Saturday 21 September 2024

Mysticism at its Height

Ally Oliver writes in "The Do's and Don’ts of Running When You’re Over 40",

"I’m not sure why I finally decided to give running a try. I think it was a stealth move by my husband. He has been a runner since his schooldays and even ran the London Marathon 15 years ago, but I’d never been tempted to join him because it was “his” thing. “My” thing, I have always said, is dance."

This statement, opinion, and thought of hers hold water for most of us do seem to have this notion of "My thing", and "His or her thing" in most matters. This is obvious in religious practices too coming down to even the simplest thing as a prayer where I have seen one of the couples engage while the other sits out of it. It is indeed a blessing if the couple can share all the fun and worries together, travel the same path, enjoy the same hobbies, enjoy the same food and the list can go on forever. 

Although we come to know much of the saints, very little is told about their wives and children. But some masters had their wives equally engage with them on the path. I am blessed to have a wife and children who followed without question just as I followed Agathiyars dictates without failure. There were several instances though when I talked Agathiyar out of it mentioning my reluctance to accept his gifts or carry out the specified tasks. But he accepted my point of view and we moved on. Though this blog covers my point of view and experiences I have tried to include their views and experiences too as far as possible and permissible. 

Experience makes us indeed. It is not the dress or company we keep. Experience truly teaches us. Unlike learning, this experience is not easily forgotten. A devotee who wanted to invite Agathiyar to his new home placed a request before him. Agathiyar agreed for us to bring his bronze statue over. My family was strictly asked to stay out of the preparations and in conducting the puja. It was to give them the full experience of hosting a puja. At the end of the day, the host agreed what a huge task it was to host one. He too gained a new experience.

The following couple's journey carried by a Network too is interesting and mystical in all ways. Those who have had a sample of mysticism would definitely connect with their experiences too.