Thursday 12 September 2019


We do not ask "Why me?" when we are kept healthy but cry out asking the same question when illness or disease brings us down. We do not question if we are qualified and deserve something when honored on stage but become disappointed if not selected. Coming to their path, the Siddhas teach us to go beyond dualities for we live in a world of dualities, night and day, life and death, joy and sorrow etc. Only when we win the battle without engaging directly in battle shall all forms of duality subside.

This reminds me of Tavayogi asking me to be prepared to receive brickbats that will be thrown at us while traveling the path. Heeding the advice of both Agathiyar and Tavayogi not to engage in debate, I have come to accept arguments from others without retaliating or entering into debate with them. But I went one step ahead and closed all the doors and windows so that I will be safe in my brick house, unlike the little pigs who built the house of straw and sticks. I closed all avenues for others to hurl things at me. As I do not see and hear them I am at peace with my self in my makeshift world.

There was a time when I detested people falling at the feet of saints asking myself why the saint do not stop their followers, stop the practice, pass an order that henceforth no one is to fall at his feet. Similarly, we see countless devotees pour milk and water and other offerings of items including forcing food into their mouths while they sit still receiving all these without objecting. I objected to this act. I asked myself if they really cherished to be adored by the devotees. People, as we know, will go all the way to place someone up on the threshold at par with God and will drop them the very next moment, pull them, drag them to the ground and smear their faces in the dirt in the event they lose favor with them. Wasn't this a trap that the knowledgeable saints should avoid? This and many other questions used to spin in this little devilish mind of mine. Then one day I got the answer from within. Since we are supposed to battle the dualities, drop Dvaita and see all as one as in Advaita, we are to drop making choices as that would bring us to duality. By making a decision, based on our likes and dislikes, wants and desires, by stopping a devotee from falling at his feet the saint would then be making a decision based on his choices, wants and desires. Preferring to let it be they go ahead with whatever the divine wishes for him without condoning it or stopping it, hence skipping the need to make a decision or placing a rule.

And so too did Lord Muruga come to ask me to allow the divine into the home and the self. If I carried on stopping his will it would amount to me using my free will to decide what is best for me rather than allow the divine to decide for me. It was only when we gave way that we came to see the kingdom of Erai come down and play their lila before us. Recently he came again to ask devotees to open up their hearts and let him in, in total surrender. The saints who have surrendered to his will cannot possibly lift their hands or raise their voices to stop the kind affection and devotion shown to them for it would clearly state to others that he was in charge of the moment and not the divine.

Now as the messages from readers after reading my last post begin to pile up I have to remind myself and take care that it does not inflate my ego. I have to be attentive and aware, watching my feet and pushing it down less I should float on cloud nine. But it is nice within to hear and receive messages from family and friends who have an honest opinion, interest and wish that we should excel in all our ventures and endeavors. All their prayers shall make it happen. I am silenced by the amount of love showered by them. I can only read and passed it on for your eyes. I am stoned, still and silent. No words arise. Although I hesitated for a moment to post the goodwill messages from readers, but again I should not determine what is good for me or otherwise since I too have surrendered to him. I shall go with the flow. Thank you to all those who wrote in.

A reader message the following and went on to write a longer note.
"I figured that by turning down the gifts the divine would have nothing else to give but himself! That is my birthday gift this year!"
I love it Shan aiya πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.
Your relationship with him is  unconditional hence the playing field accommodates such sincerity and gratitude with  fairplay.  I say this only because I have gotten to see his love and his side as a caring father. So please indulge me aiya, If I may be so bold  to say ... I think you may have outsmarted him. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™. It's now his move. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.
He plays fair aiya 😊. Appa Agasthiyar...all eyes are on you ...I together with all his followers request that you grant Shan aiya his wish.  Appa Agasthiyar  you do not need to be convinced that Shan aiya has earned it and deserves it.  
The full message...
Dear readers, This is in response to Shan aiya’s last post (Agathiyar’s Gift).
Given Shan aiya’s tireless, exhausting but determined search for Agathiyar all these years, I thought we should say thank you and pray that his wish be granted.  
Shan aiya has treaded smoldering coals, thorny terrain and dangerous waters to bring us the invaluable insights he has acquired, which we read on a blog today.  We are acutely aware of the numerous struggles he encountered during his mission.  However, it would appear that his search for Agasthiyar all those years ago coincided with the beginning of his work for Agathiyar.  
Shan aiya, discovered, unearthed and gathered much information around our father and the many siddhas over time.  He acquired much of this information through personal experience, which he documented meticulously.  His regular prayers and rituals positioned us firmly on a path, we now realise was destined for us.  While continuing with the writing he spread his interest to charity, feeding and several other humanitarian activities.  He went on to bring us knowledge around special methods of healing, medicines, yoga, exercises, diet and several other body nurturing themes.  He did not fail to stimulate our emotions around, compassion, empathy, love, kindness, gratitude, and appreciation.   He molded our character to reflect principles and values we did not possess.  More recently he brought us face to face with the 5 tenants, which is to now become our way of life.  He brought all of this and more through the medium of a blog.  He has succeeded in igniting emotions and melting the hearts of followers through a blog.  Worthy of mention is the fact that none of what he together with Aunty Mages undertook was for their benefit or personal gain.    He has not only found Agasthiyar but he has been carrying all of us with him to Agasthiardom.  Admittedly, a paragraph does not do justice to capture the achievements of Shan aiya’s work over the years, however all the intricacies are known to him and Agasthiyar.   
Returning to the last post… 
I concluded reading the last lines and burst into laughter. I soared to a space of child safe excitement and pure delight. At this point you must be pondering something like  “But how was that funny?, I didn’t think it was funny”.
Before I continue I would just like to explain that my relationship with Agathiyar is very much like Shan aiya’s is with him.  We interact with him as a real person because we know he exists and his interactions with us, mostly from the nadi, confirm this.   Hence I mean no disrespect to him by what I write and it is not my intention to offend anyone.  Agasthiyar has in fact asked me several times to write.  My expression here is merely reflective of the loving and comfortable relationship we have.

Back to Shan aiya’s post…
“I figured that by turning down the gifts the divine would have nothing else to give but himself! That is my birthday gift this year!”, is what Shan aiya concluded.
Unable to restrain, myself I eagerly messaged Shan aiya.
“I love it Shan aiya” I exclaimed in excitement, with hand clapping emoji’s.
“I think you have outmaneuvered him.  It’s now his move”.
From all that I know of him, “he plays fair, so let’s wait and see”, I added.

I then humbly requested:
Appa Agasthiyar ….all eyes are on you…I together with all Shan aiya’s followers request that you grant him this birthday wish.  Appa Agasthiyar you do not need to be convinced that he has earned and is worthy of it.   
Dear readers,  Shan aiya has taught us the power of collective consciousness in prayer, hence if we all send in a request/prayer to our dear father Agasthiyar, I think he will be happy to answer our prayers and more importantly grant our dear teacher his blessed wish.
The request or prayer can be your own words.  Please share and I do think Shan aiya would love to read them.  Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.  
Thank you dear ones.
  • Superb AnnaπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»Thank you for your experiences Annaa. Appa's mind voice most probably like "Magane, I gave u many things, why r u refusing that?" Shan Anna's replied like " I wan You and only You Appa". Appa got no other choice than giving HIMSELF😍😍😍😍😍 This shows ur vairagya also Anna😍. Thank you for everythingπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
  • Wonderful aiya thank you for your guidance aiya so blessed to be a part of ATM and thanking appa for giving u to us as a gift    nandri nandri ayia πŸ™πŸ™
  • Wonderful writing anne and obviously the best gift ever for your upcoming birthday is appa himself and all the priceless experience πŸ™πŸ™and I'm thanking Appa for gifting you to us as a lifetime gift. Thank you for your guidance anne. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  • ❤thank you is too small a word Aiya. We are truly blessed to be part of ATM and Siddha heartbeat. πŸ™
  • Wow ..spoken like a True Seeker......❤🌹🌹🌹🌹The other thing that I would like to humbly add here is ....the Importance of Experience, I was lucky to go for many yatras- Pre coming to Agathiar n AVM- was in Matha Amritanandamayi in Kerala, so many white folk, I was curious just asked them why and what attracted them to Sanatana Dharma...( Sorry I might sound like a RSS member) one pretty white lady said, "Why Not......" The others, it's the experience. ....I realized that only in SD  ( not belittling other system of beliefs)we stress the importance of Experience, in other belief systems, is doctrine, theory and more theory.....for Us miracle is A possible science  based on Devotion and strong belief, earned by good Karma via Righteous deeds....We All should thank the Almighty for either giving us the birth being in Sana tans Dharma or for some being introduced to it ...and later based on their own filtering methods , bring us to path of the Siddhas, Feel Blessed, Grateful, and Thankful for this birth and being in the company of such Noble Hearts ...Thank youπŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ™We have proved and have proof..that even normal mortals like us can be Siddhas & Devas is a possibility of Human Birth & process of the Soul.😊Now I understand the reason for the blog bring private , Good move Anne, it's difficult to explain, to those whom are not Open...that, Yes they have basis to debate based on scripture, which in 1 angle is Academic, totally Left Brained..but to make That Transition From the logical to creative brain( left to right) it takes Bhagawans Kadacham , go beyond Logic and that there is such a realm / portal / world that defies logic....( hence the psychologist asking for investigation😊) ...We are truly Blessed, even to come this our journey & Evolution
  • A journey with aim and focused to get Agathiyar Appa as a gift. And it’s happened today and you’re an example to us that anyone can get this gift if we’re focusing on that. I’m really very much thankful to Appa to show this path without get trapped into any wrong direction and thanks to you Anna for guiding me all this while.
  • True Shan sir, reading alone may/maynot lead you towards the siddhas but experience is gained only by practising what they say and one persons experience is different from the other. Some of us ignore experiences when we get them thinking ...hey...this cant b happening to m..realising later on ......and others absorb themselves in it....that very moment. Both gain an experience...every experience is a stepping stone...What  measures the Guru decides for the individual is a one to one between the Guru and disciple. For you HE must have decided something beautiful.....Your special. Hope to hear from you post 15th and a very Happy B'day in advance.
  • πŸ™πŸ™ indeed it is so really important for us to be focused on practices..than on reading... blessed πŸ™πŸ™
  • Indeed you are a blessed soul. We are also fortunate enough and heartfelt thanks to Maharshi Agasti. πŸ™πŸ™Is it your birthday today sir?Oh I see. We will wish you then but what else a man needs when he is blessed by Appa?
Thank you very much, family and friends. My prayers these days is for Erai to grant you all, all that he granted me. We shall all board Agathiyan Airlines.