Reading the series NADI SOLLUM KATHAIGAL, personal writings and compilations of many episodes in the lives of the general public who came to the late Sri Hanumathdasan of Chennai to hear Agathiyar speak through his Jeeva Nadi, brings further insight into the workings of Karma and the efficacy of prayers. His writings are a boon for those seeking to know Agathiyar, the Siddhas and their workings.

Watching Agathiyar answer Sri Sashikant Oak through a Nadi reading by Sri Ganeshan of Tanjavur Siddhar Arul Kudil, helps broaden our understanding of the workings of the Siddhas too.
Sheer amazement sets in as we watch an interesting satsang on the Nadi, "WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT NAADI GRANTHA ASTROLOGY" at
Finally Kagapusandar through the following Nadi revelation for Sri Sashikant Oak, explains that the subject of Birth (Jananam) and Death (Maranam) is a Divine Secret (Brahma and Deva Ragasiyam) and puts our case to rest.
Jnana Jyothiamma too mentions similarly in a note to me,
"Why then is it that some are saved while others are not? The closest answer one can think of is, may be the Vasanaas ie, Karmic Imprints are very intense for those (some) who succumb. It is something beyond the mind, body, senses complex. We, being in the human Realm cannot, and can never predict, when and where our next or following birth would begin or even be."