Tuesday 3 March 2020


Dear Shan Aiya

The recent posts burst with “truths and knowledge”.  On the surface, they may appear as insightful lectures or profound information which of course they are, but they provoke deeper introspection and contemplation.  They are no longer just a read.

The knowledge spins around the joy ride and fall, the chakras, the transformations, the inner journey, the solo journey, etc.  It brings us to inhale the fragrance, noting the taste, discovering through hearing, seeing with discernment and feeling with compassion.  How is this so?  Through experiential learning.  By taking us like a grain of wheat and putting us through a mill to produce flour on the other side.  Hence the fragrance may sometimes be dreadful, the taste bitter, the hearing deafening (unpleasant) and the feeling heart-wrenching.

Shan aiya writes “Similarly, he opened his doors to all kinds of seekers: the true and genuine seekers; window shoppers; touch and go seekers; seekers seeking miracles and cures; etc. Accommodating them for some time, finally, he burnt the very vessel so that those who were well equipped with his teachings could swim across the tide and rapids to safety and safely continue their worship by themselves while those who hitchhiked; the stowaways and holiday seekers were swept away by the strong current of the passing life and the lure of maya”. 

I think back to all those excited, committed, eager, enthusiastic seekers who aspired to take the Agathiyar Airline Flight.  Being one of them, I wondered if I was worthy of boarding that flight or if I would be able to secure the necessary documents to be considered.  I am perhaps at the stage of gathering relevant documents or on a waiting list somewhere…

I write this as an intern, as an apprentice on this path hence I beg your tolerance and patience. Agathiyar has numerous times, in previous readings, requested that I write. Certain I had/have nothing of value to contribute to this respected path and esteemed body of knowledge, I prefer/preferred instead, to hibernate below the radar.  However, I continue to receive taps to write. In response to this, I negotiated with Agathiyar that I would type, he would contribute, and we can discuss and see where it goes from there.

 (I have written this from the perspective of having a direct line of reciprocated communication with Agathiyar, which is not the case (in a literal sense).  I do have a direct line of communication with him as do all his other countless followers, which means, I pray/talk/share and he listens.  His verbal responses often arrive when I am gifted with a Nadi reading or message.  Hence in the absence of immediate responses from him, I approach this piece anticipating them, based on the nature of the indescribable relationship we have developed.  He assumes the role of guru and father to all his devotees and refers to all as son, daughter or child; accordingly, he is the father and me, the daughter in this dialogue.

So…here goes.

Writer:  Where shall we begin father?  Let’s begin with the first time we met? It was the 1st of April (no April fools joke), after a long-delayed flight, missing a connecting flight, spending an unforgettable, unplanned night in a dodgy, dingy hotel, boarding the following morning flight to Kallar, we were miraculously on time on the ashram steps at 9am, for our appointment (and reading) with Swami.

Much-loved Father: Good start, only a small correction, my child. That’s not the first time we met.  You and I met several weeks before when I steered you towards the Siddha Heartbeat site, where you first met Swami, was captivated by him and I subsequently pulled you there to Kallar.

Writer:  Correct, that is true, father.  Thank you.

Writer:  Our first meeting was beyond overwhelming.  Nothing could have prepared me for it.  You confirmed, you knew everything about me, and I knew nothing about you.  I was dazed for days. Subsequently, we worked on getting to know each other.  In my defense father, I was not responsible for wiping out my memory.

Father:  Go on, my child, type.

Writer:  The years, which followed, were amazing. You introduced me to several extraordinary people, incredible places and miraculous experiences.  I was on such a high. There were impediments along the way but I was confident you were there to help me surmount them. Subtly, as time passed, the heat was turned up. Challenges became more challenging and difficulties became more difficult. Tick tock and challenges grew uncomfortably hot. Often the speed at which they would arrive left me gasping.  But I was fearless, highly motivated and fortified. I was brave and bold for I had the support of the most courageous army with me. The heat gradually intensified and the accelerated speed of challenge delivery would leave me breathless.  I committed to the 5 tenents, to various charities and pursued several relevant practices and more. What was happening? No marks for guessing, it’s karma (you may have heard of it he hee hee). You can run but you can’t hide.  Truthfully there is no point in running, realistically where could you run. My head buzzed from pondering questions and subsequent confusion. One of the questions, which repeatedly surfaced, was the following:  the karma being meted out currently in one’s life, would it have exactly the same specifications (i.e. magnitude, intensity, speed, etc.) if one were not on the path.  In other words, could one’s karma (challenges) be more intense or less intense on the path?  I have discerned the answer to this question relative to my own journey however I pose it should anyone be curious enough to explore it from his or her perspective. Nonetheless, pondering certain subject matter should probably come with a warning. The subject of karma should definitely come with a warning.  Laboring through daily life itself can be arduous but the increment doses of karma take it to another level. At this point, please allow me to offer a cheat tip, “Do not ask, why me?”, it’s an immediate fail. The structure, format, and engineering of the karma system are beyond question. Should anyone posses a genius level of IQ, perhaps in possession of magical skills or Marvel inclined superhero talent, etc. and would like to question this system; best of luck! There is a higher probability that one could resolve their karmic challenge before unraveling the system.

Writer:  The Siddha path privileges one with insight into past lives, remediation guidance and support mechanisms on our ongoing personal journeys.  Being on the path begins its work by bringing change to every fiber of the human body, mind, and soul.  It’s objective is to guide one to realize, comprehend and accept one’s past karma and to heal or restore one’s soul to its original state.  Further to this, the path facilitates opportunities to develop and experience love and compassion for every living particle.  It also plays a pivotal role in gradually abandoning unfavorable behavioral tendencies to be replenished with appropriate life-enhancing adjustments. Ambitious mission indeed; which undoubtedly cannot be achieved overnight and definitely not without varying levels of pain or suffering. The path can, therefore, be perceived as a platform where serious work is executed, by both the Siddhas and the learners. Learners are groomed; often-through acute experiences to produce extraordinary results. There are no games here.  One has to be all in. Hence the burning question “Are you ready to surrender?” The entities that run this operation do not have the time or resources for time wasters or indecisive followers.  Although not for the faint-hearted those that commit to the path are taken by the hand, guided, supported, encouraged and nurtured through their personal journey regardless of past karma, present karma, good days, bad days, daily challenges or successes.  As long as there is surrender and faith one is assured of a union with a powerful source demonstrative of loyalty, trust, and honor for the rest of one’s current life and lifetimes ahead.  Those not ready to surrender or those who prefer things a little more laid back may find the outer periphery of the path a more suitable, comfortable and safer habitat. Certainly, an acceptable choice and acknowledging one’s lack of readiness should be respected. Choosing instead to learn, grow and experience more before taking the plunge reflects wisdom.

Writer:  Reverting to the question: could one’s karma be more intense or less intense on the path? Without a doubt, it can and is often perceived as being more intense.  However, given that there are no errors in the accounting of the karma system it is highly unlikely that one’s karma would ever be adjusted upward to make it more intense.  On the contrary, there are reliable sources, which indicate that karma is sometimes adjusted downward for devotees on the path by compassionate Siddhas.  At this point, karma can probably be let off the hook.  As mentioned earlier committing to and being on the path offers unquestionable benefits, but it is no bed of roses either.  As one progresses through their journey there are numerous challenges, hurdles, conundrums, lessons, tests, and exams.  These lessons are ongoing and can appear to be extremely daunting and adversarial.  These experiences are designed to grow, develop, nurture, shape and mold one appropriately to advance on the path.  These lessons or tests may lie outside the orbit of previously earned karma, hence distinguishing the two. The tests or exams are designed to measure and evaluate one’s performance on the path.   However, the impact and frequency of tests, lessons, tribulations, etc. in tandem with the play of karma can snowball into a larger monster creating the perception of exaggerated intensity.   

Writer:  To be really pedantic, one could ask “how does one distinguish between the play of karma and the lessons on the path?”

Father:  Mmmm, excellent question.  The easy answer, “your guru could tell you”. The diligently earned answer,  “as you progress on the path you develop the skills to decipher which is which by yourself”.

Writer:  Could one’s karma or challenges be less intense on the path? The possibility definitely exists.  Those on the path may readily agree.  My reflection of tough times often reminds me “things would have been much worse if I had to face it alone”.  In pondering the question of “more intense, less intense”, post analysis and introspection I have concluded less intense trumps more intense. My enthusiasm for authenticating this subjective finding could take all day hence I shall resist it. Furthermore, there is information, which supports that gurus/Siddhas have been known to sometimes take on the karma of their devotees.  Additionally, some gurus/Siddhas are known to gift their devotees with their tapas, thereby putting this question to rest completely.   

Writer:  Father, quick question, on the point of karma; can the precision and accuracy of the accounting principle of karma be questioned, verified or audited in any way?

Father:  You know the answer to that child.

Writer:  Actually I do father, you know me so well.

Father:  I told you that on our second meeting.

Writer:  You did indeed.

To answer the question:  Mortals may certainly question this principle.  The data, information or content of one’s accumulated karma over lifetimes is documented and available to us, provided we are ordained to receive it.  However, those who have traveled some steps on the path, who have heard the voice of the Siddhas (through readings or other), who have followed with faith, who have shown respect and trust, who have committed to elevating themselves would have earned blessings from their gurus and the Siddhas.  With these blessings, they would have received some true knowledge around their karma, which can be confirmed by their soul’s intelligence.  Hence these souls would never question the accounting of karma, ever. Instead, they are thankful for the insight.  Those without belief, respect or trust in the system are likely to dispute the findings and accuse the system of adverse opinion.  The absence of true knowledge and soul awareness is what results in distressed, anguished lamentations of,  “Why is this happening to me”.

Father:  My child, aren’t you forgetting something?

Writer:  What would that be father?

Father:  Has your portrayal of karma been fair?

Writer:  My apologies father.  I have indeed been biased and prejudiced in describing the often-misunderstood work of karma.  Karma possesses rewarding, gratifying and fulfilling attributes as well.  Karma can be generous, caring, compassionate and kind with the power to shower wealth, good health, abundance, knowledge, success, good destiny, etc.  And so he does, wherever it is due. Alas, we do not appreciate or entertain this side of karma because when he bequeaths us with anything worthy we believe we earned it and become dismissive of all else.  When he delivers undesirable gifts we lash out and remember him as being despicable.  The planet Saturn (Shani Dev) is associated with the operational management of karma hence he is trusted to deliver precisely what is earned.   He is portrayed as executing his job meticulously and has the chilling reputation of instilling of fear god in even the most feared.  

Writer:  While I have the greatest respect and appreciation for the work done by Shani Dev, I stumbled on this legendary story about him, which I found bravely amusing. Once Shani told Shiva, I want to come and stay with you. Shiva jumped into the river Ganga and remained there in Samaadhi for seven-and-a-half years, till Shani Dasha passed. After that time, Shiva came out of the river and smilingly asked Shani "What could you do to me?" Shani said, "Although you rule Tri-Lok (the Three Worlds), but from my fear you had to run and remain in Samaadhi in Ganga River for 7 and ½ years. Is that not enough for you?”.   (Sharma, R., 2013. Shani: A friend or a foe?. Speakingtree.)

Writer:  Karma, Shani Dev (planet Saturn), Kali-yuga, the veil of maya…could all of these instruments not be rolled up into one package, father?

Father:  That is a topic for another day child.

Writer:  Nevertheless, what does this mean, where does it leave us, what are our options, do we need a plan, do we have the intelligence, what resources would we need, do we have the capability to succeed, by ourselves?

Writer:  Answers to these questions may vary.  Individuals may hold different views, beliefs, and opinions.  The Siddha path offers us guidance, advice, support, direction, knowledge, insight, and various other mechanisms to paddle through difficult times.  Based on my limited experience, heeding the call, embracing the path and taking the hand of the guru offers the best, option to transcend the trappings of Maya flavored earthly existence, unforgiving karma or any life challenge.  Unfortunately, I have not explored other avenues deeply and my knowledge thereof is limited.  Regardless, the deal with karma appears pretty cut and dry.  The law of cause and effect, you reap what you sow, what goes around comes around, every action has a reaction is all based on a universal truth; free of culture, religion, faith, beliefs, etc. Indisputably, the reaction will one day arrive. Do we have the skills, capability, resources, insight or acumen to embrace or battle it?  If not, can we deploy the necessary resources from somewhere? Relative to the mammoth problem of having to faced karma or other challenges alone the solution appears too simple.  The Siddhas offer themselves to us, all that is required is faith, trust, and surrender. The opportunity to call on them during times of adversity is justifiably dependent on the value of one’s mutual relationship.  Bear in mind, this does not mean that when the “adversity” one’s karma would be simply wiped away, followed by a walk in the park and a picnic.  Far from it.  One is well-advised to be prepared for the worst and has no expectations.  It is recommended that one enhance his/her relationship with the Siddhas and increase their efforts in upholding the values and practices of the Siddhas, to earn their priceless grace which minimizes the control and impact of all challenges.  Certainly a more favored outcome than not being on the path and receiving the full wrath.

Writer:  Could it be overloading, overpowering, overwhelming?  Absolutely, it’s no invitation to a picnic.  Nonetheless, there are still options before us.  We could take the fast track now, join the Siddha path, do the work, burn the karma, endure the pain and achieve realization or we could take the laid back slow lane and opt to pursue unresolved karma in births to follow. Our karma isn’t going anywhere without us.    Kinda like… “You can check out any time you like but you can never leave”….

Writer:  Thankfully there are options.  Father, about the Eagles, did you know….

Father:  Let’s leave it there for now child; it’s been a long day.

Writer:  Yes father it has.  But do you remember that conversation we began the other day about? Can we pick up on that? 

Father:  Okay my child; you got me, about the Eagles….

Writer:  (chuckling) You’re the best father….