Wednesday 16 October 2024


Let us place ourselves in the shoes of a Siddha right here and now. A Siddha is immersed in joy and bliss having attained a state of PerAnandham that is spoken of but cannot be envisioned by us as for now we have yet to reach this state. His only wish would be to share it with us. But are there takers and listeners for if he were to touch and show us this state it would only be momentary. One has to follow the path, the way, the methods, and the practices to arrive there. Already as it is he is sharing his bliss to all who reach out to it. The Siddhas who are in the Prapanjam and vice versa do touch, caress, embrace and envelop us every moment but we are unaware of their touch. What man sees in them is their ability to enact the 8 Siddhis that the Siddhas are said to be able to display. But of what use is it to show it off? Of what use is it to pass this knowledge to the common man? But in coming to a living Siddha they only eye these and want to be blessed with these gifts to be used for ulterior motives. Others wait on these Siddhas to learn the tricks and means to doing these Siddhis. They are not keen to become a Siddha themselves for a Siddha lives by his word and honesty or Satyam. No one approaches a Siddha asking him to make him another Siddha. 

Then there are others who come for solutions to their personal problems. Many come for relief and cure for their illnesses. Many equally come seeking justice and a share of the wealth and property left behind, and become instant millionaires. Many come for job promotions in their careers. Yes, men and women from all walks of life stand before the Siddhas and their Nadi seeking all these perishable things. Should the Siddha who has left all these behind and sits in quietitude and bliss be concerned?

Many whine about the services provided for instance in hospitals, the delays in having to wait long hours, etc. If only they took care of their health well they would not be there, right? It is wrong to then blame others for keeping us waiting, right? This is only one example. There are many more. I have heard public outcry and individuals complain almost about everything. If we do not want to be in a situation we should take the right measures right now. We stand before the Siddhas and the Nadi having taken debts and not been able to settle them; not caring for our health and having succumbed to illnesses; giving in to greed, making heavy losses after investing in scams without checking their authenticity; knowingly racing down the road in a vehicle and getting caught for a speeding offense; not wearing the safety belt and thrown out of the vehicle and breaking bones as the car turns turtle; knowing it is wrong to break the law but yet doing it and many more instances where we land ourselves in trouble and seek solutions from the Siddhas and expecting the Siddhas and others to help us promptly and on time. It just isn't fair to the Siddhas and the other party. If you don't want trouble then stay out of trouble.

The Siddha creates a situation and has us form an opinion. This is how we learn from experiences. It is not as with reading a textbook. No teacher walks in each morning to take the class. The world is our teacher. I have seen a fair share of grievances like the above brought up before the Siddha in the Nadi looking towards a solution and an escape route. But do these people sincerely atone for their mistakes and blunders and promise not to do it again? It is pointless to help them out of this situation to see them do it again. No one is asking them to be a saint, but at least they should not repeat these mistakes or wrongdoings. Agathiyar has saved me from numerous occasions that would have turned the table on me if not for him. He saved me on all these occasions and still does. But how long can he sustain my life and all my wrongdoings if I keep on doing them? He might lose his patience and let go of the rope. I shall then drown forever in my doings. 

But the Siddhas being the most compassionate do not turn them away. At times it might seem like they give false hope but at the least that keeps them alive, for otherwise if the truth is made known or they are told there is no cure and that they have to live with it, those weak in spirit might end their lives before their time is up and the souls shall roam about. 

For one who the Siddha comes to his aid, the least he could do is to change over a new leaf or drop the earlier lifestyle. He need not join the path but at least change for the better by taking care of himself, being careful in all his actions, atoning for his mistakes, and maybe taking up the tasks of caring for others till his last days. There must be a strong reason to save one from an impending death. If I was Agathiyan, I would ask "Now tell me why should I save you?" They would answer I have a family to take care of, I have elderly parents to look after, I need to marry off my child, I need to look after my spouse, I am the breadwinner in the family, and many more reasons to live, just as those before the dock plead for leniency saying that they have aged parents or a wife and children to care for. Does all these justify an extension or a bail for that matter? One who has survived death should either seek to know answers to life and its mysteries and why he was there, or give himself in service to others, or lead others to a better and purposeful life, rather than going back to doing what he did before. This would justify his extension.  

Do not claim that you have a right to things and a right to live. Everyone has a right to his space too. We are all here for a divine purpose that we are unaware of. Though our lives are not in our hands, we can do much with our lives. The limbs are given not to feed oneself and go places. It is given to feed one another and help another. These are part of the 5 tenets for mankind that Agathiyar presented before the assembly of the wise during the Tamil Sangam of the past. This is life. We are here to learn and improve ourselves and maybe lift another up while here.