Thursday 17 October 2019


Robert Kiyosaki in "Rich Brother, Rich Sister", Vanguard Books, 2009, co-authored with his sister Emi Kiyosaki,  shares a great story.

Once a man stepped onto the edge of a falls and prepared himself to ride a steel cable that stretched across the falls. People soon gathered and thought he was nuts, crazy. The man told the crowd that he knew he could do it and stepped onto his bicycle. The crowd was breathless as he made his way along the single strand of steel, swaying, lurching to the left and right. Somehow he managed to stay upright and reached the other side of the falls. Once there the spectators cheered him. He then turned his bicycle around and peddled back the same way, keeping everyone breathless. As soon as he alighted from his biccle the crowd congratulated him telling him that they had faith in him and that they knew he could do it. So the man asked "Should I do it again?" and the crowd cheered him on, "We believe in you!" cried the crowd. Then the man told, "Since you believe in me who wants to go with me?" Immediately a silence prevailed, except for the gush of the falls. People began to back off and move away. Suddenly a voice was heard from the crowd. A little girl stepped forward and told him she will come along. The girl climbed into a basket on the front of the bicycle. As they rode away the crowd condemned the man for placing the young girls live in jeopardy. The duo headed back safely and the crowd cheered again. What gave you the courage?" ask someone to the little girl. "Weren't you afraid?" asked another. "No" replied the girl, "because this man is my father."

(The space is purposely left blank for you to ponder for a minute)

"Has this story made a point here?", that was what a friend of the Roberts looked up to them questioningly. Their friend told them "Most people believe in God but very few people trust in him. When times get tough, go beyond your belief in God and trust in God."

Robert writes "I had witnessed the power of God and the spiritual power each of us has in us. ..if we are called upon to use it."

Everyone gets a calling to do his share for the world. It can be a discovery, a service, or in educating another. It can be in caring or fighting for others' rights. While only a handful takes up the call, many ignore it although the signs were there. Many choose to postpone to taking it up to another time. I received my calling as I stepped into my 44th year of birth. I took up the invitation. Today Agathiyar has led me to his sanctuary, his paradise. 

Emi who became Tenzin Kacho  writes of a life of simplicity and sublimity. "Simplicity comes from reducing activities and acquisitions that are focussed on self-gratification, and the comfort of this life alone." But there has to be a balance she adds, one needs to keep up with technology in today's world. "Actions that arise from motivation to help others find true happiness and become free from suffering, make our minds and our lives sublime." A contented mind is priceless she says, and it comes as a result of happiness with oneself and from focusing on the happiness of others.