Tuesday 24 September 2024


It is a blessing to be in the shadows of a guru forever. But the reality is that the guru has to move on too and so does the disciple. One cannot forever be in the shadows of a genuine guru for he would have his disciple move out when he sees that the disciple has grown spiritually, more so if he is seen to be capable of sailing the ship now. That is what Guhai Namasivayar did, sending off his disciple Guru Namasivayar away amidst his protest not wanting to leave. Tavayogi too since the beginning gave me the space to grow, often surprising me and catching me off guard asking me to speak about the Siddhas. Coming under his shadows and growing up I soon watched and learned many things. While Agathiyar seemed to seduce me by offering me gifts, positions, and honor, which I respectfully turned down, I learned to drop every single thing that I wore on me, carried close to my heart, and cherished in my dreams listening to Tavayogi. That is how I was nurtured and groomed coming and living under the shadow of the guru since 2005. 

Picking up his teachings together my family and I traveled on this path. He had guided us well for we have come to see the results. 

With the coming of several youths sent over to my home after their respective Nadi readings, my home became known as Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM), taking on the name of the hamlet where Tavayogi came to settle after his travels and Sadhanas throughout the length and breadth of India. We carried on the teachings of Tavayogi, the rituals, and yoga practices.  

Today I am told to step back and take a rest by Agathiyar and Lord Muruga. The baton has been handed over to Mahindren to steer AVM to even greater heights.