Thursday, 26 December 2024


When Agathiyar asked me to refrain from all my previous activities and go within in late 2019, and after activating the energies within in 2022, he asked that I do nothing further and that these energies shall do their work, now as he asked that I observe silence, I figured even writing this blog would not comply with being silent. He came last Thursday to clear the air. Asking a new couple who had stepped onto the path to document their experiences telling them that the Siddhas did just that, he answered my doubt. He told them that I was blogging my experiences and that my writings were read by many. Later as I stood before him he told me he had answered my question speaking to this couple. I guess writing does not amount to disturbing the silence that I was to adhere to. Just as he told I checked on the readership and was pleased that his message was reaching out to many. The past week's readership is as follows.