Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyaar has mentioned on many occasions how the wishes of devotees who came to Kallar ashram had been fulfilled. Agathiyar has fulfilled our wishes too. Agathiyar also asks that we pray. He extols the power of prayers in the following Nadi revelation on 12.7.2010.

பூசையின் பலன்

நிகண்டு நாடியில் இருந்து அகத்திய மா முனிவர் அருளிய ஆசி சுக்கமம் 12.7.2010

உண்மையும் உத்தமமும் நிறைந்த பூசை
நிறைந்த இன்பம் தந்திடுமே  மகத்துவப் பூசை
நிதானமானதொரு  அற்புத பூசை 
அறமுடனே அகிலம்  காக்கும் பூசை 
அருளான  மாந்தரோடு செய்வாய் நன்றாய்

நன்றன புண்ணியங்கள் காக்கும் பூசை 
நற்கதியும் பலர் அடைய செய்யும் பூசை 
எண்ணாத சக்தி எல்லாம் தந்திடும் பூசை  
எகாந்த  நிலை அடைய வைக்கும் பூசை   

வையகத்தின் மாந்தரின் அகத்தின் ஜோதி 
வலமாக்கும் முழுமதி பூசை அப்பா 
ஐயத்தை நீக்கிடும் பூசைதானே 
ஆண்டவனை அடைய செய்யும் வழியும் இதுவே 

வழி வகுக்கும் சேய்க்கும் மாந்தற்கும் தான் 
வளத்திற்கும் அருளுக்கும் பொருளுக்கும் 
அழியாத மார்கத்தில் இருந்த வண்ணம் 
அகிலத்தில்  நிலை பெற்று வாழ் வழிக்கும் பூசை 

பூசையால் புண்ணியங்கள் கிட்டும்  பூசை 
பூர்வமும்  போக்கிடும் பூசை அப்பா 
இசையுடனே குடும்பவளம் தந்திடும் பூசை 
எவை எல்லாம் வேண்டினும் தந்திடும் பூசை 

தந்திடுமே தர்மம் தவ சிந்தை 
தரித்திரியம் போக்கும் பூசை யாகும் 
அந்தமும் ஆதியும் இல்லா 
அகிலமதில் உயர்வு தரும் பூசை அப்பா 

அப்பனே ஆண்டவனே உருகும் பூசை 
அறிவிழந்தோன் அறிவாளி ஆக்கும் பூசை 
ஒப்பில்லா மகத்துவம் கொண்ட பூசை 
உயர்வோடு  நீ எடுத்து செய்வாய் அப்பா

ஒப்பில்லா மாற்றங்கள் மகத்துவமும்
உயர் நிலை பூசையாலே இருக்குதப்பா 

Listen to Agathiyar's revelation of the benefits of performing/ conduction prayers or puja (pusai) as read out by Nadi Guru Ramesh.


Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal celebrated Siddhar Vizha recently with Bhajans, Puja, Satsangam, and finally a Yagam.

Tavayogi also holds monthly Yagams on full moon days.

A Yagam on a massive scale is also held annually to commemorate the Jayanthi and Guru Puja of Agathiyar at Kallar ashram.

What is the significance of performing a Yagam?


When Agathiyar came to Malaysia in the form of a bronze statue, he had asked that we conduct Nava Abhisegam or nine kinds of libation on him. Prior to that he was to be taken to the Aadhi Kumbeshwarar Temple in Kumbakonam and a ritual performed before he crossed the sea. This and other instructions were specifically mention in the Nadi. We did as instructed. That is how we came to conduct libation for Agathiyar every Thursdays, full moon days, new moon days, on festive occasions, and annually during Agathiyar's Jayanthi and Guru Puja.

What is the significance of performing libation?

Kumar Esan shared the following post on Fb by பட்டமங்கலம் ஜோதிடம் on the benefits of performing libation or abhisegam.

அம்மனுக்கு என்ன அபிஷேகம் செய்தால் என்ன பலன் கிடைக்கும் ......

இந்த உலகை படைத்து, காத்து வரும் ஜகன்மாதாவுக்கு கீழ்கண்ட முறைப்படி அபிஷேகங்களைச் செய்தால் சிறப்பான பலன்களைப் பெறலாம்,

சந்தனாதித் தைலங்களால் அபிஷேகம் செய்பவர் சுகம் பெறுவர்,

அரிசி மாவு - மல நாசம் மலம் என்பது தீவினைகள்,

மஞ்சள் பொடி - ராஜ வசியம், அரசாங்க அலுவல்களை விரைவில் சாதகமாக்கிக் கொள்ளலாம்,

பஞ்ச கவ்யம் - ஆத்ம சுத்தி, தெய்வீக சாதனைக்கு உதவுவது, 

ரசபஞ்சாம்ருதம் - கார்யஸித்தி, எல்லாக் காரியங்களிலும் வெற்றி,

பல (பழ) பஞ்சாமிர்தம் - தனவிருத்தி குறைவற்ற செல்வம் தரும்,

பால் - தீர்க்காயுள், நீண்ட ஆயுள் தரும்,

தயிர் - குழந்தைப்பேறு உண்டாகும்,

நெய் - மோக்ஷம் மோட்சத்தைத் தரும். ஞான விருத்தி, ஞானத்தை அளிப்பது.

தேன் - வாக்ஸித்தி, இனிமையான குரலையும், சங்கீதத்தில் திறமையையும் அளிக்கும்,

கருப்பஞ்சாறு - நித்ய சுகம், அளவற்ற இன்பங்களைக் கொடுக்கும்,

சர்க்கரை - சத்ரு நாசம், எதிரிகளை விரட்டி வெற்றி தரும்,

வாழைப்பழம் - தான்யவிருத்தி, பயிர் விருத்தி அமோக விளைச்சல் செழிப்பு,

பலாப்பழம் - எவரையும் வசப்படுத்தும் வசீகரத் தன்மை,

எலுமிச்சம்பழம் - ம்ருத்யு நிவாரணம், அகால மரணத்தை நிவிருத்தி செய்து 
வியாதிகளைத் தீர்த்து நலம் தரும்,

அன்னம் - ராஜகௌரவம், அரசுரிமை, அரசனுக்குச் சமமான போக பாக்கியங்கள் தரும்.

இளநீர் - அபமிருத்யு நாசம், சத்புத்திரப்பேறு, கோரோசனை, தீர்க்காயுள், நீண்ட ஆயுள், 

பச்சைக்கற்பூரம் - பயத்திலிருந்து விடுவித்து மன நிம்மதியையும், 
சந்தோஷத்தையும் தரும்,

கஸ்தூரி - ஜயம் வெற்றி தரும்,

பன்னீர் - சாலோக்யம், தெய்வ உலகில் வாழும் பேறு கிட்டும்,

சந்தனக்குழம்பு - சாயுஜ்யம், சிறந்த ஞானம் பெற்று இறையுணர்வு பெற்று இறைவனோடு ஐக்கியமாகும் நிலை. சாயுஜ்ய நிலையளிக்கும்.

சுத்தமான குளிர்ந்த நீராலும், கங்கை முதலான புண்ணிய நதிகளின் தீர்த்தங்களால் அபிஷேகம் செய்பவர் அன்னையின் அருளுக்குப் பாத்திரமாகி அனைத்து வினைகளும் ஒழிந்து இவ்வுலக நலன்களும் மேலுகப் பேறும் ஒருங்கே பெறுவர்.


Ram Dass (Love Serve Remember Foundation) shared publicly - Apr 26, 2014, "When I asked my guru to raise my kundalini, he said, "feed people."

Supramania Swami's last wish before his samadhi in Thiruvannamalai was to feed 1,000 people.

Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal has been doing this charitable act since his days of association to his Guru Chitramuthu Adigal and continues this act of compassion in his Kallar ashram till this day.

When Tavayogi came to my home the very first time he too read  a hymn that extolled the importance of feeding a monk or turavi from his book of compilation on Siddha Hymns.

Gnana Jyothi Amma has been asked to feed children which she has been faithfully doing at Kallar.

Agathiyar in the Jeeva Nadi told Surendaran Selvaratnam of Malaysia to feed the devotees coming to Kallar.

Rengaraja Desiga Swamigal has been carrying out this amazing feat through the many followers of his spread around the globe.

I was also told to feed the devotees at Agathiyar's ashram and at Supramania Swami's Samadhi through his Nadi revelation.

In the revelation of the origin of the very first temple for Agathiyar in this Kali Yuga by Agathiyar to Dr V.M.Jayapalan of Bangalore, Agathiyar who comes as a leper to cure the Asuric King, propagates the act of feeding the people.

Ramalinga Adigal started this feat back then in 1867 through the establishment of the Satya Dharma Salai at Vadalur for the sole purpose of feeding the people which is being done till the present day.

What is the significance of feeding or Annadanam then?

Sri Maha Periyava of Kanchi narrates the benefits of Annadanam to Sadhus at

"Give food, Give food. Give food", this is what Lord Krishna advises Yudhishtira in the Bhavishya Purana in his discourse on 'daanam' or the discipline of sharing."
"Yudhishtira asks Lord Krishna to enlighten him about the essence of Bhishma Pitamaha's erudite discourse on dharma in the 'santi parva' of the Mahabharata. Lord Krishna says: "The World, both animate and inanimate, is sustained by food. The giver of food is the giver of life and indeed of everything else. Therefore, one who is desirous of well-being in this world and beyond, should make special endeavours to give food. Also Food should be offered with venerable hospitality to the old, the child, and the tired traveller".
"Annadanam is performed for redemption of sins, to attain piety, to get speedy recovery from illness and also to attain moksha. There is a Hindu belief that sins committed in previous birth follows a person in successive births – Annadanam is performed to put an end to this."
My daughter posted the following on Fb,
"There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy."

Monday, 28 April 2014


A devotee of Agathiyar has ventured to install the statues of all 18 Siddhas in a temple of Lord Ganapathi near his home in Coimbatore, close to the Barathiyar University, with the blessings of Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal. Surendaran Selvaratnam and Bala Chandran of Malaysia have graciously each taken up the cost to create a couple of these statues. Suren put a question to me, "How do we identify or differentiate these Siddhas." I was puzzled too. They all look alike.

Agathiyar has been depicted in many forms. These are available on the net.

Among the many forms of Agathiyar, Agathiyar chooses to have us create a replica of him in Agasthiyampalli, Vedaranyam and now graces our home, Agathiyar Vanam in Malaysia. His bronze image was crafted beautifully by Varadaraj of the Bronze Creative based in Swamimalai. This image has captivated many devotees to the extent Agathiyar's image has been used in various mediums.

The original granite statue of Agathiyar at Agasthiyampalli

The replica of Agasthiyampalli Agathiyar created by Varadaraj

Bala Chandran at Bronze Creative, Swamimalai with master craftsman Varadaraj who with his brothers worked on Agathiyar to give us a masterpiece
Agathiyar decorated in many ways at Agathiyar Vanam
Agathiyar in Wikipedia at Agathiyar promoted on Varadaraj's webpage at

Agathiyar depicted with Lopamudra in an invitation

Agathiyar in another invitation

Agathiyar adorns a book cover
Agathiyar on a blog

Agathiyar digitally edited by a devotee
Bala Chandran Gunasekaran spots Agathiyar on the bill board of a Nadi reading centre in Vaitheeswarankoil and immediately snapped this photo

Saravanan Palanisami posted the following discovery on Fb.

Surprised! Found this at a booth at I-City Mariamman Temple, 2nd May 2014

Agathiyar adorns another book cover


Many devotees have come around to help out Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal since he started his ashram in 1998. When Tavayogi was instructed by Agathiyar to seek out a place known as Agathiyar Vanam and start an ashram, the local village head allowed him to put up his shed at the present spot.  The hills of Kallar is mentioned in one of Agathiyar's many works, AGATHIYAR 12000. Agathiyar mentions numerous hills among them Kallar.

During the early days of the ashram, a man approached Tavayogi to help him cut the steps up the small hill on which is perched the ashram. When Tavayogi was instructed to place the Aaru Aadhaara Peedham and worship the Jhoti, devotees came to his aid. When they were figuring how to hoist the single piece of granite across the railway track and up the hill, Agathiyar sends an elephant to do the job.

Many came to know about Tavayogi and frequented the place. Slowly the ashram grew in size. Tavayogi took up the task of feeding the poor, and occasionally purchased school apparels for the children in and around Kallar, with donations from the public.

In 2004, Tavayogi made a journey to Malaysia on the directive of Agathiyar. He made a few brief appearances in several temples in Malaysia promoting the Siddha path.

In 2005, a Malaysian, Appana Nagappan invited Tavayogi to officiate the opening of his Agathiyar Gnana Peedham in Batu Caves.

I met Tavayogi then. Subsequently I arrived at his ashram a couple of months after he returned to India.

In 2007 Tavayogi came back to Malaysia to officiate the First World Conference on Siddha Philosophy. He stayed back to preach and teach devotees.

On the local front, in India, he arranged to hold the Second World Conference in Chennai in 2008.

Meanwhile his ashram began to receive more devotees. Tavayogi who was already performing Yagams or lighting of the sacrificial fire on full moon days, decided to hold the Guru Puja and Agathiyar Jayanthi celebrations annually. He started with lighting 5 pits, during the peak of this two day event, which expanded to 108 pits, giving devotees an opportunity to sit and conduct the Yagam personally, on the grounds of the ashram.

Devotees who had their wishes fulfilled wanted to contribute towards the upgrading of the ashram. The 6 1/2 feet tall fiber statue of Agathiyar was sponsored by a devotee, and was followed by another of Thava Murugar. Both Agathiyar and Thava Murugar grace the temple then and now.

Agathiyar makes arrangements to have Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyaar bring back the miniature granite statue of Agathiyar that he had asked her to install in a Nadi Jhotida Center earlier, to Kallar.

Agathiyar instructs Tavayogi to have a 3 feet tall granite statue of him made and placed in the hills of Kallar, the exact spot where Agathiyar had given Tavayogi his vision.

Then Agathiyar delivers a 1 1/2 feet tall mystical single faced Rudraksham weighing 7 kg to Tavayogi through a sadhu, to be installed and worshiped as a Shivalingam.

Finally Agathiyar comes to Kallar Ashram in the form of a Jeeva Nadi through which Agathiyar spells out advise and remedies to the devotees problems and needs.

Along the way many have contributed towards Kallar ashram. I personally know a few. Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyaar, a long time stalwart and aid of Tavayogi, since the days of they conducting Pattimandrams throughout India until her present role in the administration and management of the Kallar ashram, stands out to all as a mother figure and a Guru too. Her devotion to her Guru is exemplary. My gratitude and pranams to Mataji.

Then comes along Jnana Jyothi Amma, a Keralite by birth, but a resident of the USA, who through her devotion towards Agathiyar, receives both the grace of Agathiyar and Tavayogi and the flood-waters of devotion is released for the world to see, through numerous miracles. She turned out to be a conduit to bring the world's attention to Kallar. If before her arrival at Kallar, Tavayogi and Kallar were only household names, she brought them to the attention of the international community. My gratitude goes to Jnana Jyothi Amma too.

Then there are Silambarasan or popularly known as Simbu and Prabhakaran. They have personally taken many devotees, including me and my family, through the jungles of Kallar to the spot in the hills where Agathiyar stands, known as Mulasthaanam, and brought them back safely. My gratitude to this magnificient duo.

Dr Nanjan, a veterinarian from Coonoor, has been of much help to Tavayogi since Tavayogi moved in to Kallar. The dear Dr took time off to accompany my family and me, and show us around Ooty on our recent trip. My gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the Dr.

On the home front in Malaysia I have two wonderful souls who keep me abreast with all the video, audio and digital footages that they capture at Kallar and hand over to me. They are Surendaran Selvaratnam and Bala Chandran. My gratitude to this magnificient duo too.

Kalyanakumar Veerapandiyan has now taken upon himself to promote the ashram through the Silicon Media. He has created and posted many mediums to this extent including Tavayogi is also available on Facebook and Skype. Today my family and I spoke to Tavayogi and Mataji through Skype, thanks to Kalyan.