Tuesday 15 October 2024


Coming to us last night through a telephone conversation that he interrupted, Agathiyar enlightened us further about the secrets of life. How are desires made? Even the simplest form of expectation and subsequent disappointment calls for the fulfillment of the event, says Agathiyar. For instance, say we go over to a place with full expectations of how things should be but are disappointed by the outcome, this calls for another event to satisfy the former expectation that now has turned into a subtle form of desire. So the best way to get rid of these subtle forms of desires is not to determine the course of the event but to go with the flow without expectations. When we have expectations we tend to get angry and frustrated too when the events do not go as planned or expected. The best way to handle the moment would be to be a white piece of paper having no writings on it, no preconceived notions, ideas, plans, or expectations so that we would not be disappointed and create these subtle desires that warrant us to go through another session. Sometimes we need to learn life lessons the hard way, getting knocked hard on the head so that it registers and stays in us. This is the experience that brings on Gnanam. 

For most of us, we have to go through what is fated and destined. As Karma or the law of cause and effect and action and reaction is the factor that determines one's fate where we head or what we shall have to go through in this life, that sets our destiny, Agathiyar reminds us not to comment on others Karma, fate and destiny. It shall all take place as fated and destined he said. If the Siddha comes to their aid and gives them remedies and ways to get out of their predicament or gives them methods and practices to evolve further or blessings and means to their wishes coming through, it is a sign that he or she could work on his or Karma to dissolve it or at least dilute it to a certain extent, provided he or she has faith and belief in their words and move to do it. Having done so, one has to stand clear and watch the subsequent events unfold without having high expectations, pursuing it, giving reviews and comments, and trying to understand why it wasn't happening or was delayed. Now I understand why many have desires and wants not fulfilled to this day. 

Earlier when he had us carry out charity, he told us not to take pity nor sympathize with their dilemma but to do whatever possible to rid their hunger or problem or suffering for that moment and move on. He asked that we not get caught in the web that they had spun for themselves. Now I understand why Tavayogi too stayed clear of taking on others' Karma.