Thursday 29 August 2024


When Tavayogi was on our shores beginning in 2005, I told him that I wanted to see him become Jhoti, the state that Ramalinga Adigal merged into. But he told me that it was not possible as he was beyond sixty. Some time back Agathiyar too told us that the fruits of our Yogic practices had to be achieved before sixty. Thavathiru Rengaraja Desigar of Ongarakudil had mentioned in a book that after seeing to the needs of Lord Muruga who came along as the mendicant Supramaniar, Agathiyar who was then a common man like us was told that though Lord Muruga would like to grant the state of Jhoti to Agathiyar, for his service and assistance towards Lord Muruga attaining the said state, it was not possible due to his age factor as Agathiyar was above sixty. Now what is the significance of the number sixty here?

Going by Agathiyar's second memo given to us recently days before he carried out my 60th wedding, and according to his explanation that came on later when he graced the event, it is the start of another phase of life for the couple where the male has attained the age of sixty.

In asking us to come to their path, the Siddhas first and foremost have us understand why we are going through life quite apart from others. It is individual Karma and universal Karma that come to fruit. If we stick by the Siddhas worshipping them and praying for assistance, they tend to modify our fate out of great compassion for us. When we surrender to their will they bring on a new destiny. Our lives take a turn for the better. It need not be material gain and comfort, though it might come along as a bonus, but they empower our souls. We gain Atma Balam.

The JeevAtma within that designed this body to live out its purpose is freed from our ego that had trapped it, making it mute and speechless and a silent watcher to all our doings the moment the ego gains control. The guru in the physical form comes along to break our ego, where thenceforth the JeevAtma is freed. The guru brings us to Yoga. Walking the path of Yoga now after being brought up in Sariyai by our parents and Kriyai later with the advent of the guru, the dormant energy or Sakti that the Atma summoned to create us forming the embryo and fetus later, and which was put to rest in the first Chakra the Muladhara later, is awakened by this practice. It begins to travel each Chakra or energy hub clearing the blockages and repairing the line that is torn or shredded due to our lifestyle, eating habits, and diet. This is a time of test and patience where the body is torn apart and reassembled again just as an old building is torn down and a new one built. The Siddha stands by us during these moments of transformation where the butterfly shall emerge from the pupa. The JeevAtma now begins its true journey to fulfill its true purpose charting the course to return back to its source, the ParamAtma. The JeevAtma desiring to merge with its pair and parent, unfolds the path before us and thenceforth guides us from within.

Meanwhile, the grace of the divine, that comes with and is earned by our sincerity, honesty, and dedication to the practice of rituals and worship, and in carrying out deeds that help others, is showered on us. It descends and enters the seventh Chakra Sahasrara or Suzhimunai. The Sakti (Kundalini) that had been awakened and had arisen clears the way and the path leading to the numerous Chakras, and ascends to meet her beloved from whom she has been separated earlier. The union and dance of the Yin and the Yang or Shiva and Shakti, takes place in the crown of the head and the resulting Amrita, or honey that oozes just as its material counterpart oozes in union of the flesh, feels the heart, now brimming with intense love for all beings and creation. He now stands before us as a Jeevan Mukta, a soul that has attained Mukti or salvation while still alive and breathing. He participates in life matters thenceforth without the risk of creating Karma for he is an awakened Buddha and a living Siddha. This journey was beautifully portrayed by Agathiyar coming through the memo read out on my 60th wedding day.