Tuesday 20 August 2024


This world is full of magic and mystery if only time stood still for us. But as we are forever chasing first going after the paper chase and later after the ladies, position and authority, respect and honor, property and wealth, we miss the magic. There is magic in the air. There is magic in us. There is magic all around us. The guru comes not to perform magic or Siddhis but brings us to see them. The magic is waiting out there to happen. 

The guru shall not bring us to another world. He would help open our eyes to see the magic and mystery in this very world as did Tavayogi show me Agathiyar open his left eye in his granite statue at Agasthiyampalli and subsequently both eyes at Papanasam. One would ask how is that possible? How could one see the eye or eyes engraved in a granite stone open? But it did, only after Tavayogi pointed it out to me. Bringing our children or grandchildren on an excursion we too tend to point out things of interest to them, don't we? We know of grandmothers and mothers pointing the kids to the moon and feeding them food. Similarly, the guru who has been there and seen it shows it to us too. The guru shall open our eyes to see things that missed our attention before. The guru points us to these miracles and magic and feeds us the experience that becomes Gnanam. A guru like Tavayogi would jump-start our vehicle or Self and step aside for the wonder he had seen and undergone to unfold in us too. The divine chooses to show herself when and as she chooses after that, whether the guru accompanies us or not. The magic happened again at AVM in 2013 when Jnana Jothiamma visited us and we conducted puja. Agathiyar opened his eyes in his bronze statue!