I asked if I could withstand the test of transformation yet to come in the last post. Even if I fail, I am grateful to Agathiyar for even considering allowing me to attempt to reach his state. As Tavayogi says we shall attempt and come back to continue from where we fail if we do fail, and just as Supramania Swami said we shall work on polishing this vessel to accommodate the divine and his energy, or rather work on rubbing off the moss that we have collected which has prevented us from seeing the truth of who we are and our full potential, I shall come back too. A handful of souls have been following my journey and are keen to see me attain the goals set by Agathiyar. I am grateful to them too. If one man succeeds it is a major step for humanity and shall boost the spirits of others to follow too.
If Tavayogi had set the ball rolling by giving me what Agathiyar calls a treasure in the form of certain Yogic Asanas and Pranayama techniques in 2007, then Agathiyar, Patanjali, Kagabunjandar, and Bhrigu guided me through the Aasi Nadi readings fine-tuning the Yogic practices and diets to prepare my body for what I was not told then. Even before I received them, Agathiyar mysteriously passed on a Vasudeva mantra in 2001, that I came to learn later was supposed to break knots within the body. It was only after I was confronted by the energies beginning in 2010 that rose as a result of these practices, that I was made aware of the extent and potential of these practices and diets. As Annie Besant wrote one has to prepare both the brain and body well ahead before engaging in Yoga, Agathiyar came to purge my body of toxins accumulated over the years.
I had written in a post dated 21 August 2021 that,
"If Agathiyar Kuzhambu was to be taken six months once, Agathiyar set me on another regime of preparing another concoction from a recipe given by him, taking it daily. I took it for some time. Soon the three dosas were expelled without the need to consume these preparations. Kapha was expelled in the morning hours, Vata during the day, and Pitha as I retired to bed. Then its frequency doubled to two cycles of each a day at particular hours. These days the body expels them as and when they begin to accumulate. The body aches at times before it recedes just as it comes on. As Agathiyar forewarned me, my body has begun to stink."
Before arriving in the present moment, in 2022 he had given me a taste of how the body would lie dead upon a pyre or in a coffin. He gave me insights into the workings of the Kundalini that had caused all the above to take place which according to Patanjali was activated way back in 2007.
This cycle has begun again. A couple of days ago the three Dosas were expelled as before. I had been enduring bodily aches for several months now. The pain seemed to have shifted to my right buttock but I took it in my stride as Agathiyar had prepared me mentally in the past when I had acute lower back pain, explaining that even pain was blissful. My urine and sweat stinks. He comes to tell me now that as the Kundalini had progressed further there was a need to consume certain herbs to contain its energy. In this state and with Sivarathri enveloping us tomorrow evening, I wonder if we could go ahead with a preplanned schedule of Homam and Abhisegam at AVM? It is all his will and doing. I have begun to take things in my stride surrendering to Agathiyar and the energy as he says it shall do its work. But though these adversities might have stopped me in my tracks before, I was determined to fight them by continuing with my daily walks. A good walk or hike does do us some good. I visited Wukong today with my family.