Friday 26 April 2024


If I were to be hit by a car and die on the spot tomorrow or if I were to succumb to an incurable disease and suffer, many would ask, "How come Agathiyar did not save him?" or "How come Agathiyar did not heal him?" 

Well, I did ask God these questions back then too. If the Buddha as a prince wanted to know why people suffered, I did ask why my colleagues and friends and their families suffered back then in the 80s when I was a bachelor. My question was put on hold for a very long time - some 14 years. I heard a relative hit by a vehicle moments after she had offered prayers at a temple. I had a devotee knock into a stationary lorry moments after his Nadi reading. When I came to learn that a young lad in his 20s suffered burns as a result of a gas stove exploding and passed away, I too was shocked. He was a staunch devotee of Agathiyar taking up the worship from his parents and uncle. Someone asked me why Agathiyar did not foresee or forewarn him as he had access to the Nadi readers. I had no explanation back then. Traveling for some 22 years with him, I have yet to get some answers. We just do not know their play or Lila. We do not have access to the blueprint and the secrets of life and death, on who should live and who should go. 

Even the saints and gurus are not exempted. I asked Agathiyar why he had Tavayogi meet with an accident and go through the suffering back then. Tavayogi was knocked down while riding a bike into town days after conducting the annual Jayanthi puja for Agathiyar. He had to be treated away from his ashram in a distant town for several months. When I finally reached Tavayogi and spoke over the phone, he brushed it aside very lightly telling me "Let it be my son. It was my Karma." 

An account of Bhagawan Ramana's last days is given by B.V. Narasimha Swami in "Self Realization - The Life and Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi" published by Sri Ramanasramam, 1985. It is too difficult for me to post the excerpt as I was already in tears reading it. Ma Devaki speaks amidst tears, about the last days of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. It is rather difficult to watch the video. If we refrain from having visitors when we have a slight headache or bodily pain, in all their moments of pain, they never stop blessing those who arrive to see them. Ma Devaki says the Yogi would lift a hand, then another, and even his legs to bless them when he could not use his other limbs. Bhagawan Ramana would drag himself twice a day to sit among his disciples for an hour. When he was incapable of making even these few steps, devotees filed past his room in queues. 

We could never fill their shoes. That is the strength of these gurus. Then we have devotees like Ma Devaki who asked that the Yogi pass on his sufferings to her for the world needed the Yogi to be around. Again we could never fill the shoes of devotees like her too.

People who have been there and back can certainly throw some light on life and death as Antony David Cicoria narrates his experience. Watching this an other videos of Near Death Experiences strengthen the belief that the angels are all with us but do not show themselves unless the need to come to our aid arises. And they come through us humans.