Wednesday 19 June 2024


In the Gravitas documentary "Afterlife - The Science Behind Near Death Experiences", we are asked "For life after death would God be required? If so, where does God fit in?" Even in everyday living where does God fit in? For some who take it up as a profession to attend to temples and its ceremonies, from dawn to dusk they serve God and his devotees. For others God is visited during certain hours before his abode shuts its doors. For many others God does not exist. Faith and belief are required to accept God. These is often instilled in us when we grow up by our parents and family. Then there are others who begin to belief when a miracle takes place in their lives. But in all these God seems an alien who is worshipped and sought for favors. 

Call it God, Siva, Parvathi, Krishna, Narayana, Laksmi, Ganesa, Muruga, Agathiya, or Arutperunjothi or by any name, all these labels denote the one life force or Atman that is ever existing. It took forms and names for a game. Let us turn the table around and belief that we are God or at least a part of his mighty existence. Yes, we are existence existing throughout time and space. When we lose the idea of separation, we shall then begin to see the picture or rather the play clearly. We feel connected. We tend to accept and live with it and in it. We know that the moving force in us moves the other too. The Siddhas bring us to realize that we are all one, when he says that he and I are one. Just like the souls in plants and animals and other creatures are collective by nature, we too are collective. But the individual ego makes us think otherwise. And the ego arising out of the 96 Tatvas is caught in it. The ego in each individual overrides the wishes and desires of the soul, pushing him or her to act the way they do. In surrendering the ego, the soul is seen to do no harm to another, for would we cut off our own limbs or injure ourselves?