Wednesday 21 August 2024


A devotee called me up today to share a dream that she could not make out. Listening to her I told her about my wife's experiences in having a constant stream of dreams daily when I was carrying out my home puja to the Siddhas alone in the beginning years. When we came to know Tavayogi she shared it with him and wanted to know its meaning. As she had seen gurus and saints in her dreams, he told her that they wanted her to come to the path too. Then there was a dream in which she saw Tavayogi sitting in a temple ground and having something in his hands where letters appeared in gold. Sharing this with him on his next visit, he was surprised that she was shown something before it materialized. It was the Jeeva Nadi in his possession that he was reading then. Before that, she had shared some dreams that he brushed off as constant thoughts that were in her mind that came to manifest as dreams and did not give much importance to her dreams. As I shared all this with the caller, Agathiyar intercepted the call and revealed the meaning of the dream she had. In the dream a lady who she knew to be a lawyer held her hand and took her into a room and left closing the door behind her. She was alone in the room that was dark except for a light that shone. She asked me if the light was Vallal or Ramalinga Adigal. Agathiyar tells us that he was the person who held her hand and took her into the room. The room was the Manam or the equivalent of the heart, not the physical though. Agathiyar said the light was not Vallal but the light or Jothi in all of us. The light was that which was within all of us. We are asked to drop everything. The Jothi shall be revealed in us in these moments of pin-drop silence. Agathiyar then asked that I share it with my readers too. 

Agathiyar had earlier explained why he wanted us to sit in silence for it is only in silence that he could work in us. Saying this he also told us that he had leaked out the secret. (Watch from 11.56 minutes)

Watching YouTube I came across a talk given by Ilaiyaraja on his book on Bhagawan Ramana. Somebody had stepped before Bhagawan and asked him for mercy and a miracle in his life. Bhagawan shocked him (and me) when he asked for Guru Dakshana, an honorary gift given to the guru, first. But that man had nothing to give. When Bhagawan insisted on it, the man finally figured out and told him that he might have done some good deeds in his life and offered those merits that he had gained from these good acts as a payment to Bhagawan. Bhagawan shocked him (and me) saying that that was not enough! Finally, Bhagawan seeing his silence told him that he wanted the merits of his bad deeds too. Bhagawan had asked for his entire Karma. Now that man was a clean slate. He left and never returned. When most gurus refuse to take on others' karma, offering to and opting to give solutions in the form of remedies and carrying out certain virtuous acts instead, here we are blown out of our senses at what Bhagawan did. I am truly grateful to Agathiyar for the same too. He took on my Karma too.