Thursday 25 October 2018


Traveling this path Agathiyar brought us from being self centered to looking outside and around us and extending a helping hand to others too. He reminded us that we did not take this birth just to eat, live and sleep, and to tend to our needs and fulfill our desires, but to assists others too.

Man having been cultured in making batter trades, expects something in return for showing his devotion to Erai too. He expects something in return for his contribution. Similar it is when dealing with fellow mankind. On the contrary, nature gives and keeps on giving without expecting any returns from us. We need to emulate nature. When we begin to give to another without any expectations or intent, nature gives back to us in multi-fold during our times of need.

I realized these when the AVM family came together to heal me in all ways when I succumbed to sciatica recently. I had assistance from all quarters, helping me with suggestions, advice, treatment, and delivery. Erai too came to heal.

Like the above miracle, we had many instances where we saw the compassion of the Siddhas come into play.

The most compassionate Agathiyar handled us very gently in a fatherly way. He preferred to advice us rather than penalize us.

He worked towards granting our wishes, sometimes immediately and cautiously at other times.

He brought us into the company of great souls. 

Never was there a moment he did not watch over us. He would let us fall, so that there was a lesson or two for us to learn, but was there to pick us up immediately. He cushions us from the fall so that we are not badly hit.

He appeals to Erai for our well being, hence removing our karma. He was there to provide a soothing word and an healing hand that tended to our wounds. 

He respected our views. He gave us total freedom to move. He never found fault in our doings. He wanted us to engage in all things. He wanted us to gain many experiences.

Finally he showered his blessings. 

Seeing the extreme compassion he has on us only makes us zip up and be silent. There is no more asking. There is no more searching. There is no more worries. There is no more fears. 

We sit in silence in his presence. The questions have dropped. There is no need to know. The thinking has stopped. It is enough just to sit in his presence. Bliss prevails.