Wednesday 10 July 2024


Speaking to a devotee moments ago on the phone on the path and the methods, Agathiyar made me realize that what exists is solely the divine. Whatever happens is truly divine in nature. We are living in the illusion that we are existing and moving things. Agathiyar told us that Gnanam is not gifted but has to be earned by working towards it. It is all about transforming into him and becoming him. What remains after that is not this individual called Shanmugam Avadaiyappa but only Agathiyan. 

Maya tricks us into believing that we are real and the world is real. Maya tricks us into thinking that we are moving and driving things. We are only the appliances that are powered by him. Once an appliance is broken it can be repaired at times or has to be replaced with something new, often the latest or newer version. Similarly, when this body (Udal) that houses the breath (Uyir) and the soul (Atma) is on the verge of collapse it can be saved for the moment and its lifespan extended. If the soul needs to move on, the breath leaves for good and does not return. The body dies. The soul builds another body from scratch to live in, bringing the breath within.

We are asked to know about the Tattvas that govern the body and take care of it. We are asked to know the breath and govern it rather than control it. We are asked to realize the soul that brings together both the body and breath and dwells in it. Walking the path of discovery of this body, breath, and soul helps this trinity live longer to accomplish what it came for. But sadly we are using them for our selfish gains, damaging the body by not caring for it; wasting the breath and diminishing its count through wasteful activities; and living our lives in ignorance of the soul that is Agathiyan; eventually wasting this precious opportunity given to take birth as a human.

First, there was a calling to the path. Agathiyar in the Kaanda Nadi spoke about life's mysteries, karma, and birth. Then the Siddhas called on us to care for the body through the numerous Aasi Kaandam readings. Then the call to move up the ladder from Bakthi to Gnanam was made with the coming of Tavayogi, the guru in physical form. In giving us Yogic practice he called us to observe the breath, Siva, the lifegiver. Agathiyar came later to call us to go within. To help us do this, he had us give up worship, rituals, and all acts of charity. We were taught to let go of even the good deeds that would call for another birth where we shall be rewarded for it. In traveling within we shall come face to face with the soul. We then identify it as the Self. We become one. Yegan. Agathiyan. We settle within, at peace with the Self, complete in all aspects, till the final calling comes to leave everything behind and head for home.