Monday 24 June 2024

Siddhar Songs

Watching the movie "Maharaj" exposes many weaknesses in the system, religion, customs, traditions, beliefs, and faith. But it is sad that even after 162 years we still fall for these bait and manipulation by men in holy garb. I am glad that Tavayogi had me shed my hold on holy men telling me that even he was not a holy man but just as ordinary as anyone else. He had me instead hold steadfast to the feet of Agathiyar of whom I had not the faintest idea. But today when all seen and felt, heard and tasted and everything gross dissolves into oblivion, what is truly standing is the subtle, unseen, and unknown. This is how the Siddhas break us and our hold on things, possessions, opinions, beliefs, and faith. Listen to these songs from these reformers with radical thinking.