Friday 27 September 2019


When Kugan and Kogie came over to Malaysia from Johannesburg, South Africa on a visit some time back, the ATM family gathered around and we talked about our dear father Agathiyar and his many lilas. Kogie jokingly mentioned that it looked like we needed to charter a plane if we were to visit his abodes in India as his devotees at ATM had grown in number. Kogie than immediately came up with the name Agathiyan Airlines for the flight.

Although we are not physically aboard the plane but we have often envisioned boarding the plane to a destination of his choice. Drawing up a fictitious flight, and posting it in our Whatsapp group recently brought an immediate response from the ATM family, many listing their names to get on board the flight, with almost all of us not knowing we were heading and some requesting certain special seatings and asking to carry out tasks while on board.

Seeing the expanding list of names, Kogie messaged,

"Shan aiya. When we first spoke about this was a joke (aunty Mages will remember it will). Since then Shan aiya you have been raising and elevating our consciousness so would appear that this airline ✈ is becoming a reality and manifesting itself "I love it ЁЯСП. It all started as a joke but indeed it was a desire and as it turned out I had planted the seed with the right person. It would not be possible were it not for your efforts, hard work, time and commitment aiya. The journey has been arduous but you grew and nurtured us to this point. In your last posts you have been advising of surrender ...almost like get aboard on this flight take some rest and let the pilot fly until the next instructions comeЁЯЩПЁЯЩПЁЯЩП. Sounds amazing."

True to what Kogie said, Balamurugan too threw caution (and questions) to the winds and answered, "Why worry about the destination, since we are already in Agathiyar Airlines. I'll just enjoy the journey" and volunteered to serve us, as usual, "While all of you enjoy the flight anxiously, let me serve you with wonderful refreshments. Enjoy godliness with a full stomach."

Prithviraj brought some cheer to us too, "In Maharashtra for exceptionally great saint and devotee  Saint Tukaram, Lord Vishnu sent Vimana for him to come to Vaikuntha. This may happen with us too...Of course, the onus is on us to shed the weight of ego."

Bala Aiya agreed, "Thoughts create reality. We will all reach the agasthiyar mandala."

Sanjiv ji chose to take up the task of welcoming us, "Appa just told me u will b part of the crew on board. ... so that gives me the privilege of welcoming you all on board Agathiar Airlines."

Roshan who came last to view the list, messaged, "I m little confused on this new airline company which is having many followers. Some1 please enlighten me" and went on to add his name without waiting further.

When asked, "How is it you do not know anything (about the purpose of the list that was up and the flight) but yet boarded the plane blindly", he answered beautifully, "When the flight name itself is Appa's name. How wrong can this flight be heading towards ЁЯШК Where his name is, my faith is there! Rather than thinking and discriminating what I think is right and wrong and which path and how and who, I will rather be blind and follow Appa. I TRUST HIS destination more than my destination."

When we released the audio Cd "Agathiyar Geetham" a couple of years back, Roshan provided all the equipment and manpower and handled the audio and video show for the official launch of the Cd, free of charge. When I asked him for his business card stating that I shall use it on the blog as an advert for him, he replied, "It's enough that Appa knows Uncle." There you go. Such deep faith and devotion in Agathiyar. These are the types of great souls that Agathiyar has brought together at ATM.

Bala Chandran quickly came up with a visual announcing the flight while others began listing their names.

Flight AA1 Agathiyan Airlines is in mid-flight. Destination will be determined by Agathiyar. List of passengers: Mahindran, Manimala, Abinaya, Malarvathy, Bala Chandran, Rekha, Agatheesan, Nalini Rajalingam, Rajalingam, Sanjay Durgaprasad, Poorna Prasannakshi, Magaswari, Thirumalar fly, Rajah fly, Jegan, Darshini, Sahalini, Sowmiya, Subashini fly, Yuvarani (window seat pls), Harikrishna, Parames, KS Maniam, Balachanders (Business class) Sailaja & fly, Mr Mrs Sharmanan, Raakesh, Srividhya, Guna & fly, Vevageran & family, Thines, Praba, Ushalini, Vinesmaran &  Gowri, Shanga (Co-Pilot Seat), Balamurugan (Steward), Suren & family, Pedro, NS Shanmuganathan, Dyalen, Vimala, Vinthaa, Stan, Theeran, Nanggai, Kogie & family, Mr and Mrs Chaturvedi and family, Sanjiv, Mona and kids, Roshan & Family (Steward & Stewardess), Pruthvi and family.(Can do any (spiritual) work to board this flight) and Gayathri. I figure, that this could be taken as a sangalpha, a desire placed at the feet of the divine.

I thanked them, "Tqvm ATM family for taking the flight and flying with Agathiyar Airlines. Be assured that you are in safe hands from this moment on" and moved to change the name of the group to Agathiyar Kudumbam.

Having boarded Agathiyar Airlines, as we take our seats and strap on the belts, the pilot comes on air to welcome us. While traveling with him, Agathiyar took time to spelled out the ways and means of saving our souls. Agathiyar surprises us with the message and assurance that all of us shall eventually reach the state of Jeevan Mukti. But we need to come out of Maya first. If all this while we have been working on the body that is only a covering, covering it with clothing and ornaments, bathing it, feeding it, and praising the self and inflating our ego, now he wants us to work on the soul. He wants us to take responsibility for our actions, and change accordingly, only then the soul comes out of Maya. The soul needs to grief over the sufferings of others. Then compassion begins to well in us. It's only when the soul feels the pain of another that it shall come to and remain on the path of the Siddhas. We need to work on this before we disembark. He will guide us further from there.

He has asked us to drop all questions to avoid further confusion. The jnana or wisdom that sprouts out of all the experiences he shall give henceforth will answer all our doubts, queries and questions. He asks us to seek help from the Siddhas in all our ventures. Just a calling out of their names is sufficient for the Siddha to answer our call. The most compassionate Siddhas at times lament at the happenings that man has brought onto him and his world. We are told that there is much to be done and that both Agathiyar and Lord Muruga shall guide us further. He asked us to prepare ourselves to take on the new commitments. He asked us to continue feeding the hungry as he reiterated that the food shall turn to become medicine for them. Unlike common belief, Agathiyar reveals that this path is not for the masses as in bakthi. He says the number of devotees on the Siddha path will shrink with those who came as spectators leaving and only the determined hardcore aspirants shall remain. Once the devotees shed their hold on Maya they shall seek out the path of the Siddhas again. As for now we are asked to step back and watch the divine play take place for the stage is now theirs and the game is no more in our hands.

As I picked up the compilation of some selected songs from Ramalinga Adigal's Thiruarutpa that I had gathered for my rendition and use, after singing a couple of songs from it I then picked Ambalatharasey Arumarunthey. We had sung this song numerous times but yesterday a particular line 39. роЗройிрод்родுропро░் рокроЯрооாроЯ்роЯேрой் ро╡ிроЯ்роЯேройே роОрой்роХுро░ு рооேро▓் роЖрогை роЗроЯ்роЯேройே brought the singing to an abrupt stop. The singing had ended so has the journey. This verses by Ramalinga Adigal depict total surrender to the feet of the divine Guru. He has placed all his problems at his Guru's feet and vows that he shall not sulk in worry.

36. роЕроо்рокро▓ ро╡ாрогрогை роиாроЯிрой ройே
роЕро╡ройроЯி ропாро░ொроЯுроо் роХூроЯிрой ройே.
37. родроо்рокрод рооாроо்рокுроХро┤் рокாроЯிрой ройே
родрои்родрой роОрой்ро▒ுроХூрод் родாроЯிрой ройே.
38. роиாрой்роЪொрой்рой рокாроЯро▓ுроо் роХேроЯ்роЯா ро░ே
роЮாрой роЪிродроо்рокро░ роиாроЯ்роЯா ро░ே.
39. роЗройிрод்родுропро░் рокроЯрооாроЯ்роЯேрой் ро╡ிроЯ்роЯே ройே
роОрой்роХுро░ு рооேро▓்роЖрогை роЗроЯ்роЯே ройே.
40. роЗройிрок்рокாроЯு рокроЯрооாроЯ்роЯேрой் ро╡ிроЯ்роЯே ройே
роОрой்ройрок்рокрой் рооேро▓்роЖрогை роЗроЯ்роЯே ройே.
41. роЪрой்рооாро░்роХ்роХроо் роирой்рооாро░்роХ்роХроо் роирой்рооாро░்роХ்роХроо்
роЪроХрооாро░்роХ்роХроо் родுрой்рооாро░்роХ்роХроо் родுрой்рооாро░்роХ்роХроо்.

And so did we leave our worries to him. The moment we did that he called out to us and spoke to us the words that I have shared in the fictitious cabin of flight AA1 of Agathiyan Airlines.

He spoke about one of the many forms of Jhoti that Ramalinga Adigal reveals - Siva Jhoti. Well, Agathiyar has given another topic for me to research and read and share with you. As for now I only came across it mentioned at

In his Jyoti Agaval, Vallalar describes the four manifestations of Jyoti;
  • Suyam Jyoti is the Atman, the Self that reveals as Suyam Jyoti. 
  • Param Jyoti denotes the Vast Grace Light prevalent throughout the universe.
  • Arul Jyoti pertains to the Divine Light that is inherent in the entire space and expressed by way of grace and
  • Siva Jyoti - The infinite power of Siva is expressed in the form of Siva Jyoti. 
We come across Siva Jyoti mentioned in The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 1238) quoted in
Upon awakening to the Divine Light within (Siva Joti), Maya banishes, and doubts are eradicated (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 1238).
Those who become the Gurmukhs are blessed with the Divine Light of the Lord (Siva Joti); Maya comes to serve them (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 1324).
He who dwells in the the core of his very Being, and there begs for alms (of realizing God). Such a renunciate ascends to the Realm of Pure Consciousness, Siva Puri, within.(The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 952)
One who dances (or remains) night and day in Divine Consciousness, he eradicate the spell of Maya (Sakti), from within; once linked to the Supreme Being within, Siva, one will not fall asleep to Maya's delusion again (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 506).
Having eradicated Maya from within, by the Divine Grace, the mortal becomes established once again in the Divine Consciousness within (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS  1276).
You have staged this play in the world, and infused egotism into all beings. In the one temple of the body are the five thieves, who continually misbehave. The ten brides, the sensory organs were created, and the one husband, the Self; the ten are engrossed in worldly pleasures. This Maya fascinates and entices them; consequently, they wander continually in doubt. This is Your own sport: You create both sides, the play of Siva-Sakti from within. You sport watching Spirit loses out to matter or Maya. But You from within leads one to merger with the Truth and saves from Maya; like the bubble emanates from the water, and once again merges into the water (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 1096).
All living entities or Jeeva belong to God's Transcendent aspect. Hence the True Nature of Jeeva or soul is Siva, Pure Divine Consciousness. This Divine state of Pure Consciousness is synonymous to many other terms such as Jeevanmukti, Turiyaa, Chauthaa Pada, Dasam Duaar (Tenth Gate), Sahaj, Baygumpuraa, Awakening of the Satguru within, Divine Grace, Kingdom of God or Heaven, Mool-realization, and so on. In this Divine state one's worldly life and Spiritual aspiration become harmonized, and he sees God inside and outside everywhere. 
However, due to contact with the three modes of material nature or Maya (Taamas, Raajas, and Saatav), the soul becomes conditioned. It then behaves as "limited", "mortal", "deluded" and "miserable" and commits Mayaic Karma. To say it in a deeper sense, as the immanent and the Transcendent is one and the same, the Siva, the Supreme Subject, through His Shakti conceals His True Nature and takes the form of the mirage-like world-appearance.  
When the Maya-stricken consciousness of man comes to rest in Realm of Pure Divine Consciousness within, he becomes Jeevanmukta: remains dead while yet alive (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 1257).
When the Satguru (Self, God, etc., is awakened within), He becomes our Protector; through His Divine Light, the Wisdom is attained (The Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, SGGS 1328).
This brings us to wonder with awe the majestic nature and status of the Siddhas who win over all the laws of nature, the divine laws, the common laws etc. Prapanjam or matrix comes to serve them; Nature comes within their control; they come to manipulate the planets; Maya comes to serve them. The Siddhis come within their reach. Amazing. And it's blissful to know that we are traveling with them.