Friday 12 July 2024


Whenever Agathiyar wanted me to hold a puja on a larger scale than usual, usually the annual events, he would have me rehearse the puja even before the arrival of the devotees. So too I would read through and find out more on the subject and pass out booklets to inform those gathered about the auspiciousness of what we were doing. Knowing what we do goes a long way in helping us remember the day and the event. Thus the following books came to be written. 

When I began my search to know Siddha puja, there was a vacuum regarding this subject. Except for the long list of names of Siddhas, there was little to go by. So I gathered all the songs of praise to the Siddhas from the numerous books in my collection into a repository of songs of the Siddhas for my own use initially and that was later shared with others too.
  • Siddhar Potri Thoguppu at

When I came to know about common men who attained the state called Gurus who could guide others to reach God after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi", and had the privilege of being a student to two wonderful gurus in physical form, I began to pick up and learn more about others who had achieved these states too. 

  • First Encounters with the Masters at
When Tavayogi asked that I carry out the fire ritual Homam in my home, he ignited the fire in me where I dug up and studied about this ritual and came out with this small guide for myself and others keen to know and follow.

  • Feeding the Flame at
When Tavayogi showed us Yoga I began to research it further. Hence this book came to be.
  • Teachings of the Siddhas - Part 4 The Breath at
In the years after we met, when I began to learn under the tutelage of gurus in physical form, Supramania Swami and Tayayogi, the following book came to be written.
  • Teachings of the Siddhas - Part 5 The Guru Disciple Relationship at
When Agathiyar came as the bronze statue and asked that I carry out libation or abhisegam to him, asking Mataji if there were appropriate songs to accompany this ritual, she passed me a wonderful song. I modified them to suit the Siddha puja and the occasion. 
  • The New Book of Praise to the Siddhas at
When Agathiyar asked that I include the worship of Vaalai too, it gave rise to the following booklet.
  • Vaalaikumari Paadalgal at
Realizing in these modern and hectic times where we need to divide our time between doing so many things, often robbing us of the opportunity to sit with God for much longer, I came up with a small booklet of songs that I timed would only take 24 minutes to carry out reciting and singing. Hence came about this small book. 
  • 24 Minutes Siddha Puja at

And there are many more that I shared, according to the need and occasion. 

When Acharya Gurudasan or better known to us as Master Gowri Varadhan taught us Kriya Yoga to supplement and fine-tune Tavayogi's Yogic teachings, Mahindren took the trouble to compile the steps for easy perusal of all who would come to practice them.

  • Kriya Hatha Yoga Asanas by Master Gowri at

I took it as my responsibility to share the writings of my gurus too with devotees and readers. This is the least I could do for all the blessings I and my family received from them.

  • Gnana Suthiram by Supramania Swami at
  • Andamum Pindamum by Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal at
  • Atma Gnanam by Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal at
  • Atma Vilakam by Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal at
  • Atma Thathuvam by Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal at
  • Atma Darisanam by Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal at

When I moved into my home in 1994 with my family, we did not engage a priest to carry out the housewarming rituals but did a small puja on our own. All the years of carrying out puja on my own as a bachelor between 1980 and 1988 gave me the courage to go ahead. It was a normal home puja. After coming to the Siddhas in 2002, after the calling came through the Nadi, I included songs of praise for the Siddhas too. When Tavayogi asked that I speak about the Siddhas to those gathered at the opening of an affiliate Peedham of his in Banting, it showed that he had faith in me. When Tavayogi asked that I carry out a Homam I told him that it was the purview of the temple priests and was reluctant. But he had faith in me. Telling me it was pretty simple he strengthened my faith in myself. He later visited Malaysia and in carrying it out, fine-tuned it showing us the way. Then Agathiyar asked that I commission his bronze statue in Swamimalai and have him brought over and perform libation or Abhisegam to him. I learned to carry out this ritual too. Agathiyar sent many youths to my home to watch and learn these rituals soon after their Nadi readings. Soon Agathiyar had us bring his statue into the homes and temples where we carried out Siddha puja. Though he had me stop all rituals and charity and step into the next phase of going within, these rituals survive and is alive to this day in some homes in some places. 

So when Agathiyar asked that my wife and I carry out our 60th wedding I looked through the net and books that I had with me and thus the previous post Siddha Heartbeat: WEDDINGS ( came to be written. 

From we learn that,

"The Vedic view sees human life as ideally spanning 120 years. At 60, you reach the halfway mark, a time for reflection and appreciation for the life granted by the divine. It is a reminder that the second inning of your life is an opportunity to seek deeper truths and connect with the divine." 

Abhishek Soni writes in his blog at that,

"In Siddha Yoga, the philosophy of marriage goes beyond the conventional notions of companionship and partnership. It embraces a deeper understanding of the union between two individuals as a means to spiritual growth and self-realization."

"Siddha Yoga acknowledges that the coming together of two individuals in a marital union can be a catalyst for their spiritual evolution. The teachings of Siddha Yoga emphasize the importance of harmonizing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life to attain inner peace and union with the divine."

"In Siddha Yoga, marriage is seen as an opportunity for spiritual growth and self-discovery. It is believed that the union of two souls in marriage creates a powerful energy field that can accelerate their spiritual progress."

"One of the key principles of Siddha Yoga is the recognition of the divine presence within oneself and in all beings. This principle is extended to the marriage relationship, where the couple is encouraged to see the divine in each other. By recognizing the divine in their partner, they cultivate a deep sense of reverence, respect, and love for one another."

"The philosophy of marriage in Siddha Yoga emphasizes the importance of mutual support and growth. It encourages couples to support each other in their spiritual journey and to create an environment that fosters personal and shared spiritual growth."

"Siddha Yoga also teaches that marriage is a vehicle for the expression of love and compassion. The teachings emphasize the importance of cultivating a loving and compassionate heart towards one’s partner and all beings. By practicing love and compassion within the marital relationship, couples contribute to the creation of a more peaceful and loving world."

"The philosophy of marriage in Siddha Yoga recognizes marriage as a sacred union that goes beyond the conventional notions of companionship and partnership. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth, mutual support, love, and compassion within the marital relationship. Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and chanting, couples can deepen their understanding of themselves, each other, and the divine, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling marriage."

So this wedding is a day of thanksgiving for the past 60 years of this life, sustaining in this body thanks to the divine soul in us. Rather than go about reenacting a typical wedding I believe that it is a day of our individual souls, rejoicing in matrimony, first with its other half, me and my wife, the Yin and Yang, the Shiva and Shakti, accordingly, and later our souls, the JeevAtman rejoicing in matrimony with its other half, the ParamAtma. It shall be a soulful day I believe as Agathiyar says it would be a unique experience.