spent months on the sacred mountain of Wee Tai Shan in China, the mountain dedicated to Bodhisattva Manjusri. There in the great open space beyond the window apparently not more than 200 yards away innumerable balls of fire floated majestically past. We could not judge their size. Nobody could tell from where he or she came, what he or she was, and where he or she went after fading from sight in the west. Fluffy balls of orange colored fire, moving through space, unhurried and majestic, truly a fitting manifestation of divinity.”
Swami Saravanananda says he himself was fortunate enough to have had the darshan of these balls of light. The first vision he had was when he was meditating in a dry riverbed. At about midnight, he could see balls of fireballs of varied hues and pure white - of the size of the headlight of a car. Those lights would appear on the tops of palm trees situated on the riverbank. They moved majestically here and there and sometimes seemed to be playing with one another. They hovered around the Swami and came towards him within 10 feet where he was sitting and then retreated. They stood above his head and seemed to be watching his thoughts.

He had a similar experience of witnessing the balls of fire while he was keeping night vigils in the hills of Pothigai.

People here called these balls of fire the luminous Siddhas - the bodies of celestials and advanced Siddhas.

Swami Saravanananda quotes Sri Aurobindo in his book SUPRAMENTAL MANIFESTATION ON EARTH,
“As an instrument the body could become a revealing vessel of a supreme bliss and beauty, casting the beauty of the light of the spirit suffusing radiating from it as a lamp reflects and diffuses the luminosity of its indwelling flame, carrying in itself the beatitude of the spirit its joy of the seeing mind, its joy of life and spiritual happiness, the joy of matter released into a spiritual consciousness and thrilled with a constant ecstasy. This could be the total perfection of the spiritualized body.”
Tavayogi took me to Kalyana Theertam at the foot of the famed Pothigai Hills near Papanasam in 2005, where Tavayogi and the local folks say the Siddhas come out in the form of balls of light after 11 pm. However, since Tavayogi preferred to spend the night in Agathiyar’s cave at Courtalam we did not stay to witness this spectacle but headed for Courtalam.

Jnana Jyothiamma, a staunch devotee of Agathiyar, had the privilege and was blessed to see these lights appear from nowhere, hover directly above her head and slowly make its way to the idol of Agathiyar and Lopamudra at Kalyana Theertam in the Pothigai mountain range quite recently in February of 2013.

Jnana Jyothiamma describes the event in her own words,
“The latest clip what you just posted...Miracles by Siddhas, I feel the words 'Effulgence of light or streaks of beaming light' can be used instead of  'Display of lights'. Display means projection/presentation/something that can be seen and noticed...something very Ordinary...Effulgence of light or streaks of beaming light can mean...something Heavenly /Divine. This is just my understanding Shan..."
Jnana Jyothiamma explains further,
“The jyothi. You will notice after you see all the pics .. how it moves and finally merges with daddy .. It merges with father and mother... (She lovingly calls Agathiyar - Daddy)”.
She was then lead into the caves at Kalyana Theertam where she witnesses another spectacle.

Jnana Jyothiamma has this to say,
“Proceeding to daddy's cave where Sadhu Krishnaveni Amma used to meditate... inside the cave. Notice the speck of light at the right side. You will eventually notice that it comes out as a star.”
This miracle was captured on a digital camera by Siddha Vaidyar Dr. Ram Subramaniam who accompanied Jnana Jyothiamma and is available at In her case it was midday when this beam of light made itself visible - only through the lens of a camera.