Monday 30 September 2024


Going for a walk with my 4-year-old granddaughter, she started asking questions nonstop, one after another. I understood the reason being that she could not comprehend the world around her and all its happenings. This we carry on in our lives. After seeking answers from our parents and grandparents, we ask friends at school, college, and office mates. Later we sought answers from masters and gurus if we come by them. Man has never stopped seeking answers outside. But once he comes to know that all the answers are in him, his search stops. Speaking to an office colleague and long-time friend Muralidaran Saminathan who had pointed me to a Nadi reader in 2002 for my very first reading, that set my journey going, arriving at this moment, he zoomed immediately into the creative Sakti that flows through us, having recalled things that Tavayogi had told him back then. I shared the things Agathiyar said and my understanding of it with him too.

The Atma having studied its baggage of Karma to be disposed off, decides to make a comeback as a commoner. Or if it has a divine purpose to execute, it makes a comeback as in saints. It ropes in the Prapanjam and its creative energy Kundalini Prana Sakti to create a suitable dwelling for either of these purposes. It assembles the Tatvas or gross and subtle materials to build the vehicle and platform where it can make a comeback to discharge its Karma or execute its purpose respectively. The Kundalini Prana Sakthi that comes within to create this body according to the aspiration of the Atma that designed its home, creates the whole network of service lines and furnishes this home too. Upon completion of the dwelling, it begins to settle and resides in the Muladhara. Having built its home the Atma settles within too, taking on the tag JeevAtma now. It remains within reach of the bigger ParamAtma until a stipulated time that has no known equivalent in present times. As time goes by, with the emergence and strengthening of one's Ego that is fed through the senses and the happenings in one's life, the JeevAtma is driven behind into the shadows while the Ego takes reign. The JeevAtma if one comes to realize it, or a guru if one is destined to meet him, works towards drawing the veil aside. While the Atma in divine births attains Self-awareness, the guru has to help us common folks to realize the Atma. If in the saints Gnanam dawns on them and they are set free, in commoners like us the guru draws the veil of ignorance. Either way, the veil of ignorance is drawn aside and the JeevAtma sends the Ego to the gallows now. We learn to drop the veils and shatter and break the shackles and chains known as Malams that bond our Atma and keep us captive. The Atma and the guru then lead us on a specific path, bringing our sight within. We gain Atma Darisanam. Simultaneously, the journey for Sakthi to reunite with Siva begins in this very body. She is awakened again by the re-emergence of the Atma or the techniques given by the guru. The dormant creative energy makes its way up to the Sahasrara where Siva comes within as the Arutjothi to join in the dance of bliss. The Atma now freed, makes its getaway from the dungeons and soars into the skies freed at last. The JeevaAtma merges with the ParamAtma while still living. He becomes a Jeeva Mukta having attained Jeeva Mukti. He begins to show the others the way now. He becomes a beacon and a lighthouse. 

We also spoke about vegetarianism. Who has to be a vegetarian? If one wants to transform this gross body into that of light it is a must for the process would go easier on him. It is not necessary if you do not intend to follow in the footsteps of Ramalinga Adigal. Most of us settle for the teachings of the Siddhas but stop short of implementing and following their dictates. We eventually end up being academians. We do not practice what we learn though we can talk about them and their ways. It needs discipline, dedication, and sincerity to follow the Siddhas. We need the courage to break free from ourselves and take hold of the Self. The Self shall guide us on or a guru who has been there shall come along.