Uday Mehta whose life was going fine suddenly turned topsy turvy overnight. When all means to overcome his plight ended in vain, he turned to the Nadi for a solution and a reason. Agathiyar revealed the reasons for his misgivings. Uday shared his personal account of his tragic misfortune and how karma affects individuals at http://www.naadiguruonweb.org/dedicated_maharshi_02.html and
Many celebrities and personalities have given the thumbs up for the Nadi as disclosed at http://www.naadiguruonweb.org/old_experiences.html
Just like Annette Merle Cleveland, who was mentioned in my Nadi, had publicised the Nadi extensively, Shashikant Oak too is renowned for his extensive research and writings on the Nadi. He had his first Nadi reading at Tambaram after he was posted as the Wing Commander to the Air Force Station. He was so convinced by the revelations that he took up research into this mystery. He also happens to be the famed writer PN Oak's nephew.
Annette had been interviewed for Discovery Channel many years back. Watch her interview in the following video.
Shashikant who visited all the Nadi centres in India, had a Jeeva Nadi reading with the famed Nadi Nool Aasan Ganeshan of Tanjavur too. Watch the following video.
Nadi Nool Aasan Meigandan explains in simple terms how the Nadi functions in the following video.