Tuesday 10 September 2024


When Agathiyar said it had been a long journey and I agreed and added that I needed to travel much farther, he told me that I had already arrived at my destination. How is that possible I asked myself? I questioned my worth. I guess I was comparing myself with all the trendsetters and pioneers before me, as well as their achievements and standing in society today. I realized last evening when I was chatting with Mahindren who dropped by my home after work, that we have been deceived by attires and those purported authorities, having us think that their standing was the proclaimed state and destination to look up to. Agathiyar has shed the false perspective and tore down these false images. Just like the Buddhists believe that we are all Buddha by nature, Agathiyar diffused the myth by telling us that each one of us is Agathiyan. Agathiyar came out in the open detailing the journey in simple terms that even the commoner could understand via a memo to us. 

Now I understand why Tavayogi said that I was living in Maya thinking that he had something hidden beneath those clothing. One need not adorn the garb of a mendicant to receive the grace of the divine. Like him, to make a statement towards this end, Agathiyar too during the last Guru Purnima, had me and my wife carry out our 6oth wedding.

I realized that much hype has been built surrounding the Siddha journey. No one has told us that we can become Agathiyar too. Each wanted to be somebody on this platform. But Tavayogi told us to look up to and look within us for Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal told us to hold on to Agathiyar tightly. It needed Agathiyar to come to us through the memo and tell us that all of us could attain his state provided we followed the ways, means and methods that they passed on having themselves traveled the path.

Cherish all that you have. Cherish this body, a vehicle for us to move, see, hear, touch, feel, smell, taste, and go places. Most of all cherish each breath that continues to keep us alive. It makes sense now when the Siddhas tell us that the body is our temple and that the presiding deity is the Soul and the ritual of Arathi or showing the flame is in fact akin to the breath traversing in us. If our legs bring us on an external pilgrimage to holy places and temples, our breath brings us walking the internal journey as Saint Avvai sings of the"Kaal" or breath in her "Vinayagar Agaval". It carries the life energies, Prana that brought about this gross body arising from the fusion of cells from each parent. It oversees its development and finally resides in the Muladhara or base Chakra. These energies once activated in a multitude of ways and means, travel and cruise the many checkpoints or Chakras along the way. It clears the Chakras preparing them to receive the force and might of the energies that shall come within where the Sahasrara Chakra once closed in childhood is reopened again. It tears down previous irrelevant and wrong understandings. We are reborn again. This is the second phase that Agathiyar spoke about to us last Guru Purnima.

Even when I asked him repeatedly if I had arrived, he replied the same, asking me how many times does he need to proclaim it. When I kept asking for something to do, he kept telling me there was nothing more to do. Even as the creative energies that began  dormant and sleeping and hibernating after the Soul (JeevAtma) fused the first cells of both my parents, bringing within me the very first breath of life, and looking over my shoulder, monitoring the progress of the embryo and fetus, eventually having done its job, settled coiled up at the Muladhara, arose again the moment my ego left and the Soul was realized, activating and awakening these energies from its deep slumber, with the tools, the Asanas and Pranayama techniques, that Tavayogi gave, traveled up to Svathisthana and moving further up later, was stagnated, ponded and lodged at the Manipuraka for some three years, and Agathiyar broke the bunds and let the energies flow rapidly within three days to reach the Sahasrara causing the swirling sensation that was felt at the navel at Manipuraka initially when the bunds broke, to be felt at the crown of the head then, Agathiyar told me there was nothing further for me to do or put into practice as he said that these energies will do there work. But he did ask me to share these experiences with my readers. If Lord Shiva had me do nothing and go into hibernation in 1988 for some 14 years fearing I could turn cuckoo with all my questions back then, Agathiyar too after raising the energies within has me go into hibernation doing nothing.