Saturday 28 September 2024


Speaking to a devotee and friend over the phone some moments ago, it suddenly dawned on me the reason Agathiyar had me carry out, or rather he carried out our 6oth wedding and called my children and us to explain its inner meaning, which was followed by Lord Muruga asserting that there was nothing further to do. In having the wedding the children were to let go of their dependency on us and we were to step into the next phase of knowing the Self. In having us do nothing further, we have all the time to ponder on our life's events and happenings. This last phase is one of introspection and correcting the wrongs so that we do not need to come back again. We can watch our movie screened now and not after we leave the body. We can study and analyze what we had done, and whether our life was a purposeful one. We can seek forgiveness now itself for our wrongdoings rather than taking another birth to make good the wrongs. So if I have hurt anyone by any means please forgive me and let us move on. We can learn to let go of whatever remaining bondage we are holding on to. 

It is story time now. We can bring joy to other's lives by sharing our stories and experiences. If one has written an autobiography his story is there for others to read and know. I believe my story is told well in this blog and the numerous e-books I have made available on the net. The videos that I have uploaded on my YouTube channel too should tell a story of our journey to a certain extent. I guess I shall use the rest of my time till my time is up in writing and sharing them with my readers.