Sunday 16 December 2018


The Siddhas are in our world as much as they are in theirs. There is only a very fine line separating both. Just as it took Esakhi Siddhar to pass through a tiny crack in the wall back to his world; and just as it took me a few steps walking away from Palani Andavar Sannadhi and turning a corner that brought me to the plane of theirs were Bhogar rests in Samadhi, a place quite different from what is told; their world seems pretty close and approximate to ours, almost running on parallel planes.

As Michael Palin wrote in his "Himalaya", The Book People Ltd, St Helens, 2004, "The India-Myanmar border slices right down the middle of the chief's hut, so he can walk between the two countries without ever leaving home", so it seems with the Siddhas.

The Siddhas have been known to be in existence since time immemorial but it is only recently that those of faith have come to see them moving among them and interact with them. The time is right I suppose for their manifestation to take place. When I strongly believed that Ramalinga Adigal came too soon for his time, where people were not ready for his teachings, a line from a movie taught me otherwise. In this scene from the movie "A Wrinkle in Time", where Dr. Kate Murry confronts her husband Dr. Alexander Murry saying that he had made a mistake in disclosing his findings too soon to the scientific world that only laughed at his theory.
Dr. Kate Murry: "You were impatient. You couldn't follow the plan. Couldn't you see it in their eyes? It was written all over their faces. They weren't ready. They're not..."
Dr. Alexander Murry: "Kate, they're not ready, so what are we supposed to do? We're supposed to wait until they catch up with us? We are on the precipice of something spectacular!"

If Ramalinga Adigal comes now he will do justice to his cause. We are blessed to learn that Jeganatha Swamigal who took up the teachings of Ramalinga Adigal, chose to spend his last days in Malaya had a disciple for Chitramuthu Adigal. Chitramuthu Adigal was soon to be Tavayogi's guru. We are blessed to be Tavayogi's students.

We are blessed to have come this far on this journey, blessed to hold on to the feet of the Siddhas to guide us further through this stormy life that robs our senses towards all the goodness that life has to offer and on the other hand the internal yearning of the soul that knows pretty well that all these was superficial just as a mirage in the desert sands. Here is where we need to thread carefully, balancing between both worlds. It is a miracle that we have come this far as Mrs. Which, another character from "A Wrinkle in Time" points out the significance of each birth taken to Margaret Murry O'Keefe, the main character in the movie.
Mrs. Which: "Do you realize... how many events and choices... that had to occur since the birth of the universe... leading to the making of you... just exactly the way you are?
Just as Margaret admits, "I guess I never really thought about that" so have each one of us, barely giving a thought to the greatest gifts given by Erai - Birth! Life! and the Present! The birth that was our asking; Life that was given by Erai; and the Present Moment to be cherished and lived well.

As the character Dr. Alexander Murry says, we are indeed on the precipice of something spectacular!