Thursday 1 May 2014


Bala Chandran left for India to participate in the Siddhar Vizha at Kallar ashram. While there he was blessed to have his a reading from Agathiyar's Jeeva Nadi. Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal read the revelation by Agathiyar while Mataji made a transcribe of the revelation. Later Mataji read the transcribe out to Bala which he recorded and made it available for Siddha Heartbeat.

Agathiyar spoke about Bala's numerous Nadi readings by Nadi Guru Ramesh in Malaysia prior to him seeking Agathiyar's Jeeva Nadi at Kallar. Bala was equally devoted to Agathiyar in his past life as revealed by Agathiyar. Agathiyar addresses all of Bala's questions. Agathiyar explains the purpose of life, giving him certain instructions and assures him that he was around to care for him. As Bala was to leave on a pilgrimage of Indian temples after the Siddhar Vizha, to fulfill the instructions on performing atonement or parikaram in his earlier Nadi, Agathiyar assigns his student Pulastya to accompany Bala. If Bala had handed to Tavayogi sketches of Agathiyar and Thava Murugan in his earlier trip to Kallar during the Guru Puja and was honored on stage, which Agathiyar revealed in his earlier Nadi, in this Jeeva Nadi reading Agathiyar reveals that Konganar and Korakar where very happy to see Bala's masterpiece of Ramalinga Adigal that he passed on to Tavayogi.