Saturday 6 June 2020


A reader shared the above. It looks like we have to learn many a thing from nature. Could this be the reason the Siddhas chose to stay in the forest and jungles, close to nature where they had the opportunity to watch nature in all its marvel and learn to connect with it? I remember Tavayogi mentioned that watching the animals our ancients came up with the Yoga postures that we continue doing today.

What does nature teach us? Brian Mertins list a long list of marvels in his,
When I was 15, I had an experience of sudden lucid clarity while hiking in the woods. I became aware of my senses in a way I had never before experienced. The trees seemed to shimmer as sounds of rushing water & bird song filled my ears. The air entering my lungs was electric. I realized that something about being in that environment had stimulated my mind into an altered state of consciousness where I could think more clearly.
He continues that nature is filled with amazing things to teach us.
I believe that paying attention to nature is one of the secrets to activating the full potential of the human brain. It can teach you how to think more clearly & scientifically, or enhance your sense of spiritual connection, or even achieve personal success. It all starts with having an attitude that aligns with your own personal interests. Every moment we spend in nature is an opportunity to make amazing discoveries about ourselves and the world we live in. Simply being surrounded by birds & plants has amazing beneficial effects for the mind & body.
He goes onto list them out.
Nature is possibly the world’s best teacher of how to be truly present & have awareness in daily life. All you have to do is sit quietly & observe your surroundings. One of the biggest lessons I ever learned from nature was that it’s possible to increase the capacity of human sensory awareness. Along with the increases in overall awareness that come from being surrounded by nature, you’ll notice that your ability to focus will also really improve. One of the simplest things to do outside is be still & meditate. 
Nature teaches authenticity by giving you opportunities to be alone with yourself in a truly non-judgemental environment. But immersing our senses in nature is an opportunity to bring back that genuine sense of amazement and magical wonder. Nature teaches us how to be grateful and appreciate the positive things in life. Sometimes when life gets overwhelming, the best solution is simply to take a break and go connect with nature. Nature is the essence of simplicity. As you become more sensitive and empathetic to nature, your interpersonal relationships also improve. Being surrounded by nature provides a mental spaciousness & opportunity for self healing. Nature teaches unconditional love by allowing you to be yourself without judgement.
And finally, Brian takes note that "nature improves our sense of spiritual connection." The following journey "Spiritual Wanderings in India" exemplifies this last statement.