Tuesday 27 August 2024


Agathiyar who came to me through a Kaanda Nadi reading initially in 2002, suggested I add Siddha worship to my usual puja to the other deities. Seeing my curiosity to know more about the worship, he came through the Aasi Nadi some 56 times to guide me further, branching into the fields of diet and Yoga too. Hence began a wonderful relationship with a guru in the subtle form. He roped in the assistance of Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal of Kallar Ashram, India, too whom he sent to our shores in 2005. Hence began a wonderful relationship with a guru in the physical form. Tavayogi brought me to physically walk the path that led into the jungles and caves of the Western Ghats in India, rather than hold classes in the comfort of airconditioned buildings. He had us follow the steps and techniques of Pranayama and Asanas that he did with us. With Tavayogi came his lineage of gurus beginning with Agathiyar, Ramalinga Adigal, Jeganatha Swamigal, and Chitramuthu Adigal. I am grateful to them. 

After the absence of Tavayogi, Agathiyar began to come through devotees to continue the legacy. Now "being in a legacy" has increased my chance of being accepted into their fold. This was made simple and easy for me compared to the tough terrain and hardship that many seniors and peers on the path had to respectively traverse and go through, by the kindness of my first guru Supramania Swami of Tiruvannamalai who merited me his forty years of Tavam, Tapas, and austerities. With Supramania Swami came his lineage of gurus beginning with his own father Jayaraman Pillai, Pundi Mahan (Atru Swami), Sandhanandha Swami of Salem, Kollimalai Swami and Yogi Ramsuratkumar (Visiri Swami). I am grateful to them. 

If initially Agathiyar came through the Kaanda Nadi and Aasi Nadi, he spoke through the Jeeva Nadi in the possession of Tavayogi and several other Nadi readers later. At times I used to wonder if Agathiyar spoke directly through Tavayogi too for there were many similar inferences and references between them. Agathiyar who later came through devotees after Tavayogi left his mortal frame spilled the beans recently telling us that he had come through him. But Tavayogi chose not to show it fearing unwanted publicity and judgment from the public.

Agathiyar some time back had come to Mahindren, having him note down while he delivered a brief explanation about the body, breath, and soul, that satisfied our thirst to know about our origin and existence. Recently he came into my thoughts just as he had with Mahin and had me jot down the purpose, method, and journey, justified and simplified for the masses.

When I went searching for information on Siddha worship knocking on the doors of existing establishments and movements, there was a negative opinion from some followers whom I presumed had left the path, telling me that life would be disrupted, marriages severed, and males would leave their families to lead a life of mendicants in following the Siddhas. I did not and could not accept this observation of theirs. I wanted to prove them wrong. As Agathiyar had told me specifically to come to the worship of the Siddhas I took it up gathering songs from the many books I purchased some from these movements and others from bookshops that carried them and got down to praising the Siddhas in my puja room at home. Soon my wife and children confronted me as to what I was doing behind closed doors. When Tavayogi came he told me to bring them to the path too. Hence the family got together to conduct the Homam that Tavayogi directed us to do and the libation or Abhisegam that Agathiyar had us do to his bronze statue which he commissioned be made in Swamimalai. After years of worship and doing charity Agathiyar had us conduct or rather he came to conduct our 60th wedding and broke the earlier accusation towards the Siddhas that a portion of the public had held on to and spread. We are grateful to Agathiyar for breaking the myth. We have to show others and prove them wrong. If previously I had shared several of my Nadi readings on my YouTube channel to prove to the public that the Nadi worked in my favor from day one, after seeing accusations towards this medium of conversation between Siddha and man grow, I have begun to compile and share the conversation that Agathiyar had with us over the years after the pandemic set in, the Nadi readers left for India, and after the demise of Tavayogi, with the hope that it shall break all existing wrong notions held about and on the Siddhas and show them in a new light. Agathiyar brought my attention to the souring number of viewership for these videos telling me that there shall be more to come. Agathiyar is all out to break the false notions held and carried on all these years.


In the years when I came to know Jnana Jothiamma and she asked me to relay live the Siddha puja that I carried out with my family in my home so that she could follow the puja in her aunt's home in the USA, I would telecast live these pujas initially for her eyes only through Skype. Later when another devotee from the USA too requested the same I began to stream them on my YouTube channel. Going by the viewership I believe many others too sat through these pujas with us.