As I was penning the previous post a moment ago, I received a mail from Jnana Jyothi Amma on Kathirgamam in Sri Lanka.
My late father used to talk about this mysterious stalam or temple. In his days when he was looking after his business concerns in Ceylon, he tells me there was no statue to adore here. A curtain, when drawn aside, will reveal nothing else but just the four sides of the room. According to him if people cut off their ears, which they do at times, their ears almost immediately get attached back on them.
Here is JJ Amma's mail.
"Dr.Krishnan of Thiruppugazh Sangam introduced me to Patrick, a month back. I have spoken to Partick and still in touch with him .When Krishnan and the other members told me Patrick's connection with Lord Muruga ..... I found it very Interesting. But when Patrick himself started narrating to me his Experiences .... it was mind bloggling."
"His Guru .. a soul of German Descent .... who has been serving Murugan at Katthirgamam .... his Samadhi is there and he too is being worshiped along with Murugan."
"I heard from him a lot about Lord Kataragama .. the residing spirit (Murugan) at Katthirgamam. Very very Powerful Indeed."
"When Tavayogi, in one of the interviews mentioned that Murugan from Katthirgamam visited the Ashram ...... from that very moment itself .. I wanted to go there. I never knew that everything will fall in place eventually" [Watch Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal talk about Lord Murugan of Kathirgamam's visit to Kallar in this video]
"Hope to make it there soon .Waiting for daddy to give me the green signal and a proper person to accompany me ..."
She has attached the following to her mail, which is interesting reading.
Speaking about Jnana Jyothi Amma, she was the reason for me to 'go on the air'. She was introduced to me as Molly Menon. On June 30, 2011, she mailed me her first mail, introducing herself.
Greetings to you Sir, I am Mrs Menon. I was reading an article from when one link led to another and then to another another and finally saw this link ........ My travels with Supramania SWAMY. This interested me a lot as I had for a very long time trying to find out visit Saint Agasthiar's cave. I read all the articles posted on Sadhguru Venkataraman's site.
What is this person who is mentioned as Tavayogi. Is he a guide or an Enlightened Master. Then I saw this link which shows ...."email me ". Hence I thought I would email and find out the details of all that is mentioned here. I would also like to know who is.
regards mrs menon.
The same day she replied to me as follows.
Hello Mr. Shanmugam, Thank you very much for your prompt reply and the info. I live in the United States and am planning a trip to India around July. God willing I will try and visit Tavayogi's ashram in Kallar, Kovai. Once again thank you for the information.
God willed and she did make that journey to Kallar that changed her forever. 'Kallar' exposed her past, showed her who she was and set her on a new mission.
On July 1st, 2011 we exchanged our SKYPE ID and thus started a beautiful relationship.
I happened to rather spontaneously be guided to this site. In fact I feel more drawn towards Saint Agasthiyar. This urge/ longing to visit the paces where the Noble Saint had threaded started growing inside me for a couple of months. Whatever snippets I could get I started collecting from the internet. This was how I accidentally stumbled upon the previous site through which I was able exactly see and feel what I was searching for. But you have mentioned you had your Nadi read and it was mentioned there for you that you would meet Tavayogi.
I did not have any nadi reading read for me. May be since I am an ardent devotee of SHIRDI SAI BABA, HE must have guide me to this site where I was able to read about your meeting with Tavayogi and also lucky to get his contact number from you.
Thank you so much Sir for having replied my mails and for having helped me to establish contact with Tavayogi.
I spoke to Tavayogi on Friday around late evening (PST). H e said that he would take me to all the caves once I come to India.
God Willing I hope to make that trip around July end.
The attachment shows the site under the caption "from my travels in India" from where I was able to get the complete picture of your travel and experiences with the Tavayogi and Subramaniya Swamy.
regards, meena menon.
She made me an artist. She gave me the courage to post my voice on YouTube, FB, my blogs and websites.
She herself was an adapt and master craftsman directing Dr. Ram Subramaniam of Tirunelveli, Surendran Selvarathnam and Bala Chandran of Malaysia, Mathi Vanan of Chennai and others on capturing the precious moments where Agathiyar created miracles. This footage was passed on to me and I got working on these videos. All these people came together to piece together these videos that we believe have helped spread the fame of Agathiyar and the Siddhas.
When the floodwaters caused massive destruction at Kedarnath, her heart was devastated. She wrote,
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Kedarnath devastated. Photo courtesy of |
My heart ached when I saw this. Once upon a time, a Place where one could feel the Divine presence of Lord Shiv .. Hinduism at it's Pinnacle could be felt here.
What all were Visualized/ Perceived as myths, were found to be true here ..... Right from the Gods to the Sages/ Saints/ Siddhars.
I had been here on two occasions. First time was with my husband, mother in law and his sisters and my son, to immerse his daddy's ashes into the Ganges.(1980). Son was just 4 yrs old. Second time (2008) ALL ALONE to IMMERSE MY HUSBANDS ASHES apart from Dhanishkodi. Can you even Imagine what will be my state of mind when I see these pics and remember both the Occasions. Agathiyan has made me finish my Karma Yoga in fullest completion.
I was carrying the Kalasam for the Installation of a Diety .... The Kaval Deivam Of the Siddhas and on the other side of the fence, Venkatesh Swami was carrying the Earthen pot round Sadhu Amma's body ..... A soul so dear to the Adi Muni Agasthya ....... on April 17th 2011, Chitra Pournami. That day My Sariya and Kiriya got over. At Kallar and Kalyaan Theerthem ... my yog started .. proceeding into jnana ........ AGATHIYAN MADE ME COMPLETE .... East meets West ... Me and Venkatesh Swamy, at Kalyana Theertham after one year ... only for a New Chapter to begin.. I am at the Evening of my life .... in the Material World ...... and at the Dawn of my life in the Spiritual World ... with Agathiyan leading me.....'Lead kindly Light..amidst the encircling Gloom....Lead thou me on..I'm in the dark and far far away from HOME......Lead thou me on.......
She quotes from the following book and relates it to her life.
Excerpts from the book Vallalar is Arutperumjothi.
Our Individual soul has the Presence of Arutperumjothi, which just like the DEITIES, that have been Ordained to perform certain tasks and functions. However little do we Realize that, when Arutperumjothi fully manifests in our Soul completely and fully, the body becomes Immortal and we can reach a Spiritual state even higher than of the ORDAINED DEITIES. Through the Descent of Divinity into us, we can and will become part and parcel of the many Existent spiritual states.
Now , I have a very clear picture of the roles ANGALIAMMA AND KARUPETTA played in my spiritual journey. They were Ordained to do these acts or functions to help me proceed, as Agathiyan mentioned in my Nadi. When I was lost in a MAZE, (not even knowing I was lost), My father Agathiyan, led me step by step to reach HIS HOME .. POTHIGAI and showed me HIS PRESENCE. The DEITIES were Ordained by Arutperumjothi ... my father Agathiyar, who showed the world that HE IS INDEED ARUTPERUMJOTHI and they guided me to complete the Chariya and Kriya stages in the Bhakthi side and along with Sai Baba of Shirdi, led to Yog state.
Now Agathiayan will lead /guide me to the Gnana stage .... .long long way to go. Just as the DEITIES were doing their ordained tasks and functions, Sai Baba was guiding me throughout my Life's Journey.
I shall now relate to you a conversation that took place between Tavayogi and my self, when I was at Kallar in Oct 2011 .... the day after I received my Dheeksha. He was receiving numerous calls that day and he turned to me and said thus,"Why is it Saibaba is sending all HIS devotees over here (Kallar)?"
I asked him which Sai Baba? He replied ... Shirdi Sai Baba. Now this clearly shows the connection between Agathiyan and Saibaba. This was further Answered by Venkatesh Swamy to me while I was at Kalyana Theertham. He said that he, along with Sadhu Krishnaveni Amma had seen Sai Baba with Agathiyan number of times at Kalyana Theertham. He further added that Sadhu Amma had told him , that during her early days at Pothigai, when she had no roof of her own and used to live in the cave above Kalyana Theertam, it was Sai Baba who had appeared to her in HIS physical form and gave her some Sarees and some sheets to cover herself. He showed me the Sarees given by Sai Baba. Therefore every soul I had met so far in my Journey was sent/ ordained by Agathiayan .. to lead /guide me.. This is my Understanding NOW. A clear Explanation ... Am happy to know my path how it progressed.
She writes further,
Vallalar says there are seven screens or curtains preventing us from being able to see the Graceful light and these screens are to be removed one by one and it can be ...... with the Grace of the Divine, when , one attains Spiritual Maturity.We will be able to see the screens in our forehead as we progress Spiritually. These seven screens have been placed by Arutperum Jyothi.
1)The Black Screen.This is the first and the most difficult screen to remove.Once removed, the other screens will be able to fall apart. This screen hides the Sovereignity of Arutperum Jyothi's Grace light with the power of the great 'maya' or the Illusionary nature of the world.
2)The Blue Screen.This is the second screen. While the black curtain is to veil or hide the Cosmic Soul, the blue curtain is to hide the Individual Soul.
3)The Green Screen,The third screen is the green screen. This screen hides the Cosmic Space representing Divine Energy. Purification of the Mind's faculties and that of the Soul will tear down this curtain.
4)The Red Screen.The Fourth screen is the red screen. This screen is there to hide the space of mystic Powers and at the Appropriate time it is removed.
5)The Golden Screen,The Golden screen is the fifth screen. This hides the real matters worthy of human pursuits as a result, we tend to run after Illusionary ones and when this curtain is removed we will be able to perceive the Real.
6)The White Screen.This is the sixth screen. This curtain hides the space or abode of the Absolute Truth. This being the Original Energy.
7)The Screen of Several Colour.The seventh screen is the screen of Mixed Colour. It veils all experiences of the Aspirant.
By the Grace of the Ultimate Divine, all the above mentioned Screens or curtains can be Removed one by one ..... Aum.
Yes. I had been here ... rather we as a family with Shankar, had been to Kandha Kotam and Vadivudai Amman Temple number of times about 25 years back. Son was a teenager ... in school.. Every purnima we used to conduct tender coconut water Abhishegam to Amma and visit Vallalar's home .... I did not have even an iota of thought .. nor was it mentioned to me by Shankar...that after a number of years ... me to, would be receiving the same Jyothi that Vallalar had Received.
Even, Last year on my hubby's death aniiversary, I had been to Vadivudai Amma's temple .... to feed the cows with Agathy Keerai ...... a ritual performed after Tarpanam ...which Amma asked me to perform. Had been to Tiruvotriyur also a number of times with Shankar and family ..... to conduct Abhisegam to Siva on Atham Star. That's what I keep Repeating that Shankar is my Mortal Guru and Agathiyar .... My Athma Guru...
All the Devis and Devans and Mahans were with me, guiding me and following me right from BIRTH ....... I realized this after my connection with Agathiyan .... To Quote Vallalar .... .My Spiritual journey has been thus ....."From the Forms to the Formless ... .Jyothi ..... Arut Perum Jyothi." I was totally unaware of all these happenings in my life .I was performing my duties as a wife and Mother .... while the Divine was performing their duties on me .... I was not at all aware that, I ... a Disciple .... was ready to receive the Jyothi...
But Agathiyan .. my Father gave it to me when HE knew I was ready to Receive the "Light ". With tears in my eyes, I pronounce these words ...."In my case ... the SEEKER BECAME THE SOUGHT,'' Agathiyan took me into HIS fold and made me "COMPLETE".... a Desire-less Object. All I can say is THUS ...... Om Sri, Mahasidhargale, Mahangale, Maharishigale, Mahayogigale, Mahamunivargale, Mahadevargale ........ THIRUVADIGAL POTRI POTRI .