Tuesday 13 August 2019


We have two wonderful souls in our midst. Both of them have taken the teachings of Agathiyar to heart and have gone out to find ways to bring solace and cheer into the lives of others. 

Bala Chandran came to the path of Agathiyar after having read the Nadi. He took Agathiyar's words as the Gospel. Besides the worship of Siddhas he spread the fame of the Siddhas in every possible way and moment of his life.

He came knocking my door telling me he was told to participate in the Pornami Puja that we conducted at my home AVM. He returned home to bring his former schoolmates and friends to the fold. He gathered them and formed a small group that they called Thondu Seivom (TS). As funds by way of contributions came in, AVM formed a working group Amudha Surabhi (AS) and Bala Chandran and TS teamed up with us. Soon we took the initiative to register a formal society called Persatuan Teman Setia (PTS). Bala Chandran heads the society with all his friends giving him the support as committees members.

Besides engaging himself in service, he has brought his family and relatives to organize and feed the poor.  

Meanwhile, Sri Krishna who was exposed to the path and ways of the Siddhas since young started to feed the homeless on the streets. We joined him and learned from him. Soon we took to the streets too supplementing the need to distribute food to the hungry. If earlier Sri Krishna and his wife cooked food and distributed it, today his wife came up with the noble thought of collecting excess food from wedding and dinner receptions, social events, religious gatherings etc and channel it to the poor around the Klang Valley with the help of his Food Rangers. 

If Dharma had eyes, it is Bala Chandran and Sri Krishna. May Agathiyar shower his grace on them and all those who come together in unison to serve and feed the hungry.

Sri Krisha's contribution was highlighted recently in the news and media too.