Tuesday 11 June 2019


There are many things that bring pleasure to us in life. There are many things done and that man engages in that brings him pleasure. There are many things created to bring us pleasure. Man becomes addicted to pleasurable things. Hence he goes in search of more and varied forms of things that could bring pleasure. This is what we had sought for all this while. These bring a sense of joy to us, at least momentarily. 

The Saints on the other hand though, by their teachings, bring us from the search of pleasure that is derived externally by way of the senses, to go within and drink the divine ambrosia and attain bliss. From the pleasures on the physical level, they now bring us to bliss that is of the soul level. Connecting with the divine is the stepping stone that brings forth this bliss. When the love towards the divine is reciprocated, bliss is derived. Bliss transcends the body, reasoning, time and space we are told. If at other times we are aware of all four, when in a state of bliss, awareness of all these are lost. The only remaining thing that we are aware of is the connection and communion with the divine. When bliss sets in, the hand reaches out to share it with others too, thence holding hands with all gathered, both seen and unseen. Today we understand why we were prompted internally each time to join hands at the height of our prayers at ATM.

In http://theperiodictableofspiritualelements.com/the-book/chapter-seven-bliss/ we are told the reason.
Here on Earth, Bliss is the spiritual ecstasy derived from a precise awareness of the connection with God. It is the byproduct of true, unimpeded Communion and awareness of Divinity. Bliss is an uncontained sense of vast and expanding happiness, rolling over hills and valleys, stars and galaxies, going inward and outward at the same time. It is the feeling of holding hands with everybody on the planet and every angel, too - at the same time, everywhere. Bliss is the pleasurable radiation of happiness from the heart at a level just below bursting. It is a smile on one’s face that just might rip. It is the spiritual analogy to a full body, all-pore-inclusive orgasm. It is chi, life energy, sustained in perpetuity. It is unlimited, everlasting Joy. Bliss is Joy, exponential.
Today we too have turned our attention towards the soul within so that the soul too can revel in the joy that we call bliss. When bliss dawns on the soul all systems shut. We are drenched in joy that can never be described. The pleasure derived is not by way of the senses no more. It arises from deep within and overwhelms us. We lose control of ourselves. We whelm with tears in the eyes that begin to stream down the cheeks beyond our control. We cry out in ecstasy. The body quivers. The limbs spontaneously go into various poses. Energy traverses through the body. Further tears stream down profusely. We break into loud laughter. There is an outburst of joy and laughter and we begin to dance. The soul delights in the arrival and company of the divine. Finally, we settle down and go into a state of silence. Silence prevails after the storm. True knowledge then dawns in these moments of silence - the knowledge that comes from the source, unadulterated and true to its source.

Experiencing true Bliss can render us unable to function, as it transcends body, reason, time and place. It can lead to trance, out-of-body experiences, obliviousness to one’s surroundings, personal rapture, revelation and profound understanding and insight.
Bliss is the joy of heaven on Earth. It is sweet elation. It is Nirvana. It is the pleasure of enlightenment or Samadhi. It is beatitude. It is a sacred euphoria. It is egolessness. Bliss is an ambrosia for the soul and of the soul, self-fulfilling and self-perpetuating. It can make you dance ecstatically, or leave you oh-so-very still.
Our Bliss tells us we are part of something greater than ourselves as it is greater than a singularly sourced joy. Bliss is the happiness attained upon stumbling upon the Holy Grail. It is the Holy Grail of happiness, inherently Divine by nature. Bliss is the ultimate natural high.
Is Bliss a lure? Maybe. Bliss could be the divinely-inspired, dopamine-inducing pleasure which lures us to Communion.
The element of Infinitude describes that state of awesomeness and unbounded capacity we feel when we are here on Earth and are also in our flow, fulfilling the mission of our Truth in Service to others. We experience Infinitude when we are doing what we were born to do. This might be said to be a form of Bliss. When we are living our Truth in Service to others; we are aligned with Divinity and we are in Communion. Pure Bliss differs from Infinitude in that it foregoes any need for a mission beyond “just being.” Bliss reflects the awesomeness and unbounded capacity of a soul just being a soul connected to God. We can feel both Bliss and Infinitude while living on Earth. In following our Bliss and in living our Truth, we may first experience Infinitude, which might then help us to bare our souls and experience true, soulful Bliss.
While Bliss is the ecstasy experienced from direct Communion with God, Joy is the daily manifestation of Bliss within all interactions here on Earth. Joy happens when we see Divinity all around us and within us. Bliss can be so powerful that it separates us from the practical world. Joy, on the other hand, is accessible Bliss that we can experience in everyday life without being in the la-la land of full- blown spiritual ecstasy. Bliss is a spiritual experience of the soul. One might say that Joy, on the other hand, is a taste of that experience filtered through the Body.
Your Bliss is right inside you right now. You don’t have to go anywhere or follow anything to feel it. It involves a pilgrimage of one step - within. To access Bliss, we have to learn to just be, shedding our ego and any sort of persona which evolved as a matter of appeasing and complying with the social demands of who we think we ought to be or what others think we ought to be. We have to strip off all layers and all masks and effectively “bare our souls” to access Bliss.
Doing personal and spiritual work consistently over time naturally leads to doing those things that truly make us happy and shedding those things that don’t. In the process, we come closer to our Truth. We peel off layers of falsity and are more who we really are by Divine order. Proximity to our Truth equates to greater Bliss since we are also closer to our Divinity.
Follow your Bliss as best as you can based upon your own Intuition. Bliss may be something we enter into through an act of Surrender and letting go. Bliss can happen is by having a sudden or abrupt epiphany, personal rapture or extraordinary mystical experience (in the dreamtime or in waking reality).