Wednesday 10 April 2019


Each word and action of the Siddhas and Erai is slowly unfolding now. We are slowly beginning to comprehend the workings of the Siddhas and the Divine. The guru comes in many forms provided we are prepared to listen. 

When I came down with extreme pain in my lower back recently I could not comprehend why it recurred as I had bared with the pain for some 2 1/2 years in 2011, a few months again in 2016, and a couple of days early this year. The symptoms were similar to sciatica. But Agathiyar and Lord Muruga said otherwise. If previously the Siddhas through the physiotherapist came to bring relief to me; and both the Varma masters Arunan and Uva relieved the pain; then Tavayogi helped bring some relief through a magical pill; then Balamurugan brought me relief through his varma skills. The last time I succumbed to it, Dr Jana gave me a jab that brought instant relief and joy while Shanga taught me some exercises for back pain used by trainers in the gyms. Besides the most merciful Agathiyar and Lord Muruga prescribed herbal medicines through the Nadi which was prepared by Arivananthan Aiya and Saravanan. Dhanvanthri came to heal the pain too. Finally, Lord Muruga performed an astounding miracle coming through the Nadi and through his devotee simultaneously and in real time, asking for the peacock feathers that came to my home some time back as a gift from another devotee and healed my back! We did not understand how these were all possible then.

Reading Ruzbeh N Bharucha's posts, I began to understand as he sheds some light on what transpired that eventful day.
... disease first gets ingrained into our causal body and then moves into the astral and then resides in our physical body. That is why in early days Fakirs and Sages, would caress the body of the devotee with peacock feathers, as They could see the illness lodged either in the causal, or the astral body. Through Their power and affirmations, They would clear the illness, which was still in the causal or astral body, and not allow it to enter the physical body. Or cleanse the auras so that the body would automatically heal.
That is what Lord Muruga did that day, I came to understand. We are told that Yogi Ramsuratkumar was asked why he smoked when he was seeing certain devotees. The Yogi replied that he could see better the karma of those who sat before him through the billowing smoke.

Ruzbeh shows the way to eliminate karma. 
The stronger one’s causal body gets, the faster our karmic illness attached to the causal body is burnt away. The fastest way of making the causal body strong and glow is via meditation. Thus, the fastest way to clear our karmic ..... is also through the shower of cosmic energy through meditation, cleansing the causal, astral and eventually physical.
Ruzbeh shares the words of Baba Sai on the need to go into a silent mode.
Meditation and prayers are the only way one can strengthen the causal body. Silence or the ‘element of ether or space’ is the fuel on which the causal body thrives. The greater the silence within us, the stronger our causal body, and more chaos within us, the causal body gets depleted, so says Baba Sai often in channeling.
Now we understand why Arunagiri was asked to abstain from speaking and meditate some 12 long years by Lord Muruga. So have we heard the masters speak about silence and going into solitude. Just as the snake sheds its skin, we are here to shed the karma earned in our previous births by engaging in puja, homa, chanting, singing the praise of Erai, and by feeding the poor, unfortunate and hungry. Finally they bring us to a state of contemplation, silence and meditation, the final tool that erases one's karma completely.