Thursday 29 August 2024


Mahindren has come forward to revive the AVM Whatsapp group that was mooted in 2013 and saw its end in 2019. I am pretty sure that he has the blessings of Agathiyar. I am sure that Agathiyar is pleased to see this revival for AVM was very close to his heart and that of Tavayogi too. He had revealed recently that its closure was for a reason and was right back then. If my home was the venue back then, Mahindren's home would be the new AVM. It shall be a good start to better things that shall come the way of these devotees of Agathiyar. As Agathiyar has asked me to do nothing and since I am in my sixties, he needs new blood to drive the vehicle to greater heights. Mahinden shall be the one to do so. I believe Agathiyar will be the driving force behind Mahindren now just as he drove me on to accomplish his tasks and mission back then. I believe Mahindren would bring AVM to greater heights in the near future. He posted a beautiful invitation as follows.

I hope this message finds you well. After a period of reflection, we have decided to reopen our WhatsApp group dedicated to the teachings of Agathiyar Appa in the Siddha Path. Our renewed purpose is to explore Siddha’s wisdom in a fresh and meaningful way.

Vision: We aim to create a vibrant community where each member can experience the essence of the Siddha Path through practical teachings and shared practices.

Monthly Gatherings:

* When: Every Sunday (The Pournami Week)

* Where: Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia - Mahindran Home

* What to Expect: Sample of Ideas 

    1. Pooja Preparation (1st Month): Learn the art of preparing for Pooja, understand its significance, and explore the sacred rituals.

    2. Pranayama Practice (2nd Month): Dive into the world of Pranayama, the breath-based practice that connects us to our inner energy.

    3. Nature Connection (3rd Month):Embark on group hikes to experience the Siddha way of harmonizing with nature.

We invite you all to join us with your family & Kids on this enriching journey. Let’s learn, practice, and grow together as we walk the Siddha Path.

Looking forward to reconnecting with each of you!

Final Note: Opting Out Gracefully

Dear Members,

We understand that everyone has different interests and commitments. If you find that the revived WhatsApp group doesn’t align with your current path or priorities, we respect your decision. There’s no obligation to participate, and we appreciate your honesty.

Feel free to take leave from the group at any time. We value your presence, whether active or not, and wish you well on your journey.

My home shall take on the name Gnana Kottam which was given back then by Agathiyar. It is appropriate to use it now as Agathiyar comes frequently to pass on Gnanam. If Agathiyar came through the Nadi in the past, during the pandemic and post-pandemic he came through devotees to continue the legacy of guiding us as the Nadi readers had left for India. Besides coming through the Nadi and through devotees he has come into our thoughts both Mahindren and me and had us write out short but comprehensive memos to clear the air and doubts we had on the mystery of birth and the Siddha journey respectively.