Friday 12 July 2024


Calling me to the worship of the Siddhas through the Kaanda Nadi reading in 2002, the following year, Agathiyar sent me to make good my past Karma by carrying out remedies both locally and in India, and atonement for the past doings, making a resolve not to repeat them. He then sent Tavayogi to our shores in 2005 to guide me and several others. Months later, Tavayogi brought me on a long walk into the jungles and to the caves, tracing the path of the Siddhas and his, that he had traveled in the days of his search the length and breadth of India. He showed me their abodes and temples. He introduced me to doing charity, which was alien to me then, at his Kallar ashram. Upon returning home, he often visited us and passed on further practices including teaching and showing me and several others, Asanas and Pranayama techniques in 2007. Meanwhile, Agathiyar and several other Siddhas filled me in with further observances and practices through numerous Aasi Nadi readings. Then he brought several youths to my home in 2013 to watch and learn Siddha puja. My home took on the name Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM). He brought us to doing charity and carrying out feeding in the homes of the poor and unfortunate, in the orphanages and old folks' homes, on the streets, and on the temple grounds through our charity arm Amudha Surabhi (AS). He had us bring our Siddha puja into the corridors of temples too. Then he gave the green light for me to take optional retirement from the service in 2016 preparing me to give my full time and attention to going within. In 2019, he had me dissolve these groups, all that he started and end all activities, and go within, teaching me further practices, while he released the others to fulfill their responsibilities towards their families, kin, and careers. He tells me that henceforth the journey has to be traveled solo as the path narrows permitting only one at a time. I withdrew from all forms of activities as directed and began to walk alone. This period of solitary was conducive for inner transformation to take place. The dormant energies in the Muladhara Chakra activated in 2011, without my knowledge, as a result of all the previous practices carried out, began to pool and stagnate in Manipuraka Chakra. Agathiyar came to have it released in 2022 and it began to travel to the higher Chakras. Agathiyar told me, that if we had physically undertaken numerous journeys traveling to holy places and energy vortexes earlier, it was now a journey of subtle travel, traversing the energy vortexes or Chakras within oneself. The culmination of this journey is Gnanam, he declared, something that Tavayogi always spoke about and wanted us to attain. 

This is as far as our solo journey brings us to. This is when the butterfly emerges from the cocoon. Thenceforth the individual soul in us or the JeevAtma takes on the role of bringing others to the path, to taste the blissful state it is in too, that of a Jeevanmukta. Whatever he does thenceforth is for the good of all of creation. The tasks and mission henceforth add to the merits of the gurus and the rest of the lineage. Besides this, his acts shall help eradicate the remaining Karma of his parents and ancestors. He joins the other Jeevanmuktas to power and energize the Prapanjam in return. It is the time to give back to the Prapanjam what he had taken before while walking the journey. He moves in this world but is not attached. He could move the world too if desired but he stops short of giving a helping hand to lift the souls from their predicaments. He whiles his time here until his time is up. He then continues his work in the subtle plane. This is the nature of the gurus.