Tuesday 15 October 2024


There is so much trash out there. In the neighborhood, parks, roads, lakes, ponds, etc. There is so much trash fished out from the rivers and sea too. So too is there so much trash on the net and social media. From the external as in his home and surroundings one has to move within and clear and clean his "home" too. We too came with a baggage of trash to be disposed of here in this birth. While working on these, we began to accumulate further trash, hence prolonging the cleaning and clearing out process and eventually extending the number of births needed to do so. There is so much trash in us and in our bodies that turns it toxic. There is so much trash in our thoughts too that turns us into evil beings and Asuras. 

Before Agathiyar's calling came in the Nadi in 2002, he had me clear the obstacles in me a year earlier giving me the Vasudeva mantra in a mysterious way, so that I could have the readings and meet my guru in the physical form. Agathiyar in the Nadi reading speaking about Karma and its extent on us and our lives, our actions and doings helped me clear it to a certain extent by giving me remedies and sending me on a pilgrimage. In 2022, Agathiyar told me that with the coming of the Tavayogi in 2005 and after practicing the Yoga Asana and Pranayama taught by him in 2007, the energies in the Muladhara that were activated had subsequently ponded in the Manipuraka. I guess the excessive trash in me had obstructed its free flow further upwards. All that is made from the Tatvas and the five elements are contaminated in a sense. Just as the plants and herbs are purified, these have to be purified too for the energies to travel along their designated paths without any hindrance. It had to be expel by all means. The practices though helped clear the breath and breathing, but the Chakras or energy centers had to be purified. Otherwise, obstacles on the path create energy blockages resulting in pain and discomfort that have to be endured until the guru comes to touch us, break the bund, and bring relief. I survived the ordeal for I have been a vegetarian for some 26 years now. Jnana Jothiamma did not as she only stopped consuming meat for some six years, after coming to Kallar ashram in 2011. With the touch of the guru, the Kundalini slowly but surely did the job, as Agathiyar said she would do her work, subtly working through us.

When I went to India for the very first time and came back to write about my maiden pilgrimage a reader from Chennai who was residing in Malaysia and who followed my website and blog whom I chanced to meet later shared her joy in reading it. She mentioned that I was the first person to paint a "clean" picture of India while many highlighted the filth in the streets that caught their eyes. I told her that my "mission' was to get to the bottom of my long list of Karma that was listed in my Nadi by Agathiyar. Nothing else was important then. So I saw no filth. It is always a matter of what you want to see. Many see the Nadi readers and begin to investigate them rather than see the message. Many follow the gurus and his shortcomings rather than follow his teachings. I told her to let me show them filth right here too. I could take them to the back lanes and streets of the major roads in the cities. It exists everywhere.

Like filth Maya is everywhere too. It reigns and flourishes in ashrams and temples, camouflaged in the robes and external symbols that gurus wear too, just as it reigns in our day-to-day lives. It is in the Nadi readings, in the Arul Vaaku, or in the conversations with deities too. Agathiyar tells us to carefully sieve through it all before believing. 

When Lord Murugan came to ask me to build him a temple in a Nadi reading in 2018, he told me that I would do it differently. I was puzzled. How could I show him differently? Already as it is he is portrayed in either one of the six forms he had taken in the six abodes of his. How differently could I show him? Later I thought maybe he was mentioning the Jothi which is the ultimate formless form of Gods and Siddhas. Then it should take the form of Ramalinga Adigal's Satya Gnana Sabai where God is worshiped as the flame and the light emitted. Only later did it dawn on me that as Agathiyar, the Siddhas, and the deities had educated me on many aspects of worship, streamlining them, having us drop many rituals and compress and condensed them to mere minutes, this itself was "doing it differently". When I proposed to two heads of missions in India, neither wanted to shorten the rituals and the itinerary of events for fear that they would earn the curse of the guru and the public for breaking the rules and tradition. But we at AVM did them with the approval of the Siddhas. We were indeed different. This itself was "doing it differently". Later Agathiyar told us that they had tested me and that the temple they meant was my home. AVM was a temple in their eyes. When the head of a Brindvanam for saint Raghavendra who had envisioned, built, and conducted pujas personally, was griefed as to what would happen to the mission and its assets and who would care for it and continue the puja, the saint came and pacified him pointing to his chest, saying that his true abode was in the "heart" and what he had built externally was for the public. Tavayogi in autographing my copy of his book "Andamum Pindamum" signed off writing "God lives in your heart, from where the journey starts and ends too." 

While we carry so much trash in us just imagine us transferring all these to our children and grandchildren by way of our thoughts, proximity, speech, touch, actions, and by example. Should not we repent and change our behaviors so that our children shall have perfect role models to emulate and follow? It might seem like I am focused on the negative aspects of life but it is only by knowing one that you know the other. I began to realize that just as it is only with the existence of darkness that we shall come to know the light, it is only with the existence of darkness that we shall come to appreciate the sun, it is only in showing us the bad apples that he can possibly have us wake up and become aware and not to fall prey too. Just as there are bad apples in society, Agathiyar began to show me the bad apples and the worms that ate into establishments, groups, societies, and missions, and left them in shambles. It was a learning curve. The learning is taking place even now and every moment. Agathiyar sets the stage for his drama to unfold and have us learn a lesson and gain experiences that shall grow into Gnanam. At times though we stay clear of any unwarranted situation he pushes us into it so that we shall have these unpleasant experiences too. We have to battle and swim out of these rapids and treacherous waters unscathed, clean, and stay pure to the core. Rather than give us written texts, he has us live the teachings. It is all in these teachings that come with living a life that he chooses for us. One has to surrender to his will and his will shall be done.