Tuesday 22 January 2019


When someone walks in with problems, Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal would listen to them patiently and tell them that their sufferings were due to their vinai or past karma. Then if asked what were they to do about their karma, he would tell them that they need to praise. When asked further who to praise, he would tell them to praise the siddhas. For some they are told to see the Nadi where they can learn about the past karma and take the necessary measures to eliminate its effects on them. Many are started on doing charity that would serve to balance the scales of karma. This is how and what we too tell others, when they open up about their problems to us, following in the footsteps of our gurus. Yesterday we were told the same by the messengers of Erai.

But how do you address or what do you say to someone who has seen the Nadi, performed the remedies, has donated vastly, were kind to the core but their fate had not changed even a fraction? It is said that karma does not affect a child, but his or her parents, till he or she reaches the age of puberty. But then how do you explain children who are hospitalized for months for all kinds of reasons having wires and tubes running through their tiny limbs and bodies?

I am lost here. The foundation on which our faith is build on, collapses. When having done all they are told, and yet fate continues to dwell blows, and they come back for answers, what do you say to justify their continued sufferings?

Could collective prayers help solve their problems then? It has helped to bring those who were on the verge of dying, back to live. Collective prayers for the recovery of a head of a group of devotees of Agathiyar saved him from near death. Similarly collective prayers by us at ATM, asking to safe Tavayogi touched the hearts of the siddhas, that they sat down to perform a yagam for that purpose. He survived. We are told by Agathiyar that collective prayers have the capacity to change things, as in the former when the devotees were told to come together in prayer so that the one in coma be saved and in the later, we prayed that Tavayogi cheat death so that he could be around longer to guide us further. Would I be right to deduce then that, we need support groups to come together in prayer for those in trouble? 

This is where we have to acknowledge that all our reasoning do fall short; that we do not have answers for everything. We might think that we have solved life's puzzle when another thing or something else crops up to shake or break our belief or reasoning. This is where we have to acknowledge that there is a power beyond us that has the upper hand over us. We have to admit that we do not have answers to everything taking place on the face of the earth.

For all those who come telling me that nothing has changed even after all the efforts placed and faith shown, I can only direct them to Agathiyar for answers. I do not want to come between their cross fire. I had advised many in the beginning but landed myself in trouble. Then Tavayogi told me why do you respond to their problems. Instead he asked me to send them to Agathiyar. We learnt a lesson that day. Today I ask them to talk to Agathiyar directly. I then bring up the matter to him too, in private, asking him why fate denies them justice and why it should deliver a cruel blow. I ask him when will there be a silver lining, a glimpse of some hope that things would change for the better.

We wait patiently for him to answer. There were some answers that he gave me after two years. Let it take a couple of years. We are prepared to wait. We understand that there is a reason behind all happenings. Meanwhile nothing can shake our faith in him. Meanwhile we shall continue to show our gratefulness for all the good he has done prior to the state of sufferings. 

Just as there are an unlucky 5 % of patients whose broken bones do not mend naturally as in nonunion, some people suffer even after all efforts have been taken and remedies done towards pacifying and reducing the harmful effects of their past karma. If it would bring some solace to them, even the saints are not spared. Some asked how could they suffer so much. One must understand that while they have burnt their karmas through extreme tapas and austerities, they tend to take on the karma of their disciples and devotees of Erai's from time to time, helping them burnt them as well.

It is all his play. It is all Erai's leela. If we can understand this, then we shall never be affected by any person, anything or in any circumstances be disturbed. It is only when we think we are in charge of our lives that we have to pay the consequences of all our actions that comes to us in the form of karma that needs a rebirth to settle. This is what sets the chain of action and reaction in motion that never ends. The day we submit that all our pain and suffering is of our doing due to ignorance, that of thinking that we are in charge; the day we submit that none is our doing henceforth; the day we surrender all our actions to Erai; that day is when the cycle of birth and death breaks. We become messengers and apostles of Erai. 

But the ego in us never submits to a master. The arrogant self would rather submit to greed, jealousy, anger, selfishness, hoarding, etc than submit to a master. When Erai comes as the master he shatters all the illusion. The ego is shattered. All the negative traits leave on its own accord. Positive thoughts takes its place. The self yearns to become one with the master, and takes on his image. The self then portrays the master. The lineage of masters continues through the disciples. The master then leaves his mortal frame overjoyed that his work in this world shall continue through his disciples. The disciple follows in the footsteps of his master, enhancing and improving the means and the ways, taking on new technology and bringing it to good use to propagate the path of righteousness. 

We at ATM are glad to be accepted in the lineage of Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal and Supramania Swami. Looking up at the forerunners on this path I am wondering if we deserve to be accepted in their fold. There is Tavayogi who has since gone into samadhi; Chitramuthu Adigal before him; Jeganatha Swamigal before them and Ramalinga Adigal before all these gurus. We at ATM have come under the patronage of these wonderful gurus. We are in save hands. They shall guide us further in returning back to Erai's kingdom and becoming one with the source eventually. We look towards that day.