Thursday 11 April 2019


As we at PTS are engaged in serving the poor, unfortunate and hungry, these pointers and tips from Ruzbeh N Bharucha would serve well to remind us of the right thoughts we need to carry in doing charity. 
So if you help a person with some money because you feel he is hungry and you want him to eat something, there is no Karma created. And let us assume there was Karma between him and you, by you giving him the money selflessly you have balanced the Karma and if there was no Karma between you and him, by giving him money out of compassion and selflessness you have not created any new Karma.
But if you give money and you expect a blessing or you expect your Master to smile, or want praise or any sort of gratification then you’ve begun Karma with that person.
Now, that so called act of charity too can become very heavy ten lifetimes down the line.
So what your intention is when you give the money is going to be very important. When we go and do seva of people suffering from some illness or we serve the needy, what is our true intention, that will decide the Karmic give and take between the individual and us. There should be just love and compassion and seva for the sake of love and compassion. Then miracles start taking place but if we were to do something for even Grace or a Glance from The One, we have started a chain of Karma. (Source:
Ruzbeh puts it beautifully where he shares further truth and shows us a way of dealing with the present life. He hits the nail on the head when he points out to us that "our Karma can create our planetary blueprint and we have created our Karma through the use of our Free Will."
Our Karma decides our fate or destiny and it eventually laces our DNA with the raw material required to unfold the karmic blueprint. We are ruled by our Karma and our Karma decides which planet is placed where and how They shall move and through that movement and planetary positions how our lives shall be dictated very often to the minutest details. Thus, we create our own planetary blue print via our Karma. Thus, our karma has decided the very placements of planets in one's personal astro-chart. (Source:
This is where Agathiyar lets us in on a secret. With the Guru coming into our lives and with our determination to bring change within ourselves, these very planets that acted out our karmic patterns and caused us to suffer or rewarded us at other times, switch their roles to become a Guru too, hence doing more good than harm.

The machinery in place is acting out as willed.
.... as our DNA is decided by our Karma and Karmic bonds, thus eventually, our Karma decides the minutest details throbbing within us and enveloping us and making us the individuals that we are. 
The Cosmos doesn’t make any mistakes. There is maximum impact, good or bad, based on our Karmic blueprint. They want to square all accounts but we as human beings, have a self defeating worm eating into our very sanity and wellbeing. We create more issues, multiplied by X. We don’t know how to nullify things, but to just keep adding. That’s why they say that we have a soul group. Obviously, because of the amount of Karmic garbage we keep creating, there will be a soul group. There will be those who will travel with you as each one keeps adding and creating more and more Karma with each other. (Source:
Ruzbeh compares the karma that is not attended too immediately to an accumulating debt that brings us on to the brink of insanity. It is,
.. akin to when one is in debt, having borrowed from the market and the repercussions of falling behind on payment are violent and dangerous; all one earns goes to just take care of the interest on the loan, leave aside the principal amount and it becomes a vicious never ending cycle.
Here is where we seek the hand of Erai, the divine and guru, ".. for Karmic management to work in one's favour the love and grace of Goddess, God, Guru is mandatory."
So the DNA Karmic blueprint is ultimate; it goes beyond astrology, it goes beyond everything. It is so complex that only a sage would be able to unravel the knots. But this blueprint is self regulatory and self modulating. Our place under the sun, is to go about life giving one's best and leaving the rest to The One. (Source:
If the soul group is known to lug around for lifetimes, Ruzbeh says the Gurus are exceptions, as they "belong to all of Creation, not to a mere band of people as the Guru, has no karma and thus there is no limit to the Guru's Oneness." As Ruzbeh speaks on the Karmic equation coming to a closure, we can all rest in peace when we come to the folds of a genuine Guru assured that the cycle of birth and death too would come to an end.