Friday 25 October 2019


The Buddhists monk are known to create the Mandala that is a depiction of the universe, painstakingly working on it for hours, only to destroy their creation. At an enlightening account of this ceremony is given.
A mandala is a symbolic picture of the universe. The mandala's purpose is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones and to assist with healing. According to Buddhist scripture, mandalas constructed from sand transmit positive energies to the environment and to the people who view them. They are believed to effect purification and healing. Mandala sand painting was introduced by the Buddha himself.
This meticulous process takes an entire day. Once the mandala is complete the monks ask for the deities' healing blessings during a ceremony. As the monks chant, the destruction of the mandala begins. The destruction of the mandala serves as a reminder of the impermanence of life. 
Life teaches us the impermanence of all things at all times. Yet we shudder when faced with an end to things that we cherish much. Nature and the Divine Laws create this body for our soul to reside and use as a vehicle but we begin to take ownership and possession of something that was loaned to us. When its time to leave it behind it becomes difficult as we struggle to let go. 

So is it with all our possessions and creations. If we begin to practice to let go of each and every desire, possession and attachment to things dear to us, we will have no problem leaving the mortal frame when the time comes. We shall be prepared for any eventuality.

When I began my webpage Indian Heartbeat and shared it on various platforms and uploaded videos to YouTube at the turn of the century, I took the decision to deactivate and close them later. When I informed Tavayogi he told me "Let it be son, for it will bring people to the path." I started from scratch building up all that I destroyed again.

Today I closed both the Whatsapp groups for the same reason. The lesson here is not to get attached to anything. Both groups Agathiyar Kudumbam (AK), (that initially started as Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM) and took on the name Agathiyar Tapovanam Malaysia (ATM) later), and Amudha Surabhi (AS) have served their purpose well. AVM brought together some wonderful souls who traveled and grew up together with me. AS that was an offshoot of AVM where we shared our programs, transformed to become a registered society PTS. 

If AVM taught us the rituals and worship of Siddhas, AS brought us to carry out charity. These were the two oars that Agathiyar gave us to steer the boat across the river of life or death. Recently he revealed to us that these were only two of five tenets that man has to adopt in having a purposeful life.

We brought massive changes in many areas beginning with the prayers or puja; taking it to its limits as in hours and soon drawing it to just mere minutes. From external, we moved on to internal worship. Every other person is now doing his own puja at his home rather than congregating at AVM. The seed has been sowed and watered. It is now the responsibility of each of us to carry on what has been instilled in them and pass it on to generations to come. Agathiyan Airlines carrying its Agathiyar Kudumbam is in flight now. 

Agathiyar says it's all a process, to cleanse the souls, to rid it off all the negativities it has been carrying with it. All the emotions that are pent up within have to be released. Bitterness, Anger, Worry, Fear, Dislikes, Shame, Indignation, Envy, Jealousy, Hatred, Ill temper, Anxiety, Confusion, has to be given a face. Agathiyar is in a hurry now that we should become pure and perfected. Hence he has given a string of happenings where the dormant vasanas and karma come to germinate and raise its ugly hood. We have to exhaust all these negativities before becoming pure in nature. Just as the pond is stirred up and all the dirt settles to the bottom to reveal clear water all these negativities have to come to the top to be removed in its entirety. A guru has the ability to burn one's karma. But how many would want to do that? Then we are told by Agathiyar that we can attempt to burn these vasanas and karma by lighting the homa or participating in its bigger version the Yagna, offering them into the sacrificial fire. Another option to burn them to ashes is in engaging in meditation. For those who do not have privy to all these means they have to live through life facing the byproducts of karma through suffering, misery, illness, pain, poverty, troubles etc.

By giving us these experiences, creating the right environment and situation for the dormant seeds to germinate he is hastening the process of ridding our karma so that we might join him the soonest as possible. Let us take everything in its stride.

As Deepavali or Diwali is a celebration of victory over evil lets fight this evil that dwells within us and come out as warriors. Happy Deepavali and Happy Diwali.