Monday 17 June 2024


The Para(Atma), Brahman, Atma or Soul took a journey back then in the way past known only to the Siddhas, to experience its nature. For that to happen, it needed all the opposites to come into being. And so Maya came about. The world of opposites came about with it. The Gods and Goddesses, the Devas and Devis, the deities came about. Creation beyond our imaginations came into being. Man too evolved with the rests in time. He sails through this world of opposites often getting caught in its snares and keeps coming back looking for an escape route and the highway back to being the Light. 

Men who managed through to find the way came back as gurus and guides. But they could not lift us and place us back into our original home. They could only show us the path, the way and knowhow on reaching home. We have to take the walk. It is a long walk for many like us. Along the way we become guides to others too. But each has a journey, separate and unique in every sense, that has to be completed. But the irony is that there is no destination or road map. All roads lead within, we eventually come to find out. Now I understand what Tavayogi meant when he penned an autograph in the pages of his book "Andamum Pindamum" that I purchased from him. He wrote the following when translated meant, "God lives in your heart, from where the journey starts and ends too." 

I am amazed to realize now that Tavayogi had hinted all the secrets on the onset. It was just that we could not make it out then. But leading us on a journey of experiencing for ourselves rather than learning sitting at his feet, we came to see these truths take shape and materialize in our lives too. These became our experiences rather than listening to his. These experiences and the lessons gained shaped us into the likes of his. We carry him within in all manner. Tavayogi lives in us.