Thursday 6 November 2014


Sri Raghavan posted this amazing story an hour ago on fb. · 

I reached an old place of worship,
Where there was kept a Shiva Linga,
Due to tiredness of time and age,
I stretched my limbs and slept instantly,
In the morning when the Priest arrived,
Seeing me fast asleep, he shouted aloud,
"Wake up you old man!"
Do you not even realize what you're doing,
Sleeping in the presence of the Lord,
But above that stretching your dirty legs,
Towards the face of the Shiv Linga,
Being weary and tired with the long journey,
I did not find enough strength to move my legs,
So I humbly requested the Priest to do the needful,
He too agreed readily to do,
When he moved my legs away from the Linga,
And haughtily placed it in another direction,
There arose a Linga from the ground below,
This shocked Him beyond no measure,
But I was happily surprised as I said, "Wah he Guru!",
He then placed my legs in many directions,
But in each one of them, came a Shiva Linga,
Filling the entire place with the emblems of the Lord,
The poor priest gave up the futile effort and asked,
"What is the meaning of all this Baba?"
What could I say more but, "Wah he Guru!"

The entire Universe contains itself in the word, "Wahe Guru!"
Every speck of creation silently sings this ageless ode, "Wahe Guru!"
The essence of all the scriptures, lies in these two words, "Wahe Guru!"
When the incomparable grace of the Master falls on the unworthy,
Yes, the unworthy, because the worthy are already taken care of,
They utter these sounds from deep inside their soul, "Wahe Guru!"
Like the moment you see something beautiful, all that comes out is "Ah!"
So too when the grace of the Guru descends, all you say is, "Wahe Guru!"
Nothing more, nothing less..."Wahe Guru!"