Life journeys can generally be mapped using the following markers: When tragedy strikes, we are abruptly awakened from our dream state. We want to know, "Why me? " We begin to look for answers. We learn that every action is a result of a previous one. We come to know Karma. It pacifies us to know the reason though we might question why now and not settle it there and then in the previous birth. One who chooses to believe, listen, and accept begins a journey of unwinding his past life's mistakes by carrying out remedies and taking measures. During this journey, he sees the world around him, learns that there are many others worse off than him, and comes to terms with and accepts his fate. He returns having surrendered to the will of the Almighty who watches and governs us. His faith is strengthened. His spirit is strengthened. He learns to wade off making similar mistakes. He is a renewed soul in the old body. The soul begins to guide him henceforth, paving the path for him to travel. He makes his destiny now, with the help of the Atma within him, the JeevAtma that is a part of the larger ParamAtma.