Saturday 28 September 2019


We have come a long way on the path of the Siddhas. Having unknowingly accomplished the 5 tenets that Agathiyar spoke about at the Tamil Sangam, I thought our purpose in taking this birth had been accomplished. So I thought I should wind up this blog for everything has been said by Agathiyar through his address to the seers, Siddhas, and Rishis on man's purpose in being born. But due to the love of the Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM) Family that took on a new name Agathiyar Tapovanam Malaysia (ATM) given later, I was obliged to let it be. Today in appreciation and in return for their love, I thought Agathiyar Kudumbam (AK) would be an apt name for this loving family. Sailaja says of our family: 

"Enjoying my flight. The crew is doing a great job serving us delicious treats. Sharing experiences with co-passengers, praying for others, serving the needy and working on shedding the ego for the soul to come out of Maya... loving every moment of this spiritual journey. Thank you Aiya for this luxurious, blessed charted flight. Extremely grateful to be part of Agathiar Kudumbam."

Just as I began to settle down feeling satisfied that we have carried our obligation towards Erai and fulfilling our purpose here, Agathiyar calls me up for an Aasi Nadi reading and tells me the journey has not ended. We need to strive to attain a state known as Jeevan Mukti. And so I turned my attention searching for what the saints have said about this state and how do we approach it. A couple of days ago, Agathiyar spoke about Jeevan Mukti again and also mentioned Siva Jhoti. So I turn towards sourcing for information on this subject. I believe Agathiyar is mincing and throwing in new words each time he spoke to us, to keep this blog alive. 

Again Agathiyar tells us that there is more to come. He tells us to brace for more tasks ahead. The feeding frenzy will grow to larger scales. But the participants will dwindle for only the strong at heart shall remain to carry on the work. Those overpowered by Maya will tend to leave for now. Once they work it out they shall return. This reminds me of similar verses that Ramalinga Adigal sang in his Arutpa.

We shall carry out his dictates as usual and await his directive from time to time.