Saturday 7 September 2024


It has been a long journey both Agathiyar and I agreed. If I thought the twenty-two years, I was with him was long, he tells me that we were together for crores of years. We sure differ on time space. Where does he reside? What does he do? Who is he? Even after these many years worshipping him I am not close to finding answers to these questions as yet. He is still a mystery. Wanting to know from, as they say the horse's mouth, Surendran posed the question of his origin expecting him to answer in the Nadi. Though he asked us not to investigate the source and asked of what use shall it be to us now, the most compassionate and loving father stopped short of giving some hints that endorsed parts of what Dr Mandayam Kumar from the Siddha Medical Research Institute in Bangalore and P. Karthigayan in his "History of Medical and Spiritual Sciences of Siddhas of Tamil Nadu", wrote. The latter quotes Bhogar as having mentioned that Agathiyar was from a family of farmers. This little-known fact was mentioned too by Agathiyar in the Nadi reading for AVM. 

The Dr gives a short narrative about Agathiyar at and in another article of his, "Siddha Agastya – Foremost of the Siddhas".

Agathiyar was said to have been born about 4573 years prior to the commencement of Kali Yuga at a place in Gujarat, in the early hours of Tuesday, 14 February 7673 BC. Belonging to the early Aryan race, his father Bhargava was well-learned while his mother Indumathi was from Punjab. They were both devotees of the Pasupatha order of Rishabha Muni. Agathiyar had his early education in Gujarat. 

As his thirst for knowledge in particular on philosophy, yoga, medicine, and astronomy was immense, he traveled all over Kashmir, Tibet, China, Nepal, and Kailas which was deemed to be in Manchuria during that time. While the Dr writes that he became a disciple of Nandi and Dhanvantri, P. Karthigayan writes Agathiyar had many mentors including (Lord) Siva and (Lord) Kumaran and an equal number of disciples. Agathiyar in his search for knowledge approached many people from various communities, finally picked up the yogic way, and excelled in it. On achieving the inner glow, he took on the name Agathiyar.

The Dr writes that he then traveled towards the south to Cambodia where he established the very first of his many educational institutions for the propagation of philosophy and science. He then arrived in Malaya (present-day Malaysia). After establishing a similar institution and hospital in Malaya, he crossed the sea to the continent of Kumari Kandam that extended from present-day Sri Lanka to the Antarctic. King Ravana, a great devotee of Lord Shiva, who ruled this continent gave away a portion of his kingdom to Agathiyar to establish more institutions. Agathiyar taught Yoga to his large following of disciples at Arunodaya Giri or Meozone in this region.

If the Dr writes that he then went back north to Malaya where he was betrothed to the king’s daughter, Pa. Kamalakannan in "Cittar Uruvil Shivaperuman", Vanathi Pathippakam, 2007, says Agathiyar married Yasomadhi from Cambodia. Among his children who ruled the land, Yasovarma became a famous ruler.

The Dr continues. Agathiyar then ruled the kingdom of Vijayapuri. He returned to Kumari Kandam where he met Lord Murugan in the form of Supramaniar at Trikona Malai (present-day Trincomali). At the hill station called Kadari Kama or Kadhirgama, Lord Murugan imparted spiritual knowledge to Agathiyar. 

Agathiyar could see impending calamities take place in the future during his meditation. As a result, he moved to the North Pole considering it to be a safe place. This period of his move to the Arctic was said to coincide with the end of the Dwapara Yuga placed at about 6580 BC. Just as he had seen an impending calamity and had decided to move north, a tremendous explosion on the planet Mars sends a piece of debris toward Earth. This impact caused a great deluge on Earth. Significant portions of Kumari Kandam submerged into the Indian Ocean. Continental drift then resulted in the present-day arrangement of this region. After the great flood, the Himalayan Mountain range emerged in North India. Amidst all these geographical changes, Agathiyar went seeking a place that would not be affected by future calamities. He located a mountain range in South India. This is the present-day Courtalam. This spot is said to be the safest place and free from any future catastrophes. 

Agathiyar met Lord Dhakshinamurthi, Shenbaga Devi, and Lord Murugan, at Mahadeva Giri in Courtalam. This meeting also signified the commencement of Kali Yuga. Other Siddhas then started coming to Mahadeva Giri. Lord Dhakshinamurthi revived the knowledge of the Vedas and instructed these Siddhas to propagate this knowledge in the appropriate manner and time for the benefit of humanity. The imparting of this knowledge was said to have taken place on the 21st day of the Tamil month of Kartigai, during the eleventh year, Eswara Samvatsara, of Kali Yuga. Agathiyar gave much importance to this day. All his dating was reckoned from this day. 

After extensive discussions held in Alagan Kulam, the Siddhas recorded their knowledge on palm leaves and presented them to Lord Dhakshinamurthi for his perusal. This included the 64 kinds of learning, 18 Puranas, 96 tattvas, and 48 branches of scientific knowledge. Agathiyar on the instruction of Lord Murugan originated the Tamil language. The "Siddhaveda" came to be written. It was then translated into the four existing languages of that period which were Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew, and Chinese. 

Bhogar from China (Agathiyar in the Jeeva Nadi revelation to Hanumathdasan of Chennai says Bhogar was from Mongolia), Thaeraiyar from Malaya, Yugimuni from Kerala, Pulipani from Kantha Malai, and Pulastyar, and Kapiyar all served Agathiyar. A conference of Siddhas called Siddhar Sabai was held during the 53rd year, Siddharti Samvatsara, of Kali Yuga at Courtalam. An institution known as Siddhar Gnana Koodam was inaugurated by Lord Murugan and was headed by Agathiyar. 

  • Pulastyar and Kapiyar headed the literary section while 
  • Pulipani headed research. 
  • Thaeraiyar an exponent in surgery headed a medical research center established at Thorana Malai. 
  • Yugimuni who was into herbal medicines headed an Ayurvedic hospital at Paradesi Kundai. 
  • Bhogar who was in charge of all scientific research established an alchemy research center at Tiruparankundram. 
  • Pambatti headed a team researching venom at Marudamalai. 
After having established these institutions The Dr writes that Agathiyar again started on an extensive mission of propagating the wealth of knowledge gained by these Siddhas in Tibet, Manchuria, Egypt, Palestine, Rome, America, Africa, Malaya, and the Arab world. After satisfactorily completing their mission of propagating the said teachings the Siddhas went into samadhi merging themselves into the cosmos. Supramaniar went into samadhi in Thorana Malai, Bhogar in Palani, Thaeraiyar, Pulipani, and Yugimuni in Kantha Malai and Agathiyar himself choose to come back to Courtalam. He chose a spot called Dhashina Meru in the Pothigai hills. This spot is also the abode of Dhakshinamurthi.

P. Karthigayan lists out an extensive list of Agathiyar's contributions towards the community and humanity, hence receiving the famed title Gurumuni or great mentor. P. Karthigayan dates Agathiyar's achievements accordingly as pre- and post-Sanga period, whence the establishment of the Sangam or literary academia took place. If during his pre-Sanga days, he was into yogic practices, after the establishment of the Sanga, in his post-Sanga years, he concentrated on medicine and science. He established more Sangams and monasteries, pioneered and promoted the Tamil script and Tamil grammar, collected and compiled the works of the Siddhas and published them, streamlined the Siva faith, and spread the Siddha Marga, and exposed the false teachings, in total bringing a Renaissance. His greatest achievement was his ability to live for four eons, at the time of mention in writing by Bhogar, and still lives among us in present times. Agathiyar is said to have "given rise to 48 generations."

M. Govindan in "Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga tradition", Kriya Yoga Publications, Quebec, Canada, 1991, details Agathiyar's journey as starting at Agastya Ashram near Nasik (Pancavati in ancient times), married King Vidarbha’s daughter Lobhamudra, (mentioned in the Mahabharata), and meet up with Rama. Then his pilgrimage takes him south where he has a residence at Malakuta near Badami (ancient Vatapi Puram or Dakshina Kasi) in the northern part of present-day Karnataka. He then comes further south to the Pothigai Hills. He moves on to the Indonesian islands, the islands of Borneo, and takes up residence in Maha Malaya hill in Malaya Dvipa. He enters Siam (present-day Thailand) and Cambodia where he marries Yasomadhi. They beget a young prince named Yasovarma. Agathiyar is reported to be living until the present day at Courtalam.

Pon. Govindaswamy in his book, "Sirsabaiyum Porsabaiyum", Bharath Book Bureau, 1985, mentions that when the south tip had raised after all the Gods and Goddesses, Devas and Devis, Siddhas, Rishis, Munis, and many more deities and divinities gathered at Kailash to witness Lord Shiva's marriage to Goddess Parvathi, Agathiyar was sent to the south to bring about a balance. Pon. Govindaswamy in his book, "Vallalarum Bramagnana Sangamum", Bharath Book Bureau, calls this event where the earth tilted a Mystical Occult Event. This event is mentioned by Tirumular in his Tirumanthiram. He writes that Agathiyar took birth as Valluvar and gave us the "Tirukural" besides other texts. He mentions that Agathiyar took birth as Ramalinga Adigal in the 19th century and gave us the "Tiruarutpa". 

Thavathiru Rengaraja Desigar in his book, "Potrinal Unathu Vinai Agalum Appa", explains the transformation which Agathiyar went through to attain the highest state, that of becoming one with Erai. I shall run through a translation of his writing, originally in Tamil, briefly. 

This state was granted to Agathiyar by his Guru Supramaniar (Lord Muruga) because Agathiyar had provided the space, shelter, and all comforts for Supramaniar to carry on with his penances (tapas) and austerities (tavam) in a past birth. Agathiyar was 60 years of age then when Supramaniar attained the body of Light through his tapas, thanks to Agathiyar looking after all of Supramaniar's needs. Agathiyar mentions that he learned the Siddha way from Supramaniar. Supramaniar promised Agathiyar that they shall meet in a subsequent birth and that he shall return the favor. In that birth, Agathiyar traveled in vain in search of his ideal guru. As foretold in the earlier birth, Agathiyar eventually met Supramaniar at Kodaikanal, where Supramaniar made him recall the past and as promised in return for all his services in the past birth, blessed Agathiyar and taught him secrets of attaining the state of Erai. Supramaniar granted Agathiyar the body of Light or Jothi Nilai as promised as an appreciation of Agathiyar's service rendered to him and for helping Supramaniar himself achieve his desire in attaining the Jothi Nilai. 

Agathiyar began by performing puja to Supramaniar. By way of devotion to Supramaniar he began to realize that he had had the greatest gift, which was the human birth, which comes by very rarely. Through Supramaniar he came to know himself and the divinity that resided in the physical body. He understood the very Nature that brought him forth and resided within him. With Supramaniar's guidance and blessings, Agathiyar relished the ambrosia or nectar that came about through his tapas. This removed the seven veils to reveal the Jothi in him, hence attaining the body of Light. With this came Bliss, Siddhis, and the state of Deathless-ness. Agathiyar attained the five nature or Tanmai of Erai namely Creation, Sustenance, Destruction, Veiling, and Showering Grace. Supramaniar granted Agathiyar the title Gurumuni and Kumbamuni and sent him off to spread the Siddha way extensively all over the globe, bringing many into his fold. All the Siddhas soon looked upon Agathiyar as their Guru. Later at the Tamil Sangam Agathiyar presented before the assembly of Gods and Goddesses, the Sages, Siddhas, Rishis, and Munis, the Five Tenets that defined man's purpose in taking birth.

There we have it. So many versions of Agathiyar's origin. I guess this is the reason Agathiyar cautioned us as to wanting to know his origin before giving us the hint. His story is varied and expansive. Now let us hear from the man himself as he revealed to Surendran in his Nadi. (His)story goes as follows.

Agathiyar in his very first mortal birth, had the vision of Kailash at a very young age of 10. After having the vision, he took up extreme tapas (Tavam) including breath control. With the holy feet of the Sadguru forever in his thought, he reached a state of Nirmala at Kailash. Upon receiving theecha from Lord Kailai Shiva, he was blessed to be born a Siddha. As it was a mystical birth, Agathiyar tells us it is not necessary to dwell into the source and the details (Rishimulam Nadhimulam).

Born as a Siddha and moving in the jungles, sustaining only on fruits, his thoughts were fixed on Erai (God). He soon had the vision and grace of Goddess Vana Kali. Continuing with his seeking and search for realization and further severe Tavam in Pothigai, Agathiyar came to know about the medicinal benefits of various herbs and plants. Lord Kailai Shiva showed himself in a vision and conferred on him the names Gurumuni, Kudamuni, and Kumbamuni. 

Though he had merged with Erai, Agathiyar stayed on at Pothigai upon Lord Kailai Shiva's directive. Time went by as Agathiyar went without food, remained in silence, stayed in the state of Vasi, adhered to the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, and performed extreme tapas for the rest of the Yuga. He gained the Siddhi to travel through the air. 

Having achieved so much, yet Lord Kailai Shiva told Agathiyar that there was something that he had failed to accomplish and do. When Agathiyar asked for further clarification, Lord Kailai Shiva laugh and looked him in the eye, and said, "Although you are an embodiment of Jnana, and those who hold on to your feet shall never face any disappointments, Gurumuni you do not have a companion as I do." Agathiyar was taken aback. He came to know that the Lord intended to get him engaged to the very representation of Mother Kaveri, and Kaberan's daughter, Lobamutrai. Hence in this Kali Yuga, his energy that was of Shiv Sakthi came to reside at Kalyana Theertam with the intention of blessing all those who saw him and Lobha Ma as a personification of Shiv Sakthi.

Have we come any closer to knowing him by knowing his story? I doubt it. Just as clothes do not make a man, knowing (his)tory would not maketh him. The only way to know the man is to live like him. The only way to know the man is to bring his soul to live in us. The only way to know the man is to carry his teachings. The only way to know the man is to put into practice his techniques and methods.