Saturday 12 January 2019


Truman Caylor Wadlington writes of Yogi Ramsuratkumar in his book "Yogi Ramsuratkumar - The Godchild of Thiruvannamalai",
He built within himself the temple of the indwelling god, that vehicle of the higher consciousness, the subtle form of the soul.... I have traced his steps upon the lighted way of purification and discipleship where by a process of reorientation he reached the point when both the light and the path entered the father's house as Christ symbolically called it.... Then he became the light and the path.

He saw. He knew. He participated in the great plan. He related himself to the divine purpose and he made the purpose his as far as he could grasp it....The mutations and transformation which he subsequently passed through led him step into the life of service.
Similarly Agathiyar asking us to come to his path, led us unknowingly, bringing subtle changes in all ways and forms, be it in our thoughts, in our forms and ways of devotion, in our understanding, in our perspectives, in our experiences, and finally within the body and all around us. 

Taking devotion for instance it all started when he came up with a very long list of temples that we had to visit and conduct from the simplest prayers to extensive prayers that stretched on for a mandala or 48 days for some. All these we supposedly said to remove our past karma and help protect us from falling victims to future wrongdoings. 

Usually we are asked to visit certain temples, donate food and clothing, and feed certain animals. After having done the usual, I too came back satisfied and energized with the experiences that I had and looked forward to more miracles in my homeland.

From a simple prayer that included praising the Siddhas, by reciting their names, going through several books and the net, I went on to include a more elaborate list of names. Along the way Tavayogi instructed me to perform the Homam or lighting of the sacrificial fire, besides carrying out libation or abhisegam to Agathiyar's statue as directed by the sage.

We included more songs, that soon became a compendium, during the puja that would go on for hours. For those on the run we compiled a 24 minute prayer book. As we evolved and transformed we were shown many facets of the divine who came to instruct directly besides the numerous Nadi readings for the members of the ATM family.

Today our prayer is short and sweet, the rituals shortened and the puja takes only 40 minutes. Nevertheless both we and the atmosphere is fully energized by the presence of the divine. The upcoming Guru Puja and Annual Fest that is scheduled for 6.30pm on 21 January 2019 will yet go through another transformation as we experiment to arrive at the ideal state of rituals and mind.

As I posted earlier, we have come to speak with Erai directly without the need of a medium or a middleman. That is the reason we have altars for him in all our homes. Rather then plan a travel to the most remote religious spots, shrines and temples, spending a hefty sum and time, we retire into our prayer room and sit in contemplation at our altar, engaging in a conversation with Erai in the very comfort of our homes.

We are reminding new aspirants to leave their baggage (of thoughts that include their problems and others) outside before entering Agathiyar Tapovanam Malaysia (ATM). Rather then share their problems or unload them to us or others, we encourage them to come over on non prayer days and speak directly to Agathiyar at ATM. Soon they would begin to realize that it is foolish of them to pour their grievances at his feet for he knows all and they would eventually stop this and instead just sit in silence in his presence.

For the long time family members of ATM we invite them to come and sit in silence and take in his energy that both soothes and heals all pain. We invite them to leave their baggage outside too and come into his presence as a child would, be reborn as a child that has no worries and desires, at least for the few hours that they spend at ATM. We invite them to leave their baggage that they had unloaded at our doorstep behind as they leave for their own homes.

For those new to the path and seeking solutions we invite them to share their problems with Agathiyar personally and light a lamp, just as he had instructed. For those already in the path we invite them to leave their problems behind and sit in silence in his presence. They shall get their answers in due time, direct and unadulterated nor modified - from the very source.

Program for the 10th Annual Guru Puja at ATM.

6.30 pm Kalasa Puja and Homam begins. If earlier we had invited all present to individually come up and place the herbs into the fire, this time we shall get them to symbolically touch the tray of herbs, before the herbs are placed into the fire.

6.50 pm Abhisegam starts. If earlier we had invited all present to individually come up and pour the Abhisega items on the murthi of Agathiyar, this time we shall get them to symbolically touch the Kalasa Kumbam before the contents are emptied on the deity.

7.10 pm Alangaram starts. If earlier we started with bhajans or singing devotional songs, this time we shall sit in meditation on Ramalinga Adigal's "Arutpirakasa Maalai", a wonderful narration in 100 stanzas of how the Lord came knocking on his door one late night bringing him the ambrosia and placing it in his hands. Valmikanathan writes of this amazing visit of Erai to Ramalinga Adigal's quarters.
Already our Swaamikal has begun to experience the early fruits of the union with the Godhead. He describes one of them in 100 stanzas of the second decad of the Fifth Book. All the stanzas describe in growing amazement only one item of experience. Lord Civan walked on His holy rosy delicate feet all the way and, seeking the door of the house where our Swaamikal was staying, opened the door, hailed him and placed in his hands something accompanied by loving and reassuring words. While all the 100 stanzas describe the same incident, the description of the feet and the expressions of amazement and gratefulness vary from stanza to stanza. Nowhere, however, in any of the one hundred stanzas is there any clue to show us what was the object which the Lord placed in our Swaamikal’s hands. Whatever it was, the incident made such a great impact on the mind of our Swaamikal that he sang no less than one hundred stanzas to record that incident.
The above mentioned decad is Arutpirakasa Malai (அருட்பிரகாச மாலை) at and the item placed in his palms is an Indian sweet Laddu, symbolic of Gnanam.

7.40 pm Vinnapam and lighting of Aganda Deepam. If earlier we invited all present to individually come up and light a ghee lamp and put forth their individual prayers and wishes, this time we shall light only one large Aganda Deepam and pray for the welfare and good of the world and all in it.

8.00 pm A surprise element with Agathiyar's grace if he should deem it fit and deserving of us. As I said it shall be a surprise moment, if Agathiyar wills it.

8.30 pm Potluck Annadhanam Dinner courtesy of ATM family members. We carry the tradition of ATM family members chipping in on bringing over food for all to feast.

As we at ATM always say, we can prepare a detailed plan to execute, but as always Agathiyar and Erai have a mind of their own and do drop in surprises. That is the exciting part of all our pujas. We really would not know what would take place till that moment, even with the best of planning. This is what keeps us anxiously waiting for the day. We have grown to accustom ourselves to his plans and his purpose. He directs, we execute.