Saturday 13 April 2019


Many have written to me telling me that my writings have helped them and my posts have answered many of their questions. Similarly, I have had my questions answered by reading Ruzbeh Bharucha's blog and postings. His writing is clear, simple and his reasoning very true while his advise is very practical. He is indeed a blessed son of Sai Baba.

Although the medical doctors observing the symptoms and with the aid of laboratory tests and other case histories and their past experience could not determine the specific cause of my severe pain in the lower back, they put me through physiotherapy though thinking it would bring some relief. It is true that it brought me much relief. Modern science deals with the physical body and the internal organs. 

Lord Muruga and Agathiyar, on the other hand, brushed away my pain telling me it was neither an illness nor a disease and instead spoke about the reasons behind my discomfort. They pointed to many things beyond my comprehension. Giving prescriptions through the Nadi, and coming through devotees, they helped me recover. They, I soon learnt from Ruzbeh's writings, had worked on my causal body. Divine science deals with the unseen and unknown.

Ruzbeh writes that the causal body is where the source of all illness, diseases and pain, begins. Hence the divine went to the source of the matter.  

We learn from Ruzbeh's writings at of the three bodies and its nature.

What is very obvious to us is our physical body made of matter, that is made of five elements.

Next, we are told of the subtle or astral body, made of three elements.

Finally, the causal body, made of three elements, that covers both these bodies.

Ruzbeh mentions seven cosmic energies residing in the causal body that is continuously charged by the cosmic energies in the atmosphere.

The causal body drives the astral while the astral drives the gross physical body. This is how we function.

The causal body is made of Param Akash Tatwa or Prime Ether, Param Vayu Tatwa or Prime Air and Param Agni Tatwa or Prime Fire.

The Param Akash Tatwa binds and holds and determines the health of the individual. Hence the need to care for this and the overall causal body is of prime concern to us and the divinity in us. And so it happened that Lord Muruga dealt with my causal body and its ailment by brushing my back with a bunch of peacock feathers.
First, the disease attacks or gets ingrained into the causal body. That is because it’s the first layering of one’s body and also the most subtle. Closest to the soul is the Param Akash Tatva, then Param Vayu Tatva and then the Param Agni Tatva. (Source:
Since our causal body reacts to our desires and intentions, strengthening the Param Akash Tatwa brings calm and peace besides good health. Since sitting in silence has the tendency to bring one to be filled with more Param Akash Tatva we have all the more reason then to sit in silence. For one seeking and working towards his goals of attaining the Divine state, there is a more urgent need to focus on silence because Vairagya Vruti or disenchantment sets in as we delve deeper and deeper into a state of silence says Ruzbeh. On the contrary, since both the Param Vayu Tatva and Param Agni Tatva pulls us away from this state of disenchantment leading us into Maya or illusion and thus getting us entangled more and more with the body and its relationship, we have all the reason now to just sit in silence. 

I understand well why Arunagiri was given this instruction to just sit in silence by Lord Muruga. Arunagiri brought onto himself severe karma due to his actions. But as he still held on to devotion to the Lord, the Lord came to assist him and deliver him from his past deeds through a new understanding of life or gnana. He sat for 12 long years. Both his karma and it's replication on the physical body as the dreaded leprosy was wiped away through the act of healing his causal body, by strengthening his Param Akash Tatva. 

By revealing my past karma through the Nadi reading, Agathiyar introduced me to the subject of cause and effect and karma. Getting me to go on a pilgrimage; carry out remedies; bringing me under the care and guidance of two wonderful gurus; bringing me to feed the poor, unfortunate and hungry; and by bringing me to conduct the Homam; the most compassionate father opened up avenues for me to work towards reducing my karma, while he worked behind the curtain to change my destiny. Finally, he has dictated me to sit in solitude too. I now understand from Ruzbeh's writings the reason for Lord Muruga to doing so. As Ruzbeh says, "All the recordings of your previous births or Sanskars that include experiences and conditioning are in the causal body, in the seventy-five-thousand crore cells contained in the causal body", Lord Muruga wants us to move within now. Having followed all the external means and ways laid out earlier in exterminating karma, he now wants us to wipe away the remaining fragments and pieces of karma through the act of sitting in silence. From working on our karma through the physical body he has now moved us within to work on strengthening our causal body, as Ruzbeh says, "It is only the Ether Element that takes one closer to The One."
Baba Sai says in channeling that through the power of silence, calmness, chanting and meditation, a Divine Fire (not to be confused with the Fire Element) burns away the karma that is encased in the causal body. Once the karma is burnt away (and remember karma is karma, both good and bad karma are burnt away, making your slate in the pristine state in which it came when the spark left The Great Flame).