Monday 16 September 2024


For most of us, we have come to substitute temple worship and home worship of the deities with Siddha worship. Siddha worship goes beyond merely bringing our palms together and standing in prayer before their idols or paintings. To worship the Siddha is to eventually become one ourselves. How can one attain the state of a Siddha without doing the practices and following the methods that are given or that we are directed to do? Lord Muruga in coming to us yesterday, told me not to get angry that others are not attempting these practices. He told me not to expect others to do what I did. What did I do? I just listened without question and put in the effort. Telling me that we have jointly traveled far on this path, he is pleased with my accomplishment. Today he tells me that I need no longer do anything. 

In the eighties, I studied the books and texts trying to look for God within these pages. I did not find him in it. I took to carrying out home puja to the deities and Gods and Goddesses. I came to know them in the happenings in the lives of friends and relatives. I was saddened and confused. This was the moment Lord Siva stepped in and gave me a break, coming into my dream. He told me to withhold all my questions and doubts to a later date. That day came 14 years later when I saw my Nadi and I could place why those happenings took place. It was each individual's Karma I was told. I was also told of my Karma. I took up the worship of the Siddhas after Agathiyar asked me to come to it in the Nadi reading. I took all available resources and experimented with them. I arrived at a formula that worked out to my advantage. This was when Agathiyar sent Tavayogi to our shores and I met up with him. If Agathiyar asked me to spend a couple of days at Tavayogi's Kallar ashram in India, Tavayogi too extended an open invitation to visit him. I took up the directive and the offer. Tavayogi led me on an excursion of abodes and temples related to the Siddhas, the caves, and the jungles. I did not understand anything he mentioned in passing or showed me then. Nevertheless, I traveled the path with the guidance of both guru and the Siddhas holding Siddha puja in my home that turned into Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM). But as I had to step out of Sariyai, Kriyai, and Yogam into Gnanam, he had me wind up my association with others and AVM saw a closure. During the years that followed, he monitored me and the energies that he activated to run through my body. Today having seen and experienced the touch of the Siddhas in our lives, all their teachings come alive. 

In an effort to reinstate Agathiyar Vanam, Mahindren has come forward to move and bring together these devotees to higher states in Bakti and devotion and Yogam. After a long break, he and his family shall play host to the Siddha puja on 22 September. Both Lord Muruga and Agathiyar remind me again that I had done my share and part and I have to step aside for new and fresh blood to be injected into the existing network of devotees.