Friday 23 August 2019


First, he asked to come into the path. Then he brings me to India with an urgency to know about him. He dishes out numerous miracles while I am there, I guess only then would I believe in his existence. Next sending Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal over to Malaysia, I am accepted by him to receive initiation. I am told the reason for all of mankind's sufferings was karma or vinai and was shown the way to overcome it. I was told to recite the names of the Siddhas for they would help us deal with it and that they would be a force field that kept us from harm's way. After a brief mantra initiation, Tavayogi invites me to his ashram in India.

When I told him over the phone that I shall be there in good time, with a sense of urgency he gets me to go over to India the following month after his departure. Agathiyar brings me to the abodes and caves of the Siddhas with Tavayogi leading the way. While it was a trip down memory lane for Tavayogi, revisiting the places where he had spent years in tavam, I came to see a whole new world out there, in the hills and jungles and interiors of India, a path less traveled, a tour not unlike what the tourist undertook, and bringing me to places of interest to the Siddhas, that was shrouded in mystery, awe, and amazement. 

Returning home I am given various tasks to perform, both through the Nadi and by Agathiyar and Tavayogi. I indulge in rituals with directions and guidance from my gurus. They tell me that although the ritual of performing the homa contributes towards personal or individual gain that aids in pacifying, reducing or removing our past karma, but a bigger and greater intent is revealed - that of healing the universe or prapanjam. I am told that this act of dharma will help sustain the world and all its creation. It brings joy to us to be of service to mankind and nature.

Bringing me to do charity and having fed the hungry at Kallar ashram, I begin to look for opportunities to do a similar task on a smaller scale, according to my means, individually, once back home. I am told that this act of dharma is lauded as the highest service one could give of himself to man and beast.

As the years pass by Agathiyar has a message for us through Suren's Nadi reading in 2018, that says that there is indeed a higher act of dharma beyond the rests. He says besides the above acts of dharma, singing the praise of the divine, eyeing his Holy feet, that we had engaged in till this moment, showing the way of the guru and standing by it is the highest dharma. 

இது காலம் மாந்தர்களின் சிரம் பொருட்டு எடுத்துரைப்போம் பல தர்மம் நீதிக்கு ஒப்பாம் மங்கல துதிகளும் கதி உணர்ந்து மகிழ்வுடன் ஏற்றுக் கொண்டோம். உத்தமமாய் தர்மங்களில் சிறந்தது உயர்வான குரு வழியைக் காட்டி நிற்பது.

He sets us to bring the greatness of the Siddhas to others, something I never intentionally started. Although Tavayogi had asked me while in Malaysia in the early years of his tour, to talk about Agathiyar and the Siddhas, I had turned it down citing that I was not equipped and knowledgeable enough to undertake a task of such magnitude. When he came out with his first book Andamum Pindamum, he asked me to translate it. I turned it down too for fear of not doing justice to his words and the Siddhas. But I did venture to write eventually. What started as a personal web site indianheartbeat in the nineties, to showcase my artwork later came to include the journal of my maiden journey to India that was followed by an account of my second pilgrimage three years later. I began to promote the miracles of the Siddhas and my gurus that captivated me, sharing with others too on various platforms.

Along the way, a friend posted a photo of my guru Supramania Swami taken from my websites on fb that did not warrant an ill comment from his friend. I decided that I was not going to put my gurus at the mercy of these perverts. I deactivated all the social media and closed all my websites. Later when I informed Tavayogi of this, he said, "Why son? Let it be. Many will read (the postings)." I started to develop the websites again from scratch. I had lost much material as a result of my action as I did not back up or save the postings then. The now-defunct websites include: and several others.

I began to publish online numerous books and made them available for free download. 

Soon I switched over to blogging for ease of including media to brighten up an otherwise boring piece of writing. But I did not know I had a following until the readers began to write to me. Along the way whenever I thought of winding up and that is the day I will receive a message from a reader appreciating the blog and its content. A teen from Pune surprised me when she wrote to me in 2015 that Agathiyar had asked her to read this blog and gain clarity regarding her questions and confusion that arises out of it. I was amazed to hear it. 
  • Hi sir. Thanks for a very enlightening post from none other than the great sage agasthiar. I really prayed to him to tell me about the working of karma and he replied through your post! I am thankful to both of you.
  • Hi. I commented a few days earlier about karma questions. They are kind of solved now. I really love your blog and it is my only hope! Actually I want to share with you my story! I think you are the only one who will understand. I actually read a lot of false spirituality stuff that made me believe that god is a maniac who has already fixed our destiny and we cannot do anything about it. It also told that the atman is a prisoner inside its own body and the body behaves of on own and we have to endure the effects of the karma that we didnt create in the first place. Through your blog I understood that the atman acts through the body! For past 3 months I was in severe depression as I thought that we have no control over our body and I was hopeless. I had stopped eating and I was so sad that I vomited the moment I ate something. I lost 6 kgs! I cried continuously because the false spiritual writer also said that we can NEVER be happy and even moksha lasts for a limited time and then again we are subjected to tremendous misery. what does agathiar say about moksha? Is it everlasting? Can I be happy ever? I know that I am troubling you a lot and I am VERY SORRY! BUT PLEASE REPLY.
  • i went fr another nadi reading. again agasthiar told me that u r the solution to all my problems. he told me that u r my guru. he said that he will inform u about the same through some means or the other. he advised me to read your blog regularly and pray regularly. he said u r the one to answer all my questions. he did not even reveal about my past life.
  • when i asked the doubts in my mind he said that i should ask them to u as told in earlier reading. can u help me?
  • i went for another nadi reading. agasthiar told me that i should not come to him again and again because u r the answer for all my problems. he told me to accept u as a guru and told that u can answer all my doubts. again i smell the strong smell of incense and rose water as i write this mail! he will communicate with u on the same matter later on....he said that to me. will u b my guru?
Having come out of her troubles stronger, due to Agathiyar's guidance in the Nadi and worship on her part, she impresses me with the following message.
  • hi dad...i m grt. joined my college's service group. we help underprivileged children with books, free tuition, toys. also helping the struggle for animal rights. u can check out World Peace Centre Alandi Youth Mission on google. donated blood in a blood donation drive when i heard that blood components when separated can save 3 lives. saw ur blog when i searched "siddha heartbeat charity". i perform PRAYERS DAILY for hanuman, shiva (THE GOD I LOVE THE MOST), krishna, yellamma (our ancestral goddess from karnataka state), parashuram and goddess ambabai from Maharashtra. it has helped me a lot.
She shared certain experiences that she came to gain on a pilgrimage too.
  • from ur recent posts i remember that my family never planned pilgrimages. but whatever city we go to we make it a point to visit old temples there. i have been to all temples on purnima (full moon) days only! somehow without planning anything we reach all temples on that day and at the prayer time. so we receive the prasad (food) that was offered to the gods or goddesses! also when we went to jabalpur our local driver took us to a 700 year old temple of navagrahas (guess what day it was) which was not a part of the itinerary. i could not climb even a few steps. i requested my parents to wait for me after every 5 or 6 steps. i thought that i was exhausted but after having darshan we climbed down and realised that i had forgot my cap at the temple. then i climbed the steps effortlessly.....somehow i was re energized by the visit to the temple. my father also said that when he went to Vani, a goddess temple in Maharashtra he had to hold his legs and pull them up by his hands when he was climbing the steps. then he received the prasad and climbed the rest of the steps quite easily. i wonder what happened on both occasions!
Having introduced her to Tavayogi and Jnana Jhotiamma, she shared what she learned from them too.
  • i emailed tavayogi ji and asked him some doubts. he clarified and i think there should be an article on siddha heartbeat on these topics. he explained that god is nothing but nature. god is not a person at all but just nature. and hence we are also part of him. thus none of shiva brahma or vishnu are god but all three are parts of god. this is what he told me...and this knowledge should be available for all. it wud b grt if u could write a article on this. he also said that when agathiar says that we all are one it means that we all are of the same type...aathmas. it does not mean that we are one soul...but it means that we r all souls...same in all aspects.
  • thank was lovely conversing with tavayogi ji by email and also on phone. u have been forever supporting...cant thank u enough. thanks agasthiar also. wherever he is i know he is listening to me. i started with confusion and ended in bliss. it was a tough journey but the end couldn't be more perfect. thanks for writing ur wonderful blog and for replying to my every mail and comment. my best wishes with u n anyone and everyone related to kallar ashram AVM and siddhas. i will pray for everyone always. thanks for the 24 min short potri. it worked! ...immediately. i listen to the moola mantra everyday on youtube. it is pacifying and beautiful. u may not reply to this i know u r forever by my side. and i have agathiar standing behind me to catch me if i fall..thank u again.
  • dad u wont believe! its miraculous agasthiar helped me like i m his own child! i love him so much. he solved all my doubts in the best way ever possible! he also took care that this doubt solving wont affect me negatively! i am sooo happy n blissful! he gave me the mantra for life ...... in a way which even my skeptical parents approve completely.....he made a special package for that suits me that merges the mystical land of siddhas and my parents scientific outlook!......i dont know how to thank him enough! and u dad have been with me on every step of this arduous journey! love u always dad! cant find words to thank u enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • read a really inspiring article regarding jyothiamma and how the divine light always follows her. i m blessed that i could hear her voice on phone! i wish to hear those nadi readings that u post...but i cant understand tamil. could you translate the importance of swamimalai n kaveri river and also agathiar's and lobha ma's wishes in english? many would benefit from this. isn't lobha ma supposed to b a river as revealed in origins of agathiar? i wonder how a river can have wishes? another mystical experience with d siddhas i suppose!!
I did not answer her last query for I did not have the answers then. I think this answer should satisfy her now.

If god can come in the human form that is made of the 5 elements earth, water, fire, air and ether and walk the earth as an avatar, why can't he come in the granite or the snake den, or a tree that is rooted deep into the earth, or internally as the tissues and bones; why can't he come as externally as water as in River Ganga or Kaveri, or internally as the water content in our bodies; why can't he come as fire externally or internally as the warmth of the body; why can't he come as the wind that brushes across our faces and the air that surrounds us and that we breath in, or as the ether or space or internally as the space within the core of all that we are made of? I remember how Tavayogi would point out to the aroma and scent that was prevalent in the places we stepped foot; he would point to the sky and tell me the Siddhas were showering flower petals; and he would bring to my attention that the Siddhas were ushering us to their abodes, confirming what he told the teenager.

Agathiyar has on numerous occasions asked me to continue writing too telling me he would be in my thoughts and pen the words. True enough these days I too used to be amazed and wonder how these posts have taken shape so lovely. As I sit in silence at his feet, an understanding dawns about a subject and I immediately note it lest it should go away as fast as it comes, which does happen though. Later I develop the subject referring to the books I have read and the internet, as Tavayogi had told me whatever we say must have solid references. After each post I stand before him and praise him for his work, a remarkable piece I would say to him. I would get back to the post and read and reread it for it is knowledge and information for me too.

But along the way, I decided to go private for various reasons. This blog entries are becoming more personal for one. As we share the experiences that we had with the divine, I thought it would not be advisable to go public anymore. With the social media gaining popularity, we see how some have taken to these wonderful media to abuse it, in the manner to provoke, challenge, and argue, and to spread hate speeches and hatred against individuals and groups, and even cause damage to individual's reputations and that of organizations. Some have begun to advertise and promote on the pretext of leaving a comment too. So one fine day after contemplating for a long time, I made the move to make this blog private. 

Many have taken the trouble to message me when I decided to go private, some seeking to know why they could not access the blog from Google. A reader alerted me on this, "While, wanting to open the blog in chrome, I came across this. Probably your ardent fans."

By Agathiyar's grace, Charanjeev got in touch with me through Dean and Ashwani messaged me on fb.

Here is Dean's note.
Dear Shanmugam, I have been following your blog and it seems to not be accessible publicly any more. Have I got that correct? May I request your email address in order to request that I may be added for subscription of your blog Siddha-Heartbeat? Also, I have a friend who was following your blog but he doesn't have access to Facebook/Messenger and he can't write to you to ask to be included in your group. Is it possible for him to contact you on an email address, or can I present his email address to you? Thank you sincerely, Dean Sky-Lucas, Melbourne, Australia.
I receive a note from Charanjeev.
Respected Sir, Salutations and greetings for the day. I had been an ardent follower of your Blog SIDDHA HEARTBEAT since 2015. As you have gone private, I cannot follow it now. Since I had deactivated my Facebook account and was unable to contact you. So, I had asked my friend to send you a request to send me a link to enable me to re-join your Blog. I received a link on 11th August, but sadly when I clicked on the invitation, I got the message “Blog Invitation Error”. I tried everything as suggested in the Bloggers help center but nothing worked. 
Following your Blog means a lot to me. I have learnt very valuable soul searching and life improving information from it. Ever since I am not able to follow it any more, I feel something lost in me and I that I am devoid of meaning of living without reading to your valuable writings. 
I have had ‘Nadi Readings’ for myself for three times in India and have visited Vaitheeswaran Koil and Holy Temples in Tamil Nadu a couple of times. Finding your Blog, I felt that I was very close to the Holy Feet of Mahamuni Agastya and got a lot of inspiration by reading it regularly.
I humbly request you to resend me the link to your Blog SIDDHA HEARTBEAT so that I can follow it regularly and get the inspiration from your writings and the blessings of being in the Holy Feet of Mahamuni Agastya. I am sure that Mahamuni Agastya will also grant my wish to be in his Holy Feet by joining your Blog. I will be highly indebted if you could include me in the group by sending me an invitation. Namaskar. Charanjeev Singh.
Respected Sir, Salutations and greetings for the day. My sincere thanks to you for re-sending the invitation to your esteemed Blog. I am highly indebted to you for your kindness, patience and understanding. Re-linking me with your Blog, you have given me a hope that I under the protective sheath of Mahamuni Agastya’s blessings. Once again, my sincere thanks and warm regards to you and all the followers of SIDDHA HEARTBEAT. Charanjeev Singh.
Thank you Charanjeev ji. Ashwani Chauhan who lives in Greater Noida too managed to get in touch with me through fb.
Hello sir , Om Agatheesaya Namah , i was reading your blog "Siddha heartbeat " since 2013 , and after that only i came to know about the siddha and there way of working . your blog was immense help for me know the siddha path , after reading your blog i came in contact with the kellar ashram and guruji tavayogi ji and mataji , i went to kellar twice as well and got the blessings of my beloved guruji Agastya ji through jeeva naadi reading . but suddenly your blog become private and i cant able to access it now . i was eagerly searching for the author of the blog and in search of it i came down to your facebook page .kindly provide access to me to read the blog , thanks for the support , BR ashwani.
Thanks a lot sir, this is agastiyar grace. Your blog is tremendous help in attaining siddha path. You are doing Great service to sadhguru agastiyar.
Paghan Sonofseagar wrote, "Hello aiya, Im a frequent reader of your blog, There seems to be some prob, Is the blog still running?"

I am equally surprised how Agathiyar linked all these ardent fans of the blog. One can never underestimate the capability of Agathiyar and his use of modern technology to propagate his teachings. He is equally IT-Savvy as seen below.

I had a lot of encouragement from Jnana Jhothiamma. She would ask me to sing Aksharamanamalai and join me on her side in the USA while watching the puja live from my home. She was the only sole person watching the puja till we decided to stream it through Ustream and later on YouTube. Agathiyar approved of it as he spoke about the puja being watched by others across the globe. When Jnana Jhothiamma was around and when she was active on social media, and before she went into solitude and passed on, we used to speak over Skype for hours. Once she stopped speaking midway and there was silence on her part for a long while. When she came back she told me Agathiyar had cut our conversation and spoke to her instead. Our Daddy took over the social media for some minutes to communicate and pass his message to his greatest devotee. 

Jnana Jhothiamma wrote to me:
For every question I asked for an answer for MALAYSIA..through Electronic media...Gud progress.I thought only ammae and karuppetta were electronic/net savvy...BUT OUR FATHER too seems to rather wants to LEAD even this
But till this day I cannot figure out why she was taken away so suddenly? Neither has Agathiyar spoken about it.

Once when my wife and I were traveling back home from a wedding in Teluk Intan, a town some 170 kms from Kuala Lumpur, as we were cruising through the countryside my wife was desperately trying to hold a conversation with an ATM family member regarding our upcoming puja. She managed to get her message across although the line was extremely bad. Then we spoke about whether we wanted to place lime around the homa kundam or vessel as Tavayogi had initiated. We left it at that without making a decision. On the day of the puja the divine instructed us to place the lime! In a region where there was hardly a decent coverage of the network, how did Agathiyar tap into our conversation, asked my wife? Did Agathiyar travel with us listening on in our conversation? 

Today we have many potential writers in our midst in the ATM family who I am sure will continue the tradition of passing on the good word of the Lord. This is obvious from the many messages they share.

Mahin who follows the blog avidly translates his understanding of the soul's journey, that of picking up many lessons and experiences along the way to enhance and strengthen its Atma Balam. He classifies the aspirants arriving at the four stages of spiritual developments namely Sariyai, Kriyai, Yogam and Jnana that is part of the evolution from Bakti to Jnana, in simple layman terms as a listener first, then a practitioner, then evolving further through meditation, and finally letting go of all that has been learnt and accumulated.
If u go very deep into what is spiritual path is all about. It’s about u & only u and the soul. That’s it. For u to reach that level we need all this. The soul having own task to do it for that need a human body, or any other source like animal plant n so on. But Human is the highest when compare to others. To make the soul to realize the task. As a human we need temple valipaadu, Kaaval teivam, kula teivam, n etc...(At this stage we’re listener)
The next step will be Siddhargal valipaadu. In this we involved ourselves to do what we saw in temples. Like homam, abishegam, Annathanam, chanting mantras. (At this stage we’re practitioners)
Further we’re going into meditation stage. Where we trying to connect with soul n Guru to communicate. For us to reach this stage we need the above 2 steps. (At this stage we’re evolving)

Next if the souls is blessed by Guru, Guru will bring to next stage which is pranayamam (breathing techniques) and raise the chakras. (At this stage we’re ready to let go anything)

And than after all practices n cleansing your body will be ready to merge with 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether) And the soul becomes Jothi (endless)
Summarizing the journey Mahin writes,
So many messages. And all that he said we’re currently practicing.
  • Thondu Sei (Serve or Seva)
  • Love the world and respect the people around us.
  • Ulaga vaalkai will led to Gnana vaalkai - Agathiyar or Murugan always saying this Ulaga vaalkai is a learning process to come this path. What ever we doing currently it’s helping a lot for us to reach Erai. Means we’re on the right track. Every time Appa endorsing on our action Anna. 
  • Surrendering to Appa - He keep repeating to the same thing “Saranagadhi” and ask to open the heart for him to led us further.
  • Going deeper inside - Now Appa wan us to go into practical stage Anna. He doing the clean up from inside without our effort. I can feel it. He jus wan us to sit silently.
Another devotee who has regularly carried out her service towards Agathiyar at ATM writes of her current understanding and of how she has been brought to evolve.
We are conducting puja with Appa's guidance. Each and every time when we perform puja, Appa is modifying our methods of worship as per his wish. Thru this our self getting evolved.  The thoughts or perceptions of 1st time idol worship is not same as now. We are keep learning new things everyday. Appa keep moulding us and prepare our souls to communicate wit him thru meditation.  So, soon our souls will merge wit him. Hence, it is necessary to do idol worship and perform pujas.
Another staunch devotee and ATM family member from the African Continent gauges Agathiyar's guidance superbly.
Your recent teachings have been awakening us to the 5 tenants aiya. I have been checking myself so carefully. Then the breathing and the meditation and the silence etc...
Where could we possibly be going? Where would appa Agasthiya be taking perhaps a priceless, ticketless destination called Within.
I love how excited everyone is about this trip aiya. Everyone have worked so hard. This path is one of the most difficult to scale. Everyone  is looking forward to a wonderful trip which they deserve. There is so much mystery and intrigue. How wonderful it would be if everyone gets to go within and they realise the surprise later. That would be an amazing flight  for everyone aiya.
Yet another stirring message from another ATM family member from abroad.
What to say Shan Sir, You leave me speechless. Recently I have observed that after reading your articles many times I go in a state where someone has to pinch me to come back from where I am. Thanx for sharing these lovely thoughts and experiences.
More messages.
Agatheesa.... Arumai Anna... The journey Anna travelled with Agathiyar Appa and 2 Wonderful Gurus. All their teaching is bcm lesson to us thru your writing Anna.
Im enjoying my journey wit Appa's guidance and your writttings Anna.
Excellent writing! Aiya, your wonderful journey in Siddha path & ur writing has become our ultimate guide for us 
To all the good souls out there who look forward to these posts, I can only say this. Thank you very much for your love and gratitude. I am only a tool. I am being used as a tool by our beloved Father. All your gratitude shall go to him for guiding us from day one. Without him coming to us in numerous ways to correct, direct, guide, instruct, and lift us we would not have come this far in our pursuit. Thank you. Please keep giving your love and gratitude to him.

Coming back on track to how Agathiyar slowly brought us through the various ways of doing dharma, sacrifice, and offering, finally we are told the greatest offering is to offer one's outgoing breath to Erai.
சித்த வித்யார்த்திகள், தானம் செய்வது, தங்கள், மூச்சை. அது பார்க்கக் கிடைப்பது அரிது. அனைத்தையும் இறைவனுக்கு சமர்ப்பிப்பதாக வரித்துக் கொண்டு, இரு கையையும் சேர்த்து, இரு கட்டை விரலும் மூக்கின் இரு பக்கமும் வைத்து, இரு ஆள்காட்டி விரலும் ஒன்றாக சேர்த்து, சுழுமுனையில் இருக்க, மற்ற விரல்கள் மூக்கை மறைத்து நிற்க, பிறர் காணா வண்ணம், இடது மூக்கை அழுத்தி மூடி, வலது மூக்கு வழியாக காற்றை உள்ளிழுக்கும் பொழுது "ஓம் நமச்சிவாய" என்று மனதுள் தியானித்து, கும்பமானதும், "சிவாய நமஹ" என தியானித்து, அந்த நேரத்தில், இடது மூக்கின் வழி மூச்சை, மூடிய விரல்களை திறந்து, இறைவன் பாதத்தில் சமர்ப்பிப்பார்கள். 

Just as we are told that the act of lighting the sacrificial fire or homa or yagna is an act of dharma that sustains the world and all its creation; Just as we are told that the act of feeding the hungry is an act of dharma that is lauded as the highest service one could give of himself to man and beast; Just as we are told that showing the way of the guru and standing by it supersedes all other dharma; And finally just as we are told the greatest dharma of all is the act of offering or sacrificing one's outgoing breath to Erai, Tavayogi too told us in the beginning that Agathiyar was God; then as we progressed he told us Agathiyar was Siva; further to that he told us that nature was God; later he told us the Light was God and finally he brought us to the Final Summation - Breath is God.

Just as life started with the first breath, the journey ends by giving one's breath back to the universe. Preparing to die and sacrificing the very breath to God is the way of the Guru.