Friday 25 November 2016


The Siddhas encourage us to feed the unfortunate besides doing tapas. Ramalinga Adigal when he came to settle in Vadalur started the Satya Dharma Salai to feed the poor in and around Vadalur.

Following in Adigal's footsteps is Sadhu Janagiraman of Thiruvannamalai. He explains why Adigal built the Dharma Salai and began to feed the masses.

Sadhu Janagiraman while in Malaysia early this year officiated the "Pothigai Meals on Wheels" feeding program at Batu Caves on the turn of the Tamil new year last April, that has been kept alive till today by Sri Krishna of AUM and members of AVM, Thondu Seivom and Amudha Surabhi.

Thavathiru Rengaraja Desigar of Ongkara Kudil, who performs Annadhanam in and around, Turaiyur, has inspired his devotees to follow closely in his footsteps and establish similar missions in their own localities. Today his mission extends beyond the shores of India. Over the years many have initiated and are successfully carrying out this noble service, sharing their wealth, food and time with these unfortunate souls.

On the other side of the globe, we come across numerous organizations spearheading this noble activity of feeding the poor.

On the local front many charitable Malaysians are doing their part too in bringing aid and food to the needy. See

Mike Meyers who is "Food for the Hungry" Chief Development Officer, having 17 years of experience in non-profit management, with marketing and fundraising experience on five continents writes,
"When my kids were younger, they struggled to understand why I had to fly to different parts of the world for various periods of time for work. Every time I left, I explained that giving isn’t always about monetary donations. Sometimes, it’s about giving of ourselves, our time and our talents to help others. Now, when I leave to catch a flight, they understand that dad is giving back because it is important in helping others." Source:
It is sad to note that,
"The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 795 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2014-2016." Source :
but on the other hand, it's heartening to learn that this figure is down 167 million over the past decade and is 216 million less than in 1990-1992 due to numerous efforts by individuals and charitable organizations taking an active role in eradicating poverty around the globe. Source: although the Kuala Lumpur City Council 's (DBKL) survey reveals otherwise the situation in present day Kuala Lumpur city.
"The number of homeless people in Kuala Lumpur have increased by threefold, from 600 in 2014 to at least 2,000 people last year, based on a survey conducted by the Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL)." Source:
Let's do our part in a small way by extending aid for a start to those in need in our locality. Let's take up the calling and let's walk the talk. 

Siddha Heartbeat is proud to showcase the help extended by members of AVM through their service orientated arm Thondu Seivom and financial arm Amudha Surabhi and that of AUM's "Pothigai Meals on Wheels" program.